Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 688 77 Jade Pendants

Chapter 688 77 Jade Pendants (Part [-])
Leiyunzong's life and death peak, many years ago, this peak was a forbidden area, not to mention Leiyunzong's disciples, even if they were elders, they would not dare to step into it easily.

In front of the life and death peak, there is a huge platform, nowhere, this is the life and death platform.

Whether it is the platform of life and death or the peak of life and death, there are too many mysteries. Someone once said that the platform of life and death originally flew out of the peak of life and death.

There is also another rumor, saying that ever since the Immortal Patriarch walked out of the Life and Death Peak, he has melted the Life and Death Platform with astonishing power.

It's just that all these are rumors and have not been confirmed by anyone.

Just today, countless disciples gathered in front of the Peak of Life and Death, including miscellaneous courtyard disciples, outer disciples, inner disciples, elite disciples, and even the top ten core disciples.

The elders of the nine main peaks appeared one after another, and everyone immediately gave way to a path, followed by a group of arrogant disciples with excited eyes.

"Look, that's Lei Feng's Duan Jiu!"

"Ah! That's Lei Feng's cold wind. Not only has he returned, but he has also broken through to the realm of true oneness?"

Behind Lei Feng's elders, Duan Jiu and Han Feng both looked arrogant, looking at the screaming disciple, their expressions were full of disdain.

Especially Han Feng, when he set his eyes on the disciples of Immortal Peak, his eyes flashed coldly, and he roared in his heart: "Damn Lin Wentian, damn Immortal Peak, one day you will regret it Yes, when I get the magic power of immortality, I will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces."

It is absolutely a great shame for him to be bullied by a mortal kid like this.

He was only released after the ancient country formally formed an alliance with Leiyunzong, otherwise, he would still be a prisoner now, thinking of this, strong hatred welled up in his heart.

Fortunately, his master gave him a elixir to help him break through the Real One Realm. In this way, he can even go to the Realm of Life and Death to seize that amazing opportunity.

"Anjian, An Wufeng's direct disciple, is he planning to enter the world of life and death this time?" Suddenly, someone screamed.

In An Wufeng's camp, a half-armed man with a long sword on his back looked extremely indifferent.

With the appearance of all the arrogances of the nine main peaks, people were dumbfounded, not to mention shocked, they were even more excited.

Because in the past, it was very difficult for a handyman disciple like them, an outer sect disciple, to witness such a genius. However, on this day, there were so many geniuses, which made their blood boil.

"Qiu Ye, the great beauty of Huan Shui Peak, has also broken through to the realm of true oneness? This woman is indeed the jewel in the palm of the Qiu family. Among the disciples in the same world, only Han Feng, who has a nine-star talent, can stand shoulder to shoulder with her? "

"No... Junior Brother, you are wrong, there is also Lin Wentian who was No.1 in the Zayuan and now the seventh son of Immortal Peak." Others said.

Under the eyes of everyone full of admiration, the nine women approached step by step, especially the autumn leaves between them, which caused everyone's hearts to beat wildly.

Among the crowd, a man in a coat looked at Qiu Ye with tenderness in his eyes, but when he saw the frantic look of others, he gritted his teeth again.

"Damn these bastards, how dare you beat my Lord Hu's woman." He was Shen Hu.

"What? Zhu Jianzhou from Leifeng? Chen Lin from Wanchongfeng?" Suddenly, someone called out.

In the formation of Lei Feng and Wan Chongfeng, there were two people with sharp eyes and an astonishing aura exuding from their bodies.

In the ancient realm, the aura leaked from these two people has surpassed the true god, but reached the ancient god.

"Hiss..." Immediately, many people's pupils widened, and they couldn't help but gasped.

"Zhu Jianzhou, although this person is not a direct disciple of Lei Feng, but in the later stage, he showed amazing talent and overwhelmed other elite disciples. Now he is No.1 among the elite disciples."

"Not only that, it is rumored that this person's strength is already comparable to that of individual core disciples, but he has never tried to challenge him all this time. I didn't expect Lei Feng to dispatch him this time. It seems that the suzerain is determined to win the immortal skill .” Someone said in shock.

"There is also Chen Lin from Ten Thousand Peaks, the second elite disciple. This person is powerful. He broke through to the ancient realm not long ago. Let's put it down. Soon, he will challenge the top ten core disciples."

"From this point of view, Lei Feng and Wan Chongfeng came prepared this time, if the Immortal Art of Immortality appears, it will most likely fall into the hands of the two of them." Someone murmured.

"Hey! It's just a pity!"

"This time, Immortal Peak only has five places, while the other eight peaks have nine places. No matter in terms of numbers or strength, they are all at a disadvantage. It doesn't matter." An old monk shook his head lightly and sighed.

"It's strange, why are there only three people in Immortal Peak, who are the other two?" Someone became puzzled, because there were only three people next to the three elders A, B, C.

"Boom!" However, just as the person finished speaking, there was a bang, and a figure suddenly appeared not far away.

"Look, that's Wukong, the sixth son of Immortal Peak, he finally appeared." Someone shouted, looking excited.

Wukong's eyes swept across the other people without fear, until they were placed on Chen Lin from Ten Thousand Peaks, and Zhu Jianzhou from Leifeng.

"Ancient Realm?" He frowned, but did not show the slightest fear.

"Sixth Junior Brother, you are finally back." Shen Hu came over, leaned into Wukong's ear, and said something.

Wukong's expression kept changing, he didn't know what Shen Hu could say.

"This is for you." Elder Jia took out a jade pendant from his bosom.

"This is?" Looking at the jade pendant in his hand, his expression suddenly changed and his breathing became short of breath.

There is a drop of blood in the center of this jade pendant, and it is glowing with strange light, as if it has sensed something.

Immediately, he suddenly turned his head and set his sights on the other Jiufeng disciples.

In an instant, his eyes contracted, because the jade pendant on the opponent's body also glowed with a strange light.

"In the world of life and death, you must not leave this jade pendant, otherwise, you will encounter ominous things."

"The blood in this jade pendant is a drop of blood left by the immortal ancestors. It was diluted by the suzerain and the others, and then divided into 77 parts. Only then did these 77 pieces of jade pendant come into being."

"Therefore, as long as you carry these jade pendants, not only can you avoid many troubles in the world of life and death, but you can also perceive the existence of other people."

"Remember, the person is with the jade pendant!" Elder Jia said cautiously.

At the same time, the void in the platform of life and death suddenly distorted, and nine terrifying figures appeared. These were the giants of Thunder Cloud Nine Peaks.

"Ah! The suzerain and the others have appeared."

At the same time, a hundred miles away from Life and Death Peak, an emaciated old man stood in the void. His hair was disheveled and seemed to have not been repaired for decades.

"Ah..." He held a wine gourd in his hand, and then took two sips, his expression was extremely lazy, if Wentian was here, he would definitely recognize him.

That's right, he was the wine master back then.

But what made people feel weird was that he was standing there, neither the disciples of the true god nor the elders of the ancient realm had noticed his existence.

One must know that even the disciples of the true gods can cover hundreds of miles with their spiritual consciousness, let alone those ancient elders.

"Myriad races will appear, and the ghost and demon races are even more imminent. But heroes have emerged in troubled times since ancient times. I just don't know whether my Thunder Cloud Sect will still be able to stand after the destruction of this era." He muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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