Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 690: The Green Moon of Life and Death

Chapter 690
A piece of swamp covered by mist, there was a whoosh, the afterglow flashed, and a figure stood in mid-air. This person looked at the swamp below, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

However, the next moment, he set his eyes on the quagmire not far away, and saw a strange vine growing out of the quagmire, emitting bursts of light.

"The king of medicine for a thousand years, and it may even reach 5000 years. This world of life and death is indeed a treasure. As long as I can get this king of medicine, I will not be in vain." The man murmured.

After the words fell, he looked excited and turned into a beam of light and flew away rapidly.

He didn't expect that not long after he entered the world of life and death, he would be ecstatic when he encountered this rare medicinal plant.

Seeing that the thousand-year-old medicine king was about to get his hands on it, he laughed wildly: "Haha! The 5000-year-old medicine king belongs to me. With this medicine king, I can definitely exchange it from Lingdan Peak for a heaven-level pill breaking the ancient pill. In this way, I can also break through to the ancient realm."


"Human, you are looking for death!" But at this moment, the swamp below him exploded with a bang, revealing a huge monster, which even let out an astonishing roar.

This turned out to be an earthworm, but it was not an ordinary earthworm, because it exuded a powerful aura.

This is a ferocious beast that has reached the realm of a true demon.

"What? A real monster?"

"Bastard! So what about real monsters?" The man reacted, his face suddenly grim, and a flash of madness flashed in his eyes.

If it was an ordinary medicine king, maybe he would choose to leave immediately, but the 5000-year medicine king, he can't miss it for nothing.

"Kill!" He roared, and when he waved his hand, a piece of jade flew out, exploded with a bang, and a formation appeared, violently attacking.

Obviously, this person is a disciple of Xuzhen Peak.

At the same time, in a valley, what exactly is the skeleton? This is not a human bone, but some unknown monster skeleton, especially when the gust of wind blows through, it can make people's hair stand on end.

"Crack!" Suddenly, there was a bone-crushing sound.

In the valley, a woman was walking on foot, looking at the skeletons all over the place, her face lost her voice, and her eyes were full of panic.

Every time she walked, she looked cautious, but despite this, she still gritted her teeth and went, because a jade pendant in her hand was glowing with a strange light.

"The induction is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that he is not far away from the other party. I just don't know which peak he will be a disciple of. I hope to meet Zhu Jianzhou from Lei Feng, or Chen Lin from Ten Thousand Peaks." She thought to herself.

She is the disciple of Huan Shuifeng, and whether it is Zhu Jianzhou or Chen Lin, they are all elite disciples. If you can meet these two people in the world of life and death, it will definitely be a strong support.

But as she advanced, she suddenly frowned, because there was blood on the ground, which led to a cave.

Looking at the cave, her eyes flashed with struggle.

"Is that you, Senior Sister Li?" But in an instant, a familiar voice entered her mind.

In an instant, her expression changed drastically: "Junior Sister Qiuye?"

After saying that, a blue light flashed on her body, and she rushed into the cave. Not long after, she saw a young girl sitting on the ground covered in blood.

I don't know what happened to her, and she was seriously injured not long after she entered the world of life and death.


At the same time, there is a dilapidated ancient temple in a barren mountain and wild land. Although this temple is dilapidated, it faintly glows with sacredness.

"There must be a demon in everything, and there is definitely a strange treasure in this temple." A man's eyes showed excitement, without thinking much, his body flashed, and he rushed into the ancient temple at an astonishing speed, as if he was afraid of being preempted by others step.

He is Lei Feng's direct disciple Duan Jiu.

"Haha! It's a true artifact of the pinnacle. God has helped me. With this true artifact, even Zhu Jianzhou and Chen Lin will not be my opponents for Duan Jiu."

"The magic of immortality belongs to me, Duan Jiu. I want all the arrogances to prostrate at my feet, especially Lin Wentian and Lei Ting, the son of the god of thunder." A cruel gleam flashed in his eyes.

As the son of Thunder God, Lei Ting, the No. 1 core, is also a member of Lei Feng, but his existence is like a mountain, weighing down their direct disciples.

Although they don't show it on weekdays, in fact, many people want to step on them and feel proud from then on.


Not long after, the black sun hanging in the sky had already set, but a full moon rose.

But this moon is not a moon, because it is not a silver moon, but a green moon with a soft green light.

But all the disciples who are in this world of life and death, looking at this strange green moon, are all stunned, and their hearts tremble.

"What's going on? Why is this place so weird? It's a black sun during the day, and a green moon at night!" A person stood in midair, looking at the green moon in the night sky, feeling a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

"Shusha...Shusha..." A series of strange sounds suddenly came from the forest below, and in an instant, his expression changed drastically.

"Oh my God! How is this possible?" He opened his eyes in fear and cried out.

In his line of sight, the ancient trees that stood in the forest before had strange green glows, and their bodies kept changing until they turned into green figures.

"How could this be? Could this be the rumored tree monsters, but weren't they exterminated in ancient times?" He was terrified and his face was pale.

"Those who trespass on the Peak of Life and Death will die!"

"This is the place leading to the worlds of Yin and Yang, and the tomb of outsiders. Kill, kill all intruders."

These humanoid creatures transformed from ancient trees, vines, flowers and plants let out murderous and awe-inspiring roars, especially their pupils were covered with terrifying bloodshot eyes.

Boom boom boom! !Immediately, the ground shook for a while, and sand and stones flew violently.

"Ah..." A moment later, a heart-piercing scream resounded from the ground.

Not only here, but with the rising of the green moon, all the plants mutated, fighting fiercely everywhere for a while, screams, roars, and roars continued to resound.

In a void, a man stood there, with a cold and arrogant look on his face.

"Hmph... Some monsters in the district also want to kill me?"

Boom!When he finished speaking, his whole body was filled with thunder. With a wave of his hand, thunder after wave of shocking gods descended from the sky, covering a radius of tens of miles in an instant.

"Ah...human, you will regret it."

"Whether it is a man or a god, or a demon or a Buddha, when the sun and the moon exchange, all intruders will die." There were roars from the thunder.

When the void calmed down, the man frowned and murmured: "When the sun and the moon exchange?"

He is the elite disciple No.1 Zhu Jianzhou.

But for some reason, when he heard the words of the exchange of the sun and the moon, his heart skipped a beat, and he actually felt a sense of unease.

(End of this chapter)

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