Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 686 Demonic Qi

Chapter 686 Demonic Qi
The strange change of the divine fetus jade was noticed by the turtle demon at the first time. Immediately, there was a jolt in its mind, and a deep fear appeared in its eyes.

But before it was allowed to think too much, Wentian, who was transformed from the divine fetus jade, disappeared from the spirit pool in a flash.

"This guy..." Not long after, the turtle demon slowly poked his head out and muttered to himself, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

At the same time, the void in the ancient city suddenly twisted, and a huge altar appeared.

No... not one, but two.

Even though the entire ancient country was shrouded in a barrier, the powerful coercion in the air still enveloped the entire ancient country in an instant.

"My God! What happened?"

"Wow... look, what is that?"

The sudden change alarmed everyone, and people screamed and were dumbfounded.

Especially those two huge altars made them feel as small as dust, as if they were not facing an altar, but a world and a race.

"Om!" The void in the ancient city flashed, revealing Wentian's god-born avatar, he suddenly waved his hand, and immediately, the barrier covering the entire ancient country disappeared instantly.

Immediately, his whole body was shining golden, and the runes on his forehead were against the sky.

The dragon mark, unexpectedly, he also has the power of the dragon mark, not only that, his black hair instantly turned into blond hair, flying with the wind, looking extremely domineering.

"Ah! That's the ancient emperor, what is he going to do?"

"Could it be...?" Someone suddenly thought of something, and his eyes widened.

"The ancient emperor wants to connect the luck and merits of the ancient country with the Thunder Cloud Sect and the Blade Sect." Someone shouted excitedly.

Boom!Everyone's eyes are full of excitement and anticipation.

At the same time, two huge phantoms also condensed on the two huge altars.

Although it is only a phantom, that invisible power is like crushing this world, even the power of the rules of this world is constantly being blasted out.

Although everyone couldn't see the true face of this phantom clearly, they could vaguely guess that the other party was definitely a shocking powerhouse from Thunder Cloud Sect and Weapon Blade Sect.

Wentian's eyes flickered, and his hands formed seals.

"Boom!" Immediately, a golden long sword soared into the sky from the ancient palace below.

Ancient Sword, Broken Star.

It turns out that Broken Star did not go to Tianyunhai with Wentian itself, but was enshrined in the ancient temple.

Perhaps when he left, he had already guessed that there would be today.

It's just that what everyone doesn't know is that the person in front of him is not his real body, but a clone of a god fetus, which is a clone of flesh and blood.

This is his second life.


"Roar!!" The majestic dragon's roar instantly resounded through the entire ancient country.

The next moment, the Luck Golden Dragon with a huge body, and the Cailong of Merit and Virtue, which is full of mystery and still has a dragon body of one foot long, appeared one after another.

In an instant, the entire ancient country was shone with golden light, and the colorful light shone sacredly on the earth. Two different lights seemed to form a new force.


Three days later, all the people in the ancient country had undergone astonishing changes, and many people had broken through their realms, and they were extremely excited.

They were surprised to find that since their ancient country was connected with the luck of the Blade Sect and Thunder Cloud Sect, the luck and merits of the ancient country have not only not weakened, but have become more miraculous.

For them, this is simply a miracle.

Because whether it is the Heavenly Sun Empire, the Monster Empire, the Fengyun Empire, etc., if it is connected to the big forces behind it, the luck of the country will be weakened.

This is an unchanging law, but their ancient country once again created a miracle.

Many people are secretly guessing that this may have something to do with their ancient emperor, after all, their ancient emperor is the son of the dragon, the real son of heaven.

"The luck and power of merit in this ancient country are so amazing?"

"What an ancient country, what an ancient emperor Lin Wentian, there is definitely a secret in this son."

However, they were not the only ones who were shocked, even the senior leaders of Thunder Cloud Sect and Weapon Blade Sect became excited.

Whether it is the Blade Sect or the Thunder Cloud Sect, both of them have obtained [-]% of their ancient country's luck and merit.

But they unexpectedly discovered that the luck and merit of these [-]% are comparable to half of the luck and merit of the other five countries.

Such a miracle, even if they are giants in the realm, they can't help but be ecstatic.

Gu Zhonggu seems to be connected to the Blade Sect and Thunder Cloud Sect because of the luck and merit of the ancient country. Lin Yefeng, who was originally comprehending the innate supernatural power, suddenly possessed a strange power.

Boom! !Suddenly, a powerful aura rose from him.

Not only that, at this moment, Ye Tian, ​​General Lei and others also woke up one after another, their expressions were ecstatic, and the power in their bodies gushed out like spring water.


In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

At the crack leading to the demon world, a slender figure stood tall, but no matter how fierce the wind blade was and how violent the turbulent force was, this figure remained motionless like a mountain.

"Clang clang!"

I saw that those wind blades slashed on this person's body, and there was no blood flying violently, only the sound of metal collisions and sparks shooting out.

Suddenly, the person opened his eyes, and he clenched his fists vigorously, and there was a grinning bone sound.

After a month of brutal training, Wentian's physical body has improved a level, from the original peak of Shenyuan, to the real one again.

No... If his master's seal is completely broken, then the true strength of his physical body will definitely exceed the peak of the true god, and may reach the half-step ancient realm.

The wind blade that could cut through his body before, with the power of the violent turbulent current, can only hurt the surface of his skin and cut white marks, and he can recover instantly when his mind moves.

"Not enough! It's not enough! I have to become stronger!" His black hair danced wildly, and a flash of madness flashed in his eyes.

After the words fell, he suddenly raised his head and looked not far away.

Boom!I saw that as it went deeper into the crack, the power of the wind blade there became more and more fierce, and the power of the turbulent flow continuously blasted the meteorite, and there were bursts of bangs.

Not only that, but the demonic aura inside is soaring, dozens of times stronger than the place where he is standing now.

"Monster Qi! I, Lin Wentian, also have it!" His eyes flashed, and with a buzzing sound, a strange aura surged all over his body.

This is really a monster!And it's not an ordinary demonic aura, it's the monstrous aura of the Thunder Dragon clan.

Back then when he devoured the Thunder Dragon Pill, every inch of flesh and blood in his body was already stained with the demonic aura, and as he was the son of the dragon, he could naturally display the demonic aura.


If anyone saw this scene, they would definitely be stunned, because he didn't look like a human being at all, but more like a demon.

"Hmph..." He snorted coldly, his body transformed into a long rainbow, and rushed into the crack again.

Puff puff! !

Just a hundred miles deep, blood burst from his whole body, and he turned into a blood man in the blink of an eye, but his pupils were as red as a beast.


(End of this chapter)

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