Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 660 The Prestige of the Criminal Pass

Chapter 660 The Prestige of the Criminal Pass (fourth update)

When Void God calmed down, the Lord of Thunder Cloud, who was still surrounded by immortal energy, stood motionless like a mountain, standing in nothingness, as if no matter whether a demon or a demon came, he could not change his color.

This is the invincible power of immortals.

boom!A mountain peak hundreds of miles away completely exploded, causing a rumbling sound.

Not only that, but the next moment, a figure soared into the sky.

The Supreme Elder of the Yitian Sect, and the surprisingly tall old man Gong Kong, but here, his face is livid, and his white beard makes him even taller.

At this time, his palm split open, and there was that strange red blood flowing down. He possessed the power of the six realms, and as a generation of gods of Yitianzong, he was actually injured.

Everyone who saw this scene suddenly changed their expressions, and their wide-open eyes were full of unimaginable light.

"Oh my god! This is the strength of the suzerain!"

"At the peak of the gods, the suzerain's cultivation has reached the peak of the six realms, and he is only one step away from the gods."

All the disciples of Thunder Cloud Sect cheered up wildly, and felt the qi and blood in their bodies churning. They had never felt so elated like this moment.

Originally, Elder Gong Kong, a ten thousand year old monster, attacked, and their Thunder Cloud Sect would be in great trouble. However, they did not expect that their suzerain would injure the opponent with just one blow.

I believe that when this news spreads through the entire Tianyunhai, it is bound to cause an uproar.

"What a Lei Guangxuan, I didn't expect to hide such strength. If this person does not die, it may not take a thousand years, but it will take another step in 300 years to reach the realm of the god king."

"If he doesn't die today, he will definitely threaten the status of my Yitian sect in the future."

"Thousands of years ago, Leiyunzong gave birth to an immortal old man, and now we must not let him give birth to a second one."

"Kill, kill! Take this opportunity to kill him, otherwise once he breaks through to the God King Realm, it will be a hundred times, a thousand times more difficult to kill at that time."

Like lightning, countless thoughts flashed through the minds of the nine giants including Yitianzong, Lieyangzong, and Wanshouzong.

In the blink of an eye, they seemed to have reached a consensus.

"Hmph~Lei Guangxuan, as the god of the human race, you actually abandoned your position and wanted to become a god. This is an insult to our human race!"

"If it's not the god of my human race, it's a foreign race. Now you are a traitor to the human race."

"My Yitian Sect is the head of the great forces. Now that the two races of monsters and demons are about to move, at this time, there must be no unrest in the clan."

"Kill! Human traitors shouldn't exist in the world. I, Yitianzong, want to uphold the justice of the human race."

Everyone yelled out righteous words, and the murderous intent suddenly became awe-inspiring.

A giant of the four realms of Yitianzong, he even drew a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of viciousness.

"Listen, all Thunder Cloud Sect disciples, now your Sect Master abandons gods to become immortals, and has embarked on the path of extremes. The seventh son of Immortal Peak, Lin Wentian, is even more ferocious as a demon, turning blood into a demon. He is an ominous son."

"You Thunder Cloud Sect will become a traitor of the human race. If someone is willing to quit now, you may be able to save your life in the future. Otherwise, once other big forces attack with all their strength, you will only have a dead end."

This person is very clever, and he tried to make use of all the powerful forces, as well as the name of the ominous son Lin Wentian, to accuse Lei Yunzong of being a traitor to the human race.

In this way, there will be civil strife in the entire Thunder Cloud Sect, and fear will arise in the heart.

And at that time, all of their powerful forces joined forces, and they would definitely destroy Leiyunzong completely without any effort.

"Thousands of years ago, Thunder Cloud Sect shouldn't have existed." A giant secretly said viciously in his heart.

"What?" Countless Thunder Cloud Sect disciples opened their eyes in fear, their expressions were filled with boundless fear, and their complexions instantly turned pale.

threaten!This is definitely a naked threat!Moreover, it is also threatened by the three major forces of Yitianzong, Wanshouzong and Lieyangzong at the same time!

In an instant, the entire Thunder Cloud Sect was shocked. Some people fell into extreme fear, while others gritted their teeth and showed a cold light in their eyes.

Their Thunder Cloud Sect is a ten thousand year old sect, and they have been standing still for so many years.

If it hadn't been for the attack thousands of years ago, their Thunder Cloud Sect would still be the top of the Seven Sects, and might have become the fourth holy land of the human race.

In that tragic battle back then, the senior management of Leiyunzong had always suspected that there were powerful forces secretly joining hands with the demons to destroy their Leiyunzong.

No... To be precise, the opponent's real target should be the all-powerful immortal old man.

It's just that doubts are doubts, and they have no substantive evidence.

"My Xingguan disciple is a monster, what does it have to do with your Yitian Sect?"

"Get out of here!"

Just when all the disciples of Leiyun were uneasy, their faces were pale, and their bodies were trembling uncontrollably, a domineering voice with astonishing divine power suddenly came from a giant mountain of Leiyun.

This is the Immortal Peak among the Nine Peaks. The Immortal Old Man lived on this mountain, and it is also the most mysterious peak among the Nine Peaks.

"Boom!" A monstrous force rushed out like an ancient giant beast, and the whole sky was surging, even if some regular forces had no time to dodge, they were all wiped out.

"Boom boom boom!!"

With one drink, the hundreds of thousands of mountains outside Leiyunzong collapsed and the ground cracked. In an instant, hundreds of mountains were wiped out in ashes, completely disappearing in the world.

Before speaking wildly, the giant of the four realms of Yitianzong, his complexion was pale, and he seemed to be sealed by an invisible terrifying force, and his body could not move even half of it.

"What?" he yelled, his whole soul reaching an unprecedented level of fear.

You must know that he is a giant in the realm, and he is still in the four realms.

"Pfft!" He even spat out a mouthful of blood, looking at the Immortal Peak among the nine peaks, its wide pupils were filled with boundless inconceivable and extreme fear.

Not only him, but even the other giants, even the old man Gong Kong who had reached the sixth realm and was a god, suddenly changed his expression, and his pupils dilated rapidly.

"Oh my god! That's the Punishment Pass, the master of the Immortal Peak."

"The sanctification of the physical body is the power of the holy body. With just one roar, it can injure giants in the four realms."

"What? Could it be that the strength of the master of the Immortal Peak is no longer inferior to the suzerain, or even better?"

Boom! !The people who were anxious and restless suddenly became extremely sensational, exclamations, uproars, and excitement resounded throughout the Thunder Cloud Sect, and resounded throughout the entire world.

Especially the disciples of Immortal Peak were so excited that the blood in their bodies seemed to be on fire.

"It deserves it! How dare you say that the seventh junior brother is an unlucky son in front of the master, and that he is a traitor of the human race. Doesn't this guy know that the master is the most protective?"

"Especially since the eldest brother fell in the world of life and death..." Shen Hu said to himself in the Immortal Peak.

Suzerain Lei Guangxuan turned his head suddenly, his gaze was looking at the mysterious Immortal Peak, where there was a middle-aged man with his eyes closed, sitting cross-legged in nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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