Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 691 Who Am I?

Chapter 691 Who Am I?
On a huge rock, Wen Tian sat cross-legged, but strangely, bursts of green light appeared on his body.

"Ah..." He roared suddenly, his eyes popped open.

With a bang, a powerful aura erupted from his body. Within a radius of ten miles, except for the huge rock under him, all other rocks were instantly wiped out.

His roar was full of pain, as if he was in inexplicable pain, not only that, the veins all over his body were bulging, like strange-shaped vines, spreading in his body.

He showed a painful expression, trembling all over, and his pupils were covered with terrifying bloodshot eyes, making him look like a demon, giving people a creepy feeling.

His roaring sound continued, instantly resounding through the world. At the same time, the green glow on his body became brighter and brighter, and his whole person looked extremely strange.

Tens of miles away, the sky was covered by green light, and the demonic aura was strong. I saw a large group of green creatures moving rapidly, rushing towards him.

"It's the breath of humans!"

"Kill! Kill all humans, kill all intruders." These green creatures roared.

These green creatures have the shape of humans, but their pupils are extremely bloody and full of ominous aura.

That's right!They are the objects transformed by the plants of this land, especially as the light of the green moon in the night sky shines on them, their aura keeps getting stronger.

They roared up to the sky, looking at the green moon hanging high in the sky, with fanaticism in their eyes, it seemed that the green moon was their god and their ancestor.

Seeing that they are getting closer and closer to Wentian's location, they have ferocious faces, scales grow all over their bodies, and some powerful beings grow wings.

"Human flesh and blood can make me stronger."

"Swallow human souls, so that we can have wisdom."

Boom! !They roared wildly, and clusters of green gas rushed out, immediately covering the sky and the moon, and the whole land was not dark, but a green glow.

However, at this moment, an astonishing roar came from the front. With a bang, a strange green beam of light rose into the sky, as if it was about to break through the sky.

"Impossible! He's not dead yet?"

"He's back again!"

These green creatures suddenly screamed loudly, their expressions filled with boundless fear, and their blood-red pupils were full of incredible intensity.

"Run away! It's his breath!"

Boom!Originally, they were murderous, but they had ferocious faces, and they were terrified. They rushed to escape without looking back, as if there were some prehistoric beasts behind them.

Not only them, but the green creatures within a thousand miles all seemed to sense a terrifying aura, screaming one after another, and with a flash of green light on their bodies, they poured into the ground.

Not long after, green seedlings burst out one after another, and then absorbed the light of the green moon, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a moment, they had grown into giant trees one after another.

Pieces of forest reappeared, appearing very quiet.

At the same time, in a dense forest.

No... This is not a dense forest, but an extremely huge ancient tree. Its huge body has completely turned into a dense forest, covering a radius of tens of miles.

If someone sees it, they will be stunned and trembling, because such a huge ancient tree is simply unbelievable.

Right at the center of this huge monster, there is a huge flower bud, which emits a strange light, and is devouring the brilliance of the green moon. It seems that these green lights are the energy source for its growth.

"Life is also immortality. This is the breath of immortality. Is it his reincarnation? Or is there someone else?" Suddenly there was a murmur from the huge flower bud.

Luckily no one was here, otherwise there would have been screams.


"Dididi!!" Drops of blood flowed from the corner of Wentian's left eye, making his face ferocious, like a demon, especially his pupils were empty, as if they had lost their light.

"Ah!" He yelled in pain, covering his white left pupil with his left hand, and his right pupil was bloodshot with terror.

He felt a terrible headache, as if it was going to explode completely, and some inexplicable memories faintly revived, causing a little green light to appear in his blank left pupil.

The green light from his left pupil glowed, and the green light that had burst out all over his body was shrinking at an astonishing speed, and it took only a moment for it to disappear completely.

At the same time, his left eye was bright green, and there was a strange aura coming from him.

breath of life.

"Puff puff puff!!" His heart was beating wildly, and there was a thunderous and powerful heartbeat, and the blood in his body was completely boiling, and there were angry dragons overwhelming the river.

"Boom!" A powerful vitality erupted from him, and a strange scene appeared.


I saw that within a radius of ten miles, there were green glows, as if they had turned into a shroud.

Puff puff puff, some green phantom seedlings burst into growth one after another, they grew against the wind, and in less than a moment, big trees grew one after another, forming a forest.

It seemed that all the vitality in his body had been stimulated, and a strong sense of powerlessness hit Wentian's heart. He felt that his eyelids weighed tens of thousands of catties, and they supported him countless times.

His mind was extremely heavy, and he was about to lose consciousness. A bloody light flashed in his hand, and a small blood-colored clock appeared.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" Immediately, the little bloody clock burst into bloody light, gushing out a monstrous killing blood. When the light subsided, nine figures entwined with blood had already surrounded him.

These are obviously those blood corpses back then, but they are no longer eighteen, but only nine are left, but the aura leaked from them has reached the true one state.

Hiss... From this point of view, the eighteen blood corpses fought each other and devoured each other, making the last nine survivors transform into higher-level blood corpses.

"Bang!" As if all the energy had been exhausted, Wentian's body softened and he fell to the ground.

Vaguely, he seems to have had a dream, dreaming that many years ago, he broke into the Life and Death Peak alone, where he experienced nine deaths, and finally came to a huge stone monument.

The huge stone tablet in the dream made him feel scared, feeling so small like a speck of dust. It was like a monument to bury the sky, sending out an idea of ​​looking down on all living beings.

Not only that, but he also dreamed that in the end of ancient times, he killed countless demon clans one by one with one shot. His black hair danced wildly, exuding a powerful aura from all over his body.

And under his feet, there are already piles of dead bodies.

He was also shocked to find that the spear he was holding was extremely familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"The Overlord's Divine Spear!" His mind was filled with excitement, his eyes suddenly opened, and he woke up from the dream in an instant.

"Is it a dream?" His eyes showed shock and doubt.

"The Immortal Patriarch and the Spear Emperor back then, what is the relationship between me and them?"

"Who am I?" he murmured.

After saying that, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the void, only to see that the green moon had disappeared and a round of black sun was gradually rising.

(End of this chapter)

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