Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 670 Subduing Suan Ni

Chapter 670 Subduing Suan Ni
"Have you heard? Just when the giants of Yitianzong, Wanshouzong, Lieyangzong and other realms attacked my Leiyunzong, I don't know who Yuyu sneaked into Elder Guyun's retreat and forcibly broke into the barrier. Injured Elder Guyun." A disciple said in a low voice.

"What? Is this really the case?"

"How is this possible? Could it be that there are spies from other forces in my Thunder Cloud Sect?" The bystanders shouted after hearing this.

"Hush! Keep your voice down, boy. Now this news has been banned by the Lord of Tianhuo Peak. If you want to die, don't get me involved." The expression of the bystanders changed drastically, and they stared fiercely at the person who yelled before.

Immediately, the man shut his mouth quickly, looking at the gazes of the crowd, his face was pale, and his forehead was already soaked with sweat.

Now that the enemy is in the face, if it is rumored that there are spies in this sect, it will definitely cause commotion, so before the matter is investigated, Lei Yun's senior management issued a ban.

But even so, the paper still couldn't wrap the fire, and many disciples were still discussing in secret.

Especially Tianhuo Peak, a disciple of Guyun's lineage, roared loudly, claiming that he wanted to crush the ashes of the murderer, and let his blood be tasted by blood.

"Damn it! I didn't expect Elder Gu Yun to be killed just after the peak master left the customs. There is no need to investigate this matter again. In all likelihood, it was done by that cold-blooded person."

"That's right! It could be said that the old guy Leng Jiang made the move himself. Otherwise, even if Elder Guyun is retreating, with his strength, let alone an ordinary disciple, even an elite disciple would not be able to get close to him, let alone It is said that he was severely injured, and now his life or death is uncertain."

The disciples of Guyun's lineage looked ruthlessly like a blade.

"Lengjiang!" Surrounded by everyone, Gu Yunyu gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Immediately send someone down to the realm, and tell Junior Brother Lin the news. Now that I'm in Guyun's lineage, maybe he's the only one, and that's enough to avenge Elder Guyun." He said with a twinkle in his eyes.


Just when the disciples of Guyun's lineage had the killing intent in their hearts, here is Leifeng, the head of the nine main peaks, and in the main hall, there are nine vague figures gathered here.

These nine people are none other than the nine peak giants of Thunder Cloud Sect.

"Junior Brother Tianyan, what do you think of this matter?" The Lord of Thundercloud sitting in the center asked.

Immediately, except for the peak master Xing Guan who was the tycoon of the Immortal Peak, everyone else turned their attention to the master of Tianhuo Peak, Tian Yan.

This is a middle-aged man, seemingly ordinary, a scholar with no strength to fight, but from his body, there is an astonishing power.

"Cough cough!" Suddenly he covered his mouth and coughed twice, with blood still faintly coughing up.

Suddenly, everyone frowned.

"Brother Tianyan, are you alright?" The Master of Huan Shui Peak said with a worried look in his eyes.

Peak Lord Tianyan shook his head lightly and said: "Back then, I forcibly broke through the platform of life and death, and suffered serious backlash injuries. It took nearly a hundred years to gradually suppress it."

Decades ago, Elder Leng Jiang from Tianhuo Peak and Elder Gu Yun appeared together on the Stage of Life and Death. At that time, they almost shocked the entire Thunder Cloud Sect.

Once entering the stage of life and death, unless one of them dies, the enchantment on the stage will not disappear, which is well known to all disciples.

At that time, the Lord of Tianhuo Peak didn't want to watch Elder Leng Jiang and Elder Guy Yun fight, and finally forcibly broke the barrier and took them away from the platform of life and death.

It is also because of this that old troubles are left behind, and the injuries in the body have been recuperated for nearly a hundred years in retreat.

It's just that the Terrace of Life and Death is a mysterious place in Thunder Cloud Sect. It comes from the forbidden area of ​​Life and Death Peak.

Because this is a moral injury.

"Junior Brother Tianyan, take this elixir! Although it can't completely heal your internal injuries, it can at least suppress it," said the master of Lingdan Peak.

After saying that, he flicked his fingers, and a beam of light rushed towards Tianyan.

The owner of Tianhuo Peak was not polite, after swallowing it, his pale face slowly returned to a touch of rosiness.

Then, he said to the master of Lingdan Peak again: "How is Guyun's injury?"

"It's not life-threatening, but his meridians are damaged, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to repair, unless there is a ten-thousand-year magic medicine to refine a nine-turn pulse-shaping pill." The Lord of Lingdan Peak sighed.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone became silent.

Because even though their Thunder Cloud Sect is the Ten Thousand Years Grand Sect, the Ten Thousand Years Divine Medicine is also a peerless treasure to them, which is the foundation of a great power.

Often some old monsters in the sect who are nearing the end of their lifespans just want to use this to continue their lives, and they must not be used lightly.

It's okay for the giants of the realm. Some ancient realm powerhouses, even elders, are not worth using their background.

The master of Tianhuo Peak shook his head lightly. Even if he is a giant of the Nine Peaks, he is not the only one who has the final say on how to use the Wannian magic medicine.

"Someone dares to attack and kill an elder-level existence under our noses. No matter who it is, I will expose it and make him regret being born in this world." A cold voice sounded.

The person who speaks is the Lord of Anwu Peak.

Suddenly, an astonishing murderous intent filled the entire hall.

When everyone heard this, their eyes flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Tianyuan Continent.

A slender figure stood in the air, his black hair fluttered in the wind, and his hands were constantly forming seals. Suddenly, there were bursts of strange light in the void, and more runes emerged.

This person is asking the sky.

In the previous battle with the old man of the Fang family, the formations and barriers of the ancient country were blown away by the Moon God Saber, so he had to rearrange them.

Suddenly, he paused in the imprint of both hands, and shouted to the sky: "It's your turn!"

"Roar!" A beast roared like thunder, and there was a huge monster standing in the sky above him.

Suanni, an ancient relic.

"Peng!" As it roared, its eyes flashed red, and its entire huge body puffed up, completely turning into a thick and seemingly indestructible mist.

In the blink of an eye, the entire ancient country was shrouded in a puff of smoke again, and it seemed to become a realm.

Not only that, but these smog seem to be alive, they seem to be watching every move in the ancient country or abroad all the time.

This is the power of Suan Ni's smoke.

The smoke can be said to be its body, or its avatar, but its real body has shrunk a lot now, turning into a 猊狻 only one meter high.

Although it has shrunk a lot, its animal prestige is still undiminished, and it looks majestic, but the two Ye Feng and Ye Xue on its back make it bow their heads in aggrieved manner, and become dejected.

It didn't expect that, as the fifth son of Zulong, it would be reduced to such a state, especially the boy on its back, who was constantly playing with its hair. For it, it was simply a nightmare in life.

It's just that it has to bow its head now that it is under the fence.

Just when the enchantment and formation of the ancient country were formed again, and with the help of Suan Ni, they became more impenetrable and mysterious, a bloody figure rushed out of the nothingness of the ancient country.

"Junior Brother Lin!" The man shouted with blood in his mouth and astonishing hatred in his eyes.

Just the next moment, he stumbled and fell from the air with a bang.

At the same time, Wentian in the barrier suddenly changed his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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