Chapter 702
"Junior Sister Qiuye, you two have also seen it. This Lin Wentian is pregnant with a monster. He is absolutely uneasy. He is probably a spy of the monster clan or the demon clan. Now we join hands to kill this monster, which is the right choice." He changed the subject, and spoke to Qiu Ye and the others.

"Senior Brother Chen, the two of us are weak, and I'm afraid we can't help you." The woman surnamed Li said, but when she finished speaking, she pulled Qiu Ye back again, and retreated a hundred miles away.

Murderous intent flashed in Chen Lin's eyes.

"Let's do it! I'd like to see what the second elite disciple is capable of." Wen Tian said coldly, with a calm look on his face.

"Hmph! Since you want to die, I will help you." Chen Lin's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

After the words fell, there was a hum, and an extremely heavy breath rose from him.

A gravitational field instantly enveloped Wentian and him, and in an instant, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "In my domain, you can only be reduced to fish."

"Fifty times the gravity!" He shouted heavily, making seals with his hands.

"Boom!" A powerful coercion pressed down on Wentian like a sacred mountain, even if his body was ancient, he seemed unable to bear it, causing his complexion to change drastically.

At the same time, Chen Lin seemed to have been prepared for a long time. With an angry roar, the clothes on his upper body exploded, revealing his muscles as solid as a dragon, and a violent aura exploded in his body.

"Death!" He punched Shenyuan Bloom and swung a blow.

"Boom!" But at this instant, Wentian suddenly raised his head, the blood in his body boiled completely, and ancient runes appeared on his body.

He looked domineering and his eyes were wide open.

Suddenly, a golden aura erupted centered on him.

This is the power of the emperor.

The anger of the emperor changed the situation.

The veins on his right arm were bulging, and the flesh talisman was wrapped around his fist, and he punched in anger.

The two fists met each other, but it was like two stars colliding, and suddenly nothingness exploded, and the sky-shattering loud noise went straight to Yunxiao.

Boom boom boom! !

One punch after another, in the blink of an eye, the two collided dozens of punches, the ground below was shattered, the emptiness of the wind howled, and the astonishing aftermath had already swept dozens of miles.

Whether it was the two daughters of Qiuye, or those Leiyun disciples who were fighting fiercely with the blood corpses, they were stunned and full of disbelief.

"What? It's impossible!"

"He can compete with Senior Brother Chen Lin. Could it be that his physical body has broken through the ancient realm? But his real cultivation is only at the peak of Shenyuan."

"Oh my God! Could it be that he was transformed by an ancient ferocious beast?" They screamed, and some even turned pale.

Because the strength of Lin Wentian in front of him has far exceeded their expectations.

"Hmph! Senior Brother Chen Lin has more than this strength." A disciple of Wan Chongfeng said coldly.

Sure enough, just as the man finished speaking, Chen Feng looked domineering, and roared loudly: "Lin Wentian, so what if your physical body becomes ancient? My Ten Thousand Layers Peak's physical body method has already surpassed your Immortal Peak! .”

With a bang, he and Wentian separated instantly. Immediately, his hands formed dazzling handprints, and then his whole body was full of divine light.

"Buzzing buzzing!!" The next moment, the whole space trembled, and only miniature mountain peaks appeared from behind him, standing in nothingness.

One, two...

Ten seats, hundreds of seats...

In the blink of an eye, [-] peaks condensed on his back, making him look domineering, like the god of the mountains, the master of the peaks, as if all the peaks obeyed his orders and surrendered to his feet.

"Today, I, Chen Lin, will open your eyes and let you know why I am able to overwhelm all the elite disciples and become the second person among all the elite disciples." His eyes were sharp.

Immediately, the printing method in his hand changed.

"Kang Bang Bang!!" Immediately, the mountain behind him burst into dazzling light, which poured into his body at an astonishing speed.

With just breathing effort, the three hundred peaks had already disappeared, but at this moment, his face was ferocious, and he roared up to the sky.

A breath three times stronger than before erupted from his body in an instant, and the sky seemed to be collapsing, extremely gloomy.

As soon as this powerful divine power came out, the two Qiuye who were hiding in the distance, their complexions were as pale as paper, and their delicate bodies trembled uncontrollably.

"Middle period of ancient realm?" The woman surnamed Li screamed, her pupils filled with disbelief.

"Haha! Brother Chen Lin killed him to let him know that the Immortal Peak is no longer the glory of the past, even if it is a unique physical body, it has already been surpassed by my Ten Thousand Peaks." Someone laughed wildly.

At this time, Chen Lin's already burly body became even thicker, especially his strong muscles, which gave people an extremely sturdy feeling.

Not only that, after the [-] mountain peaks merged into his body, runes appeared all over his body, and a picture of a hundred peaks fighting for hegemony appeared, appearing mad and domineering.

He just stood there, and the energy leaked out from his physical body made Qiuye and the other two startled.

"The flesh body in the middle of the ancient realm!" Wen Tian's eyes suddenly shrank, his expression full of dignity.

"Everyone says that among the Nine Peaks of Thunder Cloud, the disciples of Immortal Peak have the strongest bodies, but today I will let everyone know that this is not what it used to be. The most powerful technique."

"Lin Wentian, I, Chen Lin, can kill you with one hand." Chen Lin roared angrily.

As soon as the words fell, the rune in his right palm turned against the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge palm of flesh and blood, directly suppressing and killing Yu Wentian with a condescending posture.

Not only that, when his giant palm was pressed down, there were three hundred phantoms of mountain peaks spinning in his palm.

Control the power of three hundred peaks with one palm of magic power!
He believed that, not to mention that the person in front of him was only in the Shenyuan Realm, even if he was in the real Ancient Realm, he would be killed by his blow.

Because his current physical body has surpassed the early stage of the ancient realm, and reached the middle stage of the ancient realm.

Before the giant palm was completely pressed down, Wentian's body bent down, as if he had endured tremendous divine power, but even so, his eyes were still as fierce as a beast.

"Is this your hole card?" His eyes flashed fiercely.

In the blink of an eye, his hands quickly formed seals, and when his black hair danced wildly, he shouted angrily: "The power of the ancient peak!"

"Om!" In an instant, his golden body was shining brightly, and a huge phantom of a mountain peak appeared out of thin air behind him.

This is an ancient peak, but it seems to have its own life. When it appeared, it was wrapped in ancient runes, and there was an extremely ancient and vicissitudes of life.

With a flick of his mind, this ancient peak instantly merged into Wentian's body.

Immediately, his eyes opened angrily, and a powerful aura erupted from his body like a volcanic peak.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Gu Feng's entry made the runes in his body more complicated and mysterious, and he was more like an ancient immortal again, exuding an invincible aura from his body.

The flesh body in the middle of the ancient realm!
"Wanchongfeng has surpassed my Immortal Peak? Today I will let you experience my Immortal Peak's peerless boxing." He looked cold.

"Mie Sheng Fist!" As he roared, he swung a Mie Sheng blow.

(End of this chapter)

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