Chapter 671

"Whoever it is? One day, I, Lin Wentian, will make your life worse than death." In a secret room, Wentian burst into murderous intent, his voice full of coldness.

In front of him, a blood-stained man with scars all over his body was lying on a bed with a pale complexion.

This person is a disciple of Guyun's lineage.

"There's nothing wrong! It's definitely a member of Leng Jiang's lineage. I was too careless, otherwise, they wouldn't..." Somehow, this disciple of Guyun's lineage's eyes were bloodshot, and his face was ferocious. twist up.

Because just before, they obeyed Gu Yunyu's order, and the lower realm wanted to pass on the information that elder Gu Yun was attacked to the emperor of the ancient kingdom in the lower realm.

That is, Lin Wentian, the seventh son of Immortal Peak who is in the limelight right now.

But he didn't expect that they were attacked and killed by several powerful enemies on the way. In the end, he was the only one who managed to escape under the sacrifice of his companions.

Whenever he thinks of his companion who died tragically in front of him, his whole body seems to be engulfed in anger, and there is only one thought in his mind, that is, he wants revenge.

Although those people were deliberately concealing their identities, they were still seen through by him, because it was not a matter of overnight for him to fight against each other.

"Leng Jiang, I want you to pay in blood." Wen Tianhei danced wildly and let out a startling roar.

Although he didn't get along with Master Guyun not long ago, in his heart, his master is his relative. When he heard the news, his heart was filled with anger.

His master ancestor didn't have an accident, but it happened when the Lord of Tianhuo Peak was leaving the customs, and he also vaguely guessed in his heart who the murderer was.

It was also because of this that an astonishing murderous intent filled his heart.

What about the elders?

In Lin Wentian's eyes, not to mention the elders of Lei Yunzong, even if it is the giant of Jiufeng, as long as he dares to attack the relatives beside him, he will never give up.

"Om!" His eyes flashed fiercely, and he disappeared from the secret room.

He wanted to go back to take revenge, and he wanted to let those people know that he, Lin Wentian, was not a soft persimmon, if he dared to touch one person beside him, he would massacre thousands or even ten thousand people.

The outside world of Lost Forest.

Suddenly, a large ray of light bloomed, and when the ray gradually subsided, I saw a group of figures, sitting cross-legged in the void like a mountain.

However, at the next moment, these people suddenly opened their eyes, boom bang bang, astonishing aura rose from them like a volcanic eruption.

The power of a true god!

Nearly [-]% of the people actually exuded the divine power of the real one.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Immediately within a radius of hundreds of miles, caves with different attributes appeared one after another, causing the forest to howl with violent wind, roar with thunder and lightning, and fierce flames.

"True One Realm, I have finally broken through to the True One Realm!"

"Dongtian, this is the power of the true god!"

Many people shouted excitedly, as if they wanted to vent out the emotions that had been suppressed in their hearts for a long time.

There are still more than a dozen people in the crowd, with their hands in mudra and their eyes closed.

Countless runes appeared on their bodies, and an unknown force seemed to wake up from their bodies vaguely.

"It's Emperor Lin, General Yetian, and people from the Lin clan, why haven't they woke up yet?" Someone raised an eyebrow, wondering.

"They're fine! They're just trying to comprehend their innate supernatural powers." A voice suddenly sounded in the void.

With a flash of white light, Wen Tian showed his background.

However, he was not the only one who came out, there was also a young man in a black overcoat covering his entire body.

Although everyone couldn't see the face of this person clearly, they could still see the identity of this person in an instant.

It's just because the other party's pupils still revealed ruthlessness and indifference, without a trace of emotion.

This person is Ling Qi, a cold-blooded boy with a dark attribute and nine-star talent.

It's just weird that everyone here can't feel his cultivation.

They frowned one after another, their eyes were not only full of doubts, but also a touch of fear.

How can the other party be an ordinary person if he is valued so highly by their ancient emperor.

But if it is said that the cultivation base of the other party has surpassed them, they will never believe it.

The only explanation is that this person has a strange treasure, or their ancient emperor used special power to cover up his cultivation.

No matter what it is, they already understood in their hearts that this person should not be provoked easily, even if it is only a young man now.

Just when everyone was full of thoughts, Wentian suddenly waved his hand, and the white light flashed again.

In the blink of an eye, he took Ling Qi beside him, as well as his third uncle, and others who had comprehended the supernatural power disappeared in an instant.

"During this period of time, you all have to hone in this Lost Trace Forest, and get used to your sudden increase in strength." Void only left his words.

Not long after, he placed Ye Tian, ​​his third uncle, and others in the Valley of the Valley, and even set up a barrier to prevent anyone from interrupting their comprehension.

"From today onwards, this is your home." Looking at Ling Qi who was covered by black clothes, he said calmly.

Ling Qi didn't say anything, but a strange light suddenly flashed in the depths of his indifferent pupils, and immediately, he saw him take out a dagger from his bosom.

He lifted his face, and with a puff, the dagger drew a bloodstain.

Tick, tick, blood dripped down his face, but he didn't seem to notice, even his brows didn't frown, as if he didn't feel the pain.


Immediately, an afterimage flashed across his figure, as if turning into a ghost, he disappeared in the same place in an instant, and soon sneaked into the forest in the valley behind the valley.

Seeing the direction he was leaving, and the dazzling blood underground, Wentian couldn't help frowning.

"The road is your own after all." After a long time, he slowly relaxed and shook his head even more.

But the next moment, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed coldly: "Sky Cloud Sea!"

"Buzz!" Suddenly, a hazy light appeared on his body, and his figure kept changing until it turned into another face.

The original owner of this face was Tianhuo Peak of Thunder Cloud Sect, a disciple of Guyun's lineage.

That's right!This person is Shanchen, a disciple of Guyun lineage who reported to the lower realm of Leiyunzong, but was attacked and killed on the way.

It seems that this time, he does not plan to return to Tianyunhai with his real body.

Besides, with his current power of transformation, ordinary people would never be able to see through his real body unless he met a giant in the realm.

At the same time, here is Tianyunhai, Leifeng, the head of the nine peaks of Leiyunzong.

I saw a man standing in the void, his eyes full of cruelty: "What a Lin Wentian, it seems that I, Duan Jiu, underestimated you, but..."

After the words fell, he suddenly raised his head and looked at a giant peak not far away.

The nothingness of this peak is crimson, and there is a burst of fiery energy, as if somewhere on this peak, a flaming beast is sealed.

It was Leiyun Nine Peaks, the sixth Tianhuo Peak.

This man is Lei Feng's direct disciple, Duan Jiu.

Unexpectedly, he had already returned to Leiyunzong from Tianyuan Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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