Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 700 The second person Chen Lin

Chapter 700 The Second Person, Chen Lin
In the shocked eyes of the two of Qiuye, the frozen light shot out from Wentian's blue left pupil instantly collided with the attack of the fierce monster.

The strange thing is that the moment the two collided, there was no loud noise, but a crackling, cracking sound of freezing.

In the eyes of the fierce monster full of shock and disbelief, the huge energy ball it spit out was quickly frozen and completely turned into an ice ball.

The astonishing cold air made him shiver all over his body.

Not only that, let alone its attack, even its animal body was covered with frost after being hit by the light beam, turning into layers of ice, spreading rapidly across its body.

In the blink of an eye, its entire huge body was frozen and turned into a huge statue. The only thing it can still turn is the pair of pupils full of panic.

At this moment, a turbulent sea rose in its heart. Looking at the human being in front of it, its entire soul trembled.

It wanted to scream, but the frozen power on its body made it make any sound, only to widen its terrified pupils.

Unleashed this blow, Wentian felt uncomfortable, he seemed to have consumed a lot of energy, his complexion turned pale, especially his left pupil, faintly seeping blood.

It seems that the first time he used the Frozen Eyes was too much for him, but his eyes were still sharp and his body was full of murderous intent.

He vaguely felt that his yin and yang pupils with blue left eye and red right eye, and life and death pupil with green left eye and black right eye, might belong to his innate supernatural powers.

These two kinds of powerful pupils, anyone who got one of them would probably be so excited that he could crush his peers, but he did not expect that the two pupils were now one and appeared on him.

This may have been preordained somewhere in the dark, or in other words, these are his strengths, and the current him is just awakening again.

Not far away, Qiuye and the woman surnamed Li, the whole person here is thunderbolt, and the expression is full of incredible.

"My God! Is he really human?"

"Half a step into the ancient realm, a fierce monster whose strength is comparable to that of a human in the ancient realm, was frozen by his blow?"

"With his growth rate, I'm afraid that within ten years, he may really be able to catch up to the No. 1 son of the core disciple, Thunder God, Thunder."

Akiba's face is full of admiration.

"Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender to you, and I can tell you the information you want to know." A voice full of panic suddenly entered Wentian's mind.

It was the vicious monster who was speaking.

Wentian heard that his eyes flashed, and he was about to speak.

But the next moment, his face darkened.

"Whoosh, whoosh!!" There was a whistling sound, and immediately, eight figures stood in the void, surrounding him instantly with the momentum of an octagon.

The leader was a burly man.

This person's eyebrows were thick and black, and his short hair was sharp and sharp, showing a domineering side. Naturally, he exuded a powerful aura.

In particular, the gaze shot out of his eyes is like two divine blades, which can go straight into the depths of people's hearts, and it is also an invisible force of shock.

Because he is Wan Chongfeng's direct disciple, the second of all elite disciples, Chen Lin.

"What a good seventh son of Immortal Peak, Lin Wentian, I never thought that with your divine essence, you can also defeat a half-step ancient beast. For thousands of years, you have been my Thunder Cloud No. 1."

"However, in front of me, Chen Lin, you are still just a young boy. I will give you two ways. The first way is to hand over the jade pendant in your hand and the skills you have cultivated. I, Chen Lin, can let you live."

"The second is that next year today will be your death day, and this world of life and death will also become your grave." Chen Linling said with a blank expression on his face.

But from his words, one can still hear his arrogance, because he is the arrogance of Thunder Cloud Sect and the second among many elite disciples.

Among all the elite disciples, except for Zhu Jianzhou who can overwhelm him, he is the king who overwhelms everyone. There are even rumors that his strength is already comparable to some core disciples.

As soon as he said this, the other seven people around Wentian also became murderous, especially one of them, he looked at Wentian with vicious eyes.

"Lin Wentian, that day you seriously injured my younger brother and took his jade pendant even more, and finally caused him to die at the hands of a fierce demon. Today I want your blood to pay for it." This person's words were full of hatred.

Wentian heard, his eyes widened.

If he guessed correctly, the younger brother mentioned by the person in front of him should be the disciple of Wan Chongfeng who used the jade pendant to lure him to the cave, and the Sanfeng disciples teamed up to kill him and take his jade pendant.

Thinking of this, a sneer formed on the corner of his mouth.

The two Qiuye not far away, when they saw this scene, their faces turned pale, and their arrogant bodies trembled.

"Senior sister, what should we do now, should we help Senior Brother Lin?" Qiu Ye said.

The woman surnamed Li frowned.

Although she also has a mid-stage true god cultivation, but the opponent is coming fiercely, and the leader is Chen Lin, the second person in the elite. With the strength of the two of them, they can only hit a stone with an egg.

Thinking of this, she lightly shook her head and said, "It's not for the two of us to intervene in this matter. Besides, we are weak in Huan Shui Peak now, and we can't afford to offend both parties."

When Qiu Ye heard about it, she gritted her teeth, her eyes showing worry.

Although she had not been with Wentian for a long time, she could still feel that the other party was indeed protecting them wholeheartedly, otherwise, when the fierce beast attacked and killed them before, the two of them would have become each other's blood food.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth vigorously, and said loudly, "Senior brother Chen Lin, etc., if there are fierce beasts today and tree demons at night, it is time for us to unite to fight against the enemy, and we must not kill each other .”

What she said was not wrong at all, but she had forgotten the four words that people's hearts are unpredictable. What's more, Chen Lin in front of her seemed to be prepared.

Otherwise, how could the timing of his appearance be so coincidental.

"So it's Junior Sister Akiba!"

"Junior Sister Qiuye, don't worry! With Senior Brother Chen Lin here, no matter whether it's the beasts or the tree demons here, they won't be able to cause much trouble."

"That's right! This Lin Wentian is either a demon or a demon. Not long ago, he used despicable means to grab the jade pendants of his disciples. This person must not keep it."

"Since this monster entered our Thunder Cloud Sect, he has never had a single day of peace. He caused our Thunder Cloud Sect to become an enemy of all the great forces. Now he is in danger. If this son does not die today, he will eventually become a serious disaster."

The others sneered, showing ferocious and vicious eyes.

And among these eight people, four of them are Wan Chongfeng's disciples.

"Senior Brother Chen..." Qiuye showed panic, and was about to speak again, but was forcibly stopped by the woman surnamed Li.

Chen Lin of Ten Thousand Peaks, his expression is still indifferent, it seems that everything is under his control, looking down at Wentian with a condescending posture.

"Senior brother Chen, I wonder how your master is doing?" Wentian suddenly raised his head, and with a playful look in his eyes, he said something inexplicable.

(End of this chapter)

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