Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 703 Hole Card?

Chapter 703 Hole Card?

Miesheng Fist is a world-shattering boxing technique created by the Immortal Patriarch. It contains the idea of ​​Miesheng that all living beings are destroyed, but only I am immortal. What's more, it is the immortal ancestor who realized it from the Immortal Art of Immortality. .

It can also be seen from this that this boxing technique is absolutely shocking. Among the many supernatural powers on the ninth floor of the ladder, this Mieshengquan will definitely be ranked among the top three.

In other words, this Miesheng Fist is also the unique skill of Immortal Peak.

With a punch, the life-killing breath made people's hearts tremble, it was instinctive fear.

Even a few weaker people feel that they are going to die, and they can't even think of survival.

This is the Extinguishing Fist.

On one side is the giant palm of flesh and blood, suppressing it with the power of three hundred peaks, and on the other hand, carrying the breath of death, it swung a stunning punch to meet it.

When the two collided, it was like a real dragon and a real phoenix competing for supremacy.

You must know that this is a full-strength blow with both bodies reaching the middle stage of the ancient realm, and it already contains the power of the ancient times, which is enough to easily destroy mountains and seas, and make stars fall.

This is the power of the ancient gods.

That violent and astonishing power seemed to be able to sweep the sky and the earth, nothingness exploded, and a huge black hole appeared, boom, boom, countless sandstones were forcibly swallowed by it.

Feeling this monstrous blow, everyone was terrified and uneasy, and the frightened canthus of their pale faces were tearing open.

"Not good! Back off, everyone! Just ignore these blood corpses."

"This is the battle of the ancient realm. If we are not careful, we will be killed by Yu Wei." Those disciples screamed.

They resolutely abandoned their opponents and quickly fled in all directions, with a look of fear, as if they were afraid that they would be swallowed by the fierce beasts behind if they took a step too late.

"Bang!" The blood of the gods was sprinkled in the void, and it fell to the ground with a glow of gods. Immediately, the whole land exuded a strong smell of blood.

Because this is the blood of the gods, and it is also the blood of the ancient gods.

A figure flew upside down like a bullet, crashing into the ground tens of miles away, with a click, the astonishing force of impact smashed through the ground in an instant, forming a huge crater.

"Cough..." There was a coughing sound from the huge pit.

The next moment, I saw a burly figure in a state of embarrassment, slowly rising from below, it was Chen Lin from before.

It's just that here, his eyes were shocked, especially his right palm was dripping with blood, ticking, ticking, dripping onto the ground, stained with blood.

"Just one peak of strength can resist my three hundred peaks of strength?" He said in disbelief.

However, at the next moment, his shocked light disappeared instantly, and instead he laughed crazily with a ferocious expression.

"What a Lin Wentian, you don't deserve such a world-shattering method. Only my Ten Thousand Peaks is worthy of possessing the power of Ten Thousand Peaks. It is the home of all the gods and ancient peaks in the world."

Although the corner of his mouth was bleeding and his breathing was weak for a while, he still looked arrogant, as if he had fallen into madness.

Seeing this, the people not far away were shocked for an instant.

Wentian wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth, and his face turned pale. Although the two of them had fought each other not long ago, it had already consumed most of his strength. After all, when a master fights, it is often a one-stroke decision.

Especially for him before, when he froze that half-step ancient realm beast, he had already consumed a lot of power.

"Oh my god! The strength of this monster Lin Wentian dares to suppress Senior Brother Chen Lin who is the second elite. Could it be that his strength is comparable to those of the top ten core disciples?"

" is this possible?"

"You have to know that his real age is less than thirty, and even Lei Ting, the youngest son of Thunder God among the top ten core disciples, is already 35 years old."

"Lei Ting, he began to practice at the age of five. After 30 years of practice, he has become a strong man in the ancient realm. He has been considered as Lei Yun's most outstanding disciple for thousands of years."

"For countless years, perhaps only Xing Huang, the eldest disciple of Immortal Peak, can stand shoulder to shoulder with him. How can a boy who is only from the mortal world surpass him who is the son of Thunder God? No... I don't know. Believe me." Someone yelled.

But no matter how much they don't believe it, the strength shown by Wentian has already caused fear in their hearts, and some even started to regret it.

He regretted that he misheard the words of Wan Chongfeng's disciples, and wanted to suppress and kill the seventh son of Immortal Peak in front of him.

Anyway, this person is also a man of the day in the sea of ​​clouds, not only the emperor of a country, but also able to survive tenaciously under the pursuit of many great forces.

Just ask people like this, no matter how weak their cultivation is and they haven't broken through to the Real God Realm, it's not something that disciples like them can suppress and kill.

Thinking, thinking, someone's eyes flickered, and there was a faint retreat in their hearts.



However, just when they lost their minds, a series of bloody figures rushed towards them with astonishing evil spirit wrapped around their fists.

It was the nine blood corpses.

In an instant, their expressions changed drastically again.

"Damn blood corpse!" They gritted their teeth.

The cultivation base of these blood corpses in front of them may not be as good as theirs, but the body of the other party is as firm as a god of iron, and the methods that are completely desperate make them headaches.

The opponent is a corpse, but they are flesh and blood.

bang bang bang!Immediately, the bloody light carried a strong evil spirit and fought with them again.

"Let's do it! Since you came prepared, you won't have this ability alone. Otherwise, the giant of Wanchongfeng would underestimate me, Lin Wentian." Wentian said coldly with sharp eyes.

Although those giants of the Nine Peaks couldn't fully see how capable he was, they could guess based on his recent achievements.

Since the Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks wanted to send his disciples to strangle him and rob him of his cultivation skills, then the person in front of him would definitely not only have this ability.

As soon as he said this, in an instant, the crazy-looking Zhen Lin's eyes suddenly shrank, as if he was pointed out by Wen Tian's words again.

However, the next moment, his face twisted ferociously, as if the other party saw through him again and again, making him angry from embarrassment.

It's as if everything about him is controlled by the other party.

"Lin Wentian, don't think that you know everything. You look amazing. When I, Chen Lin, practiced, you hadn't been born yet. In front of me, you were just a fledgling child."

"Originally, as long as you obey obediently, I can spare your life, but since you want to die, then I have no choice but to send you to hell." His pupils were red, and he roared to the sky.

"Boom!" His body was full of divine light, and he saw a strange tattoo suddenly appear on his chest.

This strange tattoo is actually a mysterious mountain.

For some reason, Wen Tian's eyelids twitched when he saw this weird tattoo, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Om!" Suddenly, the tattoo on Chen Lin's chest glowed strangely, and at the same time, he roared ferociously, as if he was suffering from great pain.

"Boom!" At the next moment, a wave of violent weather exploded from his body, heading straight towards Yunxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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