Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 699 Frozen Eyes

Chapter 699 Frozen Eyes
Afterwards, the Beast Spirit Grass will look for the next host to feed on the flesh and blood of the beast, making it grow continuously until the second leaf emerges.

When the host loses all energy and turns into dust, it will leave again to find a second host. This is an extremely mysterious panacea.

In other words, the seven-leaved Beast Spirit Grass in front of me has devoured the energy of at least seven ferocious beasts, and the patterns on each leaf are the ferocious beasts it has devoured.

In ancient times, there was a rumor that when the beast spirit grass sprouted nine leaves and devoured the energy of the nine blood-blooded beasts, it would go through a thunderstorm and finally transform into a kind of medicine that looks like medicine but not medicine, like beasts but not medicine. the existence of the beast.

Maybe it will appear as a dying old man, maybe it will appear as a three-year-old girl.

But what is certain is that once it becomes the magic medicine of ten thousand years and reaches the stage of transformation, it will have monstrous power.

Thinking of this, Wentian's heart skipped a beat, his eyes showed fiery light.

Qiu Ye and her senior sister were already excited, and the excitement on their faces seemed to be unable to suppress the excitement in their hearts.

Just when the two were extremely excited and were about to rush out to pick, Wentian was in ecstasy, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

"Back!" he yelled.

In the blink of an eye, he grabbed Qiu Ye and the two of them, and his figure retreated rapidly.

"Boom!" Just as he retreated violently, the whole ground split open suddenly, and a giant beast rushed out.

This beast is covered in scales, making it appear indestructible, especially its limbs and tail appear thick and powerful, as if it could blow up the stars with a single wave.

It exploded from the ground, and when it opened up, the giant seemed to engulf the sky and the earth.

But what made it angry was that the blow that he had been lurking for a long time missed.

It had already killed four human beings with this flawless blow, but it failed this time, and the opponent was only at the Divine Origin Realm, and no hole had been formed in his body.

Thinking of this, it was furious.

"Roar!" It let out an astonishing roar, bursting out with an extremely powerful aura.

True god pinnacle!

No, its cultivation has reached the half-step ancient realm, and it is only half a step away from transforming into an ancient beast.

With a monster body that is stronger than humans, its strength is already comparable to the ancient realm among humans. In this world, its strength can already be called the king.

Because due to some special reasons, it is difficult for the fierce beasts in this world to suddenly enter the ancient realm, even if the human race is here.

thrilling!It was too thrilling!
If Wentian's reaction had been a little slower just now, the two of them might have already become beasts.

Thinking of this, Qiu Ye and the others turned pale, and looked at Wen Tian with gratitude.

"Humans at the peak of Shenyuan? They exist like ants. Rather than dying in the hands of those Zhigu clans, it is better to become the blood clan of this demon." The beast roared, and its wide-open pupils were full of ferocity.

"Boom!" It rushed violently, swung its giant palm and hit Wentian directly with a violent force, as if this palm wanted to crush him into a pulp.

Before the beast's palm arrived, a powerful coercion enveloped the three of Wentian.

Feeling the power of this palm, Qiu Ye's two delicate bodies trembled, and a boundless fear surged from the bottom of their hearts. They felt desperate and felt the breath of death.

"Hmph!" However, at this moment, Wentian's eyes flashed coldly, and he snorted coldly.

His body shook, and an invisible force sent Qiu Ye and the others ten miles away.

"Boom!" Immediately, his eyes were like lightning, and a mad and domineering aura exploded from his body.

This is the power of the emperor!
Although his true cultivation is still in the Divine Origin Realm, his physical body is already ancient.

Immediately, he looked domineering, the blood in his body roared, and he punched with five fingers together.

This punch seemed ordinary, but it carried the power of an ancient god, and already possessed the power of a real dragon, capable of breaking mountains and breaking rocks, and shaking stars.

"Arrogance! A mere human being dares to bump into the flesh of this monster. He doesn't know what to do." Seeing that he didn't run away, but clenched his fist and threw it out, the ferocious beast yelled angrily.

The huge palm it swung created a strong gust of wind, surging and slapping.

"Boom!" Immediately, a huge rumbling sound resounded within a hundred miles, and the whole land shook for a while, and many rocks collapsed.

Not far away, the beast spirit grass suddenly had mysterious runes, and there was a faint laugh, followed by a flash of light on its body, and instantly disappeared from the mouth of the petrified beast.

It escaped!
This is so unbelievable, but it happened right in front of my eyes, especially when they were observed by Qiu Ye, their beautiful eyes were wide open, and their expressions were full of shock.

But soon the shocking collision sound made their minds buzz, and they retreated again and again.

"Bang!" The nothingness exploded, and immediately two figures, one big and one small, flew upside down.

With a sound of "Boom", the hundred-foot-long beast hit the ground, and a big hole was smashed out in the ground, and countless spider web-like cracks spread out rapidly.

Not only that, but the strange stone not far away that was parasitized by the beast spirit grass even made a buzzing sound, collapsed directly, and finally turned into dust and disappeared completely.

Wentian's figure was shaken, and the flying body stopped, his eyelids couldn't help jumping, because even though he swung the physical strength of the ancient realm, the monster in front of him was not damaged at all.

"It's such a hard armor. It seems that it may not be so easy to break through this monster's defense." His heart became serious.

"Impossible! How can a mere human body stand shoulder to shoulder with our great monster race?"

"Ants, give it to me." A terrified roar came from the huge underground pit.

boom!The ground was split open, and the eyes of that fierce monster were bloodshot, and his face was extremely ferocious.

The astonishing brute force of the human beings in front of him makes it startled and angry. It has lived for nearly a thousand years, and this is the first time it has encountered it.

However, this also seemed to arouse its anger, and strange lines appeared all over its body, and immediately, it opened its ferocious mouth wide.

Suddenly, countless violent energies quickly condensed into a huge energy ball.

"Destroy this demon!"

boom!In an instant, this huge energy ball spit out from its mouth, like a dragon spitting out a bead, intending to blow up the stars and destroy the world.

Although the cultivation of the vicious monster in front of him has not completely broken through to the ancient realm, the power of this attack definitely has the power of an ancient monster.

From this point of view, the bloodline of this demon is absolutely ordinary, perhaps some unknown ancient species.

Sensing the power of this blow, Wentian's eyes suddenly shrank.

However, the next moment, an extremely icy aura emanated from his whole body, and at the same time, his wildly dancing black hair was instantly covered with layers of frost.

Suddenly, his eyes opened angrily, and his left pupil changed rapidly, turning into a blue pupil.

"Frozen pupils!" With a cold look on his face, he let out a deep shout.

"Boom!" Immediately, a blue light beam full of astonishing ice power rushed out of his blue left pupil with the momentum of freezing the world.

In an instant, it collided with the monster's energy ball.

(Sorry, the update is late, I was called to check the car at noon)
(End of this chapter)

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