Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 661 Yazi Tianyan Flame

Chapter 661 Yazi Tianyan (Part [-])
"The peak of the gods?" Gong Kong, the elder of Yitianzong, his face was extremely gloomy, as if he was about to drip water.

I thought that Yitianzong, Wanshouzong, Lieyangzong, and the nine giants would be enough to sweep down the declining Leiyunzong.

Coupled with his own shot, even if he couldn't destroy Leiyunzong, he could still destroy its prestige.

But I didn't expect that first, a half-immortal, the Lord of Thunder Cloud whose cultivation had reached the peak of the Six Realms, made him, a ten thousand-year-old monster, suffer a dark loss, and now there appeared a god king at the peak of the Six Realms.

In an instant, his heart was heavy, and he felt even faintly uneasy.

"What a punishment for the Immortal Peak. Everyone in the world says that the current Immortal Peak has fallen and is the last peak of the Thunder Cloud Nine Peaks. But I think that you, who have stepped out of the road of body training, have reached this step." He said. Speaking of fear, the light in the eyes kept flickering.

As for the giant Yitianzong who was injured by the roar of Peak Master Xingguan before, his heart was still pounding and his face was extremely pale.

If it weren't for the giants around him, if it wasn't for Yitianzong who possesses the power of the six realms, and Gong Kong, who is a ten thousand-year-old monster, is also there, he might have escaped here, and he would dare to stay here for more than half a minute.

But even so, he still didn't have a bottom line in his heart, even if he wanted to say harsh words to that terrifying figure, he didn't dare.

He is afraid!

"Jie Jie! It seems that the rumors have always been false. I really didn't expect that the strength of Xingguan Peak Master has reached the peak of the gods. Coupled with the sanctification of the body, his strength may be close to that of the god kings of the seven realms."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before the title of the leader of the Nine Peaks will once again fall to the head of the Immortal Peak."

"I don't know what Sect Master Lei Yun thinks about this? You can't just look at the Nine Peaks throne in vain, and watch the suzerain's position being taken away!"

An old man stepped out suddenly and said with a sinister smile.

However, as soon as he said this, the elders in the Nine Peaks raised their eyes and their hearts jumped.

Peak Lord Xingguan was still sitting cross-legged in the void of Immortal Peak. After he heard this, his closed eyes still did not open, but the aura in his body became more and more terrifying.

But at this moment, the half-immortal Sect Master Lei Yun trembled slightly, but recovered quickly.

It's just that the giants from Yitianzong, Wanshouzong, and Lieyangzong have already noticed it.

Especially the old saying that he said before, a wicked smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

This person came from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect and possessed the power of the five realms. Just as he finished speaking, he pointed lightly at the void.

"Kuuuuuuuuuuu!" Immediately, a strange formation instantly magnified, and mysterious runes appeared.

"Roar!!!" In an instant, a terrifying beast roar that resembled a dragon and a jackal came from this formation.

As soon as the roar of the beast came out, thunderbolts descended from the sky, and the wind and clouds surged. At this moment, the holy peak, the forbidden place of Thunder Cloud Sect, also roared in the pool, seeming to respond, even more like provoking!
In the shocked eyes of everyone, a monstrous beast rushed out of the formation.

This beast is extremely huge, its aura is terrifying, it seems to be able to destroy the world, it is the tyrant among all beasts.

It is unbelievable that it has the body of a real dragon, but it is the head of a jackal, and its eyes are full of cruelty.

"Oh my god! That's Yazi, and she's still mature!"

"Not good! This is Yazi who has reached the realm. This beast is bloodthirsty and aggressive. It is said that it is the king of fierce beasts."

"Wow... how could it be willing to be tamed?"

When this beast appeared, the disciples of Thunder Cloud Sect cried out in an instant, their eyes filled with fear.

Yazi, one of the nine sons of the dragon, with the body of a dragon and the head of a jackal, has a strong personality, is brave and good at fighting, bloodthirsty and aggressive, always talks about swords, often glares, and has a very vengeful personality.

Grudges of Yaizu must be repaid, and it is the second son of Zulong, Yazi.

Unexpectedly, the giant in the realm of the Wanshou Sect summoned a Yazi, and for a while, countless disciples of Shenyuan and True God trembled all over.

As soon as the head of the realm Yazi came out, the Xingguan who was sitting cross-legged in the void of the Immortal Peak, with his eyes closed all the time, his eyes suddenly roared, and there were phantoms of real dragons and unicorns roaring and fighting in the depths of his pupils.

At this moment, the Thunder Cloud Sect's nine peaks ranked sixth in the Tianhuo Peak. With a bang, a monstrous divine flame rose into the sky, turning into a large sea of ​​terrifying flames, emitting an astonishing warmth.

If it weren't for the formation of dust particles in the main formation of the Void Formation Peak, and the Thunder Cloud Sect who hadn't activated the sect protection formation, many disciples would have been melted by the high temperature at this time, or burned to ashes.

Even so, the many elders of Feng Jiu still didn't intend to open the grand array of guardians, because they could already sense the intentions of their suzerain and some giants.

It seems that their Thunder Cloud Sect is no longer willing to be ranked fifth among the seven sects. This time, their Thunder Cloud Sect wants to stir up the human race again.

They want the world to know that even if the Immortal Patriarch was not there back then, their Thunder Cloud Sect is still not a soft persimmon that others can squeeze.


If their Thunder Cloud Sect wants to stir up trouble, they need an astonishing shock, and now is a great opportunity.


At the same time, a huge vortex appeared in the center of the sea of ​​flames, and began to devour the divine flames in all directions.

"Roar!!" Suddenly, an astonishing beast roar came out.

This beast roar is the overlord of all beasts, the roar of a real dragon.

Under the shocked gazes of countless people, a huge monster with a red body, emitting astonishing flames, hovered in the void.

Some people with sharp eyes can faintly see a figure sitting cross-legged on the head of this behemoth.

"My God! This is the fire dragon of the real dragon family."

The fire dragon is the royal family among ten thousand dragons, it is the same as the thunder dragon, second only to the black dragon family, and it is an ancient existence among ten thousand beasts.

According to legend, the ancestor of the Fire Dragon Clan once reached the Seventh Realm, that is, the so-called God King Beast, known as the King of Dragons and the Overlord of Beasts.

Although everyone knew that the huge fire dragon in front of them was not a real fire dragon, they were still shocked and could not help but gasp.

One must know that it is impossible for ordinary people to have the power of a dragon, let alone the power of a real dragon. From this, one can see how amazing the strength of that figure sitting cross-legged on the dragon's head is.

"Ah... he is the master of Tianhuo Peak, he has left the customs!"

"What? He is the Lord of Tianhuo Peak, Tianyan, who was rumored to be the reincarnation of Emperor Yan, who was born to control all fires?"

Boom!When some senior disciples saw the figure clearly, their eyes widened and they cried out loudly.

"Wow! The peak master has finally come out!" You Tianhuo Peak's disciple shouted excitedly.

But everyone didn't know that there was an old man in Tianhuo Peak at this time, and his face was extremely gloomy.

The next moment, he didn't know what to think of, and suddenly turned his head to look in a certain direction.

His eyes flashed coldly, his figure flashed, and he disappeared from the original place in an instant.

(Before 10:30 in the second update, and after twelve o'clock in the third update)
(End of this chapter)

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