Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 709 Save Me!

Chapter 709 Save Me!

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been half a year since everyone entered the world of life and death. In this month, no matter whether it is those monsters or the Zhigu clan, they have become quiet like a strange thing.

However, not only did everyone not let go of their guard, but they became more vigilant, because they could vaguely guess that the rumored day of the exchange of the sun and the moon might be getting closer and closer.

Although the 77 Leiyun disciples who entered the world of life and death at the beginning, there are probably only [-] left now, but with the day and night fighting, their cultivation base is also improving by leaps and bounds.

The cultivation bases of those who can survive today are almost all above the late stage of the True One Realm, and they can be said to be the best among the true gods.

Especially not long ago there were rumors that Lei Feng's No. 1 elite disciple, Zhu Jianzhou, had broken through to the middle stage of the ancient realm, and he was truly the one with the highest cultivation level among all the people.

But even so, his reputation in this land is still suppressed by one person, that is the seventh son of Immortal Peak, Lin Wentian.

Especially when the news came out that he fought fiercely with Chen Lin, the second person in the elite, and killed him in the end, everyone was shocked.

There were dozens of figures standing in the middle of nothingness, the leader was a man with an arrogant expression, he was Duan Jiu.

"Damn Lin Wentian! No matter how strong you are, as long as you meet Duan Jiu, you will definitely die without a place to bury you." His eyes were full of cruelty.

"Boom!" Immediately, a powerful aura exploded from his body.

True god pinnacle!

It is simply unbelievable that his cultivation has broken through from the middle stage of the true god to the peak of the true god in the past six months.

But those who followed him knew that most of the credit for all this was due to that ancient lamp, and many people felt strong jealousy and envy in their hearts.


"Just ahead, that guy is in the swamp thirty miles away." A green light flashed, and there was an excited cry.

If someone saw this scene, they would definitely scream out loud, because the one who made the excited sound was not a human race, nor a monster race, but a strange elixir.

This elixir has seven leaves, and each leaf has a strange beast pattern on its body.

That's right!It is the king of medicine with 7000 years of history, Beast Spirit Grass.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!!" Just behind it, three figures rushed towards it, it was Wentian, Qiuye, and the woman surnamed Li.

"Brother Lin, I don't know what it found this time?" Qiu Ye said excitedly.

The woman surnamed Li beside her also looked excited, her eyes full of anticipation.

Because in the past few days, under the leadership of the beast spirit grass, the three of them have picked a lot of medicine kings, which is a huge harvest.

What's more, Wentian was not stingy, and distributed some of the medicine kings he picked to the two of them, which made them ecstatic.

Unknowingly, even the woman surnamed Li didn't hate Shen Hu as much as before, because she knew in her heart that if it wasn't for the existence of the other party, the man in front of her would never be so generous.

Just ask how many people in this world would think that there are too many thousand-year-old medicine kings. I am afraid that even the giants of the realm can't do this step.

"Although that wretch is useless and can't become a great weapon, but he has a monstrous younger brother, no... not only one, but also the sixth son, Wukong."

"It seems that we really need to have a good talk with my junior sister about Shen Hu." The woman surnamed Li thought to herself.

"Ah! That's the 3000 year old medicine king." Suddenly, Qiu Ye's excited voice brought her back to her senses.

Immediately, she also became excited.


Time passed, and soon, another month passed.

On this day, in the dense forest formed by an ancient tree that covered the sky and the sun, that huge flower bud had a strange glow all over its body.

Immediately, its petals, which seemed to have been unopened for thousands of years, finally opened one after another like a sleeping beauty waking up.

At the same time, a naked man rose slowly from the center of the huge flower bud.

This man is extremely handsome and imposing, which may drive countless girls crazy, especially his pupils are not ordinary pupils, but double pupils.

When he opened his eyes, in the depths of his pupils, it seemed that the sun and the moon were reversing, and the imperial aura leaked from his body seemed extremely powerful.

But his imperial aura is mixed with a strange aura, which does not belong to the human race.

"Waiting and lurking for thousands of years is just for this day to come." He raised his head suddenly and then murmured.

Not far from him, an ordinary-looking man sat cross-legged on a thick tree trunk. He seemed to hear the other person's words, and slowly opened his eyes.

His appearance may seem ordinary, but his eyes are full of energy when he opens and closes, as if everything is under his control.

The strange man didn't seem to feel the slightest surprise at his existence, he didn't turn his head, but said indifferently: "It's time for you to come out."

"I hope you can keep your promise, otherwise..." The ordinary-looking man didn't finish his sentence, but the threat in his words was obvious.

The energy leaked from his body was not from the Yao clan, nor from the Zhigu clan, but from the cultivation of human beings.

He is a disciple of Leiyun Jiufeng.

Hiss... If anyone sees it, it will definitely cause a sensation, because human beings in this land, whether it is the beast or the Zhigu clan, have already formed hatred, and now there are people who are accomplices with them.

Especially here it is not night, but daytime, but the strange man who came out of the flower bud seems not to have any influence, so it can be seen that he has a lot of background.

As soon as the words fell, the human race man's figure flashed and disappeared into the tree trunk in an instant.

It was the strange man, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the direction he was leaving, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I really didn't expect that a pawn that he set up at will, and now his descendants have thrown themselves into the trap. Maybe this is God's will, and it is destined that the emperor will set off another storm."

He said inexplicably, and immediately, he slowly landed in the flower bud...


"28 pieces of immortal blood!" Wentian murmured as he looked at the jade pendant in his hand in the nothingness, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

During this period of time, he not only searched for elixir everywhere, but also hunted and killed some ferocious beasts through the induction of the jade pendant.

And these ferocious beasts have slaughtered Lei Yun's disciples, and because of this, they have jade pendants on their bodies.

Led by the 7000-year-old Beast Spirit Grass, they have recently reaped extraordinary results. They believe that even if all of them are added together, their harvest may not be as good as theirs.

Thinking of this, Qiu Ye and her senior sister were ecstatic and extremely satisfied.


However, at this moment, a divine light burst out from the void in the distance, and immediately the divine light exploded and turned into two large characters.

"help me!"

In an instant, as long as they are still alive, the expressions of all Leiyun disciples who see this signal will change drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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