Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 710 Wu Feng

Chapter 710 Wu Feng
The sudden change shocked everyone.

Although they don't know which peak's disciple this is, but just because the other party is a human race and a disciple of the same clan, and the important thing is that the other party has a jade pendant on his body, they cannot ignore it.

"Let's go!" Duan Jiu's figure flashed, leading the crowd to hurry.

On the other side, Zhu Jianzhou, the elite No. 1, suddenly waved his hand and led the crowd behind him to move out in a mighty manner. In the middle of the ancient realm, he is now almost the overlord of this world.

Not only them, some people who have been acting alone all this time have also rushed out of hiding, because although this is a distress signal, it is also a gathering signal from a certain point of view.

Especially when the ominous day is approaching, Leiyun disciples like them really need to get together and discuss.

In a gloomy valley, a black figure sped out. It was a man, but he only had one arm.

That's right!He is also An Wufeng's direct disciple, Dark Sword.

And in an ancient forest, a young man suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of indifference, especially the black and white hair, when he looked indifferent, he also carried that touch of sadness.

The alchemy genius of Lingdan Peak, the demon Chichen.

Hiss... However, his cultivation has reached the late stage of the True God, which is simply unbelievable.

"Om!" Behind him was a radiant light, and a mysterious plant emerged.

Not long after he left, the entire dense forest withered up strangely. In less than a moment, it turned into a withered yellow piece, losing all vitality, like a dead forest.

At the same time, just under a huge beast fossil, there is a half-foot-high spar, which towers below it, with faint runes, which looks very strange, as if this spar came alive.

However, at the next moment, an even more unbelievable scene appeared.

"Om!" All of a sudden, countless ancient runes gushed out from this half-foot-high spar, covering his whole body in an instant, like that ancient magic spell.

Immediately afterwards, the half-foot-tall spar burst into dazzling light, shining like a scorching sun, but when the light subsided, a figure appeared.

"Boom!!" Suddenly, with a loud noise, the huge beast fossil behind this person collapsed completely, turning into dust and disappearing in the sky and earth, leaving no trace behind.

"Boom, boom!!" The next moment, an astonishing aura, carrying an unyielding fighting spirit, erupted from the man's body, causing the earth to rumble, and the sound of thunder came from the void.

If Wentian was here, he would definitely look excited, because the person in front of him was Wukong, the sixth son of the Immortal Peak who had never heard from him since entering this land.

Unexpectedly, for more than half a year, he did not search for elixir or some rare treasures like others, but borrowed the fossils of fierce beasts here to practice.

"Let's go!" Wentian raised his eyes and said calmly.

After saying that, he suddenly waved his hand, leading Qiu Ye and the others to the place where the signal was sent, led by him.


In a barren place where not a single blade of grass could grow, the violent gust of wind swept up the sand and dust billowing below, blocking most of the line of sight.

And here, at the center of the earth, a man was half kneeling on the ground, his clothes were stained with blood, he seemed to have bitten his lip, and two lines of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"Buzz!" However, there was a strong bloody light in his hand.

It was a piece of jade pendant, the jade pendant containing immortal blood, but judging from its strong blood light and coercion, this jade pendant was at least fused with more than ten parts of immortal blood.

Hiss... ten copies of immortal blood, to Zhu Jianzhou, Duan Jiu, and even Wentian and the others, it is definitely a treasure.

You must know that once the 77 parts of immortal blood are fused, then there will be a drop of perfect immortal blood. This drop of blood is probably more precious than some ancient treasures. Once it can be refined, its body, cultivation For will produce astonishing transformation.

Unexpectedly, the heavily injured man in front of him actually had a jade pendant fused with more than ten indelible blood in his hand. I am afraid that when everyone appeared, they would definitely scramble for blood.

The person who rushed over first was Duan Jiu from Lei Feng.

It doesn't mean that he is the fastest, but his position is the closest to the injured man.

"Buzz!" He had only appeared tens of miles away, when his arms burst into blood, and his jade pendant gave off a strong glow of excitement, as if he was looking at his prey.

"What? How strong is the reaction? Could it be that the person calling for help has more than ten copies of the Immortal Peak?" Duan Jiu looked excited.

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, his pupils showed a trace of poison, and said coldly: "Lin Wentian, I hope it's not you, otherwise, I, Duan Jiu, will make your life worse than death."

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly, cutting through the sky at a faster speed than before.

Not long after, they appeared in that barren land.

"Look, there are people there!" Someone exclaimed.

All of a sudden, everyone concentrated their attention and saw that in the center of this barren land, there was a figure covered in blood sitting on the ground, with a strong blood glow bursting from his arms.

And this blood light is not unfamiliar to everyone, because this is the induction of the immortal blood jade pendant. The thicker the blood essence contained, the stronger the summoning power and blood power will become.

"It's not that Lin Wentian! It's not Senior Brother Zhu either!"

"Which line of disciple is this person?" Immediately, the disciples following Duan Jiu said in confusion, because the person in front of them seemed extremely strange to them.

But what surprised them all was that the other party actually had more than ten parts of immortal blood, which was not something that some ordinary disciples could get.

Based on this alone, everyone can know that the strength of the person in front of them is by no means weak.

"Wu Feng, a disciple of the Immortal Peak? I can't believe that with your strength as an ant, you can still live to this day, and you can even get a lot of immortal blood." Looking at the blood-stained man, Duan Jiu's eyes narrowed, and then He looked disdainful to say it.

"What? Is he a disciple of Immortal Peak?"

"Wu Feng...Wu Feng..."

"Ah! I remembered! It is said that this person's talent is ordinary, and he can become a disciple of Immortal Peak only because of his ancestor's relationship, because his surname is Wu." Someone shouted out.

"Disciple surnamed Wu, could it be the descendant of Elder Wu who first entered the Life and Death Peak ten thousand years ago, successfully walked out, broke through to the ancient realm, and became an elder at the elder level?" Suddenly, someone called out.

Although they felt very unfamiliar with Wu Feng's name, they still had heard a little about Elder Wu ten thousand years ago.

That's because ten thousand years ago, it was this Elder Wu who walked out of Life and Death Peak for the first time, and transformed, broke through to the ancient realm in one fell swoop, and became an elder of Yifeng.

Afterwards, the Immortal Patriarch broke into the Life and Death Peak, obtained the peerless skills, the magic power of immortality, which allowed Lei Yunfeng to rise strongly and overwhelm other major forces.

It can be said that this Elder Wu has made great contributions to Leiyunzong. He did not expect that the seriously injured man in front of him was actually his descendant.

For a moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"Hand over the jade pendant in your hand, and I, Duan Jiu, can let you join, or you will die!" But Duan Jiu's eyes were full of greed, he said arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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