Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 687 Lin Yexiang’s Danger

Chapter 687 Lin Yexiang’s Danger

Thunder Cloud Sect.

Recently, many disciples who went out to perform tasks have rushed to the sect, and even some disciples who have retreated and cultivated have also left the sect one after another.

Because there was news that two months later, the world of life and death, which had not been opened for hundreds of years, would be opened again.

Not only that, this time someone revealed the news that this time the world of life and death will be opened, not only the disciples of Immortal Peak can go there, but also the disciples of other nine peaks can enter to find opportunities.

Boom! !As soon as this news came out, the entire Thunder Cloud Sect disciples were shocked, many of them looked excited and roared in their hearts.

Although the Realm of Life and Death has always been rumored to be the tomb of the immortal disciples of the Immortal Peak, an unknown number of geniuses have fallen in it for countless years.

Even Xing Huang, who was called the Son of God back then, couldn't get out of it.

But despite this, everyone was still ecstatic when they heard the news, because crises always accompany opportunities.

In the world of life and death, there are not only the magic skills of immortality, but also countless rare and magical medicines, as well as shocking ancient treasures.

Just the word ancient treasure can make countless people crazy about it, not to mention those ten-thousand-year magic medicines, especially the inheritance of the immortal ancestors, the magic of immortality.

There was a rumor in Tianyunhai that once the magic of immortality came out, the mountains and rivers would be turned upside down, and the sun and the moon would change. At that time, the ancestor of immortality would reappear and lead Thunder Cloud Sect to become the fourth sacred place of human race.

"Have you heard? It is said that the suzerain and the others have already prepared for this time. I am afraid that it will not be long before the magic of immortality will be born. At that time, it will cause a sensation in the entire human race." A handyman disciple said excitedly.

"That's right! After many failures and lessons, I heard that our nine giants of Thunder Cloud have figured out how to deal with it, so this time, not only people from Immortal Peak, but also Lei Feng and Huan Shui Peak will be able to enter this time." Wait, disciple."

"However, the number of places is also limited. It is said that only those disciples who are strong and have reached the Realm of Reality can enter to explore opportunities." Another person said.

While everyone was excited, they felt extremely disappointed, because they were only in the Myriad Phrases Realm and the Divine Origin Realm, and such opportunities were simply not for them.

"I don't know if Lin Wentian, the No.1 in our courtyard back then and now the seventh son of the Immortal Peak, will go there. With his strength, it is really possible to obtain that peerless exercise." A disciple of the courtyard He muttered, with a look of anticipation on his face.

Although Lin Wentian has entered the Immortal Peak now, in the eyes of these people, he is still No. 1 in the courtyard.

"There have been rumors before that the seventh son of the Immortal Peak is the reincarnation of the ancestor of the immortal. Whether it is true or not, maybe this time we can find out." An old monk said, his eyes flashed brightly.

The Immortal Patriarch back then has always existed like a legend in today's Thunder Cloud Sect, because he is the symbol of Thunder Cloud Sect.

Many disciples are always looking forward to the day when he will return again and lead them to the throne of the head of the seven sects again.

It's just that everyone knows that this is probably impossible. After all, if he is alive, how can he disappear for thousands of years.

"Lin Wentian? That's just an ant-like existence!"

"What is a mere seventh son of Immortal Peak? Once the Son of Thunder God of Leifeng comes out, any arrogance will crawl under him." A disciple of Leifeng said proudly.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"What? Could it be that Lei Ting, the top ten core disciple, is going to the Realm of Life and Death this time?" Someone yelled.

The name of Thunder in the younger generation of Leiyunzong is like a natural moat, no one can surpass it.

There was more news before that his strength is now able to crush some elders.

Just when Leiyunzong was about to open the world of life and death, one of the three holy places, the huge star where Daozong was located, many disciples of Daozong were also stirred up.

"The battle for daozi is about to start, but I don't know who among the six quasi daozi will overwhelm the crowd, devour the power of others, and become the unique daozi." Someone said excitedly.

"The six quasi-dao sons Tianjiao from Chiyue, Tianyang, Fengyun, Xinghun, Yaoman, and Xingchen back then, no matter who can stand out, they will all soar into the sky."

"Not only that, but whoever wins can form a partner with Fairy Qinglian. Not only will they gain both fame and fortune, but they will also embrace a beauty."

Speaking of Fairy Qinglian, everyone showed a look of admiration.

"Hey! I just feel sorry for those mortals. I don't know how many people died in this battle this time." An old man suddenly shook his head, his face full of sadness.


At the same time, there is a lake on this huge Dao star, and a woman is sitting cross-legged on a huge rock

Her long hair fluttered, her white and tender hands were formed into seals, and the spirit on her body flickered.

"Pfft!" Suddenly, the woman's complexion changed drastically, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face turned pale instantly.

If Wentian were here, he would definitely be dumbfounded, because this woman's appearance is [-]% similar to his third uncle.

Suddenly, the woman's expression changed drastically again, she gritted her teeth, and an astonishing hatred flashed in her eyes.

"Buzz!!!" There was a glow on her body, and in the blink of an eye, flowers floated out strangely, spinning around her continuously.

When these flowers disappeared, she had disappeared without a trace, and all that was left on the ground was the trace of blood.

Not long after she left, a woman suddenly appeared in the void.

The woman's eyes were sharp and her expression looked arrogant, but when she saw that there was no one below, she frowned, and a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

"What a Lin Yexiang, you can still break through to the Shenyuan realm in this state, if you really recover, there is still a place for me to stand?" The woman said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, her figure flashed, turning into a long rainbow and disappearing into the sky.

Lin Yexiang.

The woman who ran away before turned out to be the sister-in-law Wentian was looking for.

Not only that, it seems that her situation is extremely bad, and she has been hunted down for a long time.


Another month passed in the blink of an eye, and it was getting closer and closer to the opening of the world of life and death. During this period of time, Lei Yun Jiufeng's direct disciples were already ready to move, gearing up.

There are even some main peaks holding big competitions, and many elite disciples and direct disciples compete for the limited places.

In the main hall of Immortal Peak, Peak Lord Xingguan and the three elders A, B, and C are all there.

"Peak Master, the world of life and death over the years has been controlled by my Immortal Peak. Even the suzerain cannot interfere. Why this time..." Elder Jia frowned, his face extremely ugly.

"That's right! The suzerain is too deceitful this time, not only let other main peaks get involved, but also only give me five places in the Immortal Peak." Elder B said dissatisfied.

For countless years, the world of life and death has been the property of their Immortal Peak, and only the owner of the Immortal Peak can open it, not even the suzerain.

Because this is the treasure that the Immortal Patriarch left for Immortal Peak.

Unexpectedly, not only Lei Feng, but also Anwu Peak, Wanchong Peak, Zixia Peak, etc. wanted a share of this opening.

Xingguan didn't say anything immediately after hearing this. He tapped his fingers on the edge of the chair, and there was a sound.

After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth: "It takes a lot of energy to open the world of life and death. With the conditions of my Immortal Peak, although I can open it with a peak of strength, it is no longer necessary now. Besides, those The thing is in the hands of that guy Lei Feng..."

As soon as he said this, Elder A and the three showed complicated expressions.

Time flies, and finally the day has come to open the world of life and death.


(End of this chapter)

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