Chapter 711
"Hmph! You piece of Immortal Peak, you didn't hear what Senior Brother Duan said. Be careful, I'll destroy you right away." The cold wind stepped out from Duan Jiu's side, and said coldly.

Although his cultivation base is not high, since he followed Duan Jiu, his status among this group of people is second only to Duan Jiu, who is the leader, but he is very beautiful.

That's why he became even more arrogant.

"Haha! I really didn't expect that today's Immortal Peak has not fallen to such a level that there is no one to send a trash to come in and die."

"That's right! It's a miracle that an ant like him can survive until now. Even I can poke him to death with one finger."

"Hand over the jade pendant, and everything on your body, or you will die!"

Immediately, everyone looked haughty, looking down at the bloody figure below for the first time.

But the strange thing is that no matter how they threatened and yelled, the man below remained extremely calm.

He raised his head suddenly, with a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Senior Brother Duan is so majestic, but compared to you, Senior Brother Zhu, you are still more than half behind."

"What? Presumptuous!"


"Damn trash, kill him!"

As soon as he said this, the other people instantly became murderous and yelled ferociously, even Duan Jiu, who was the leader, had an extremely gloomy expression, as if water could be dripping down.

You must know that he is not the same as he was in the past. Not only does he have an ancient lamp at the peak of the true god, but his cultivation has even broken through to the peak of the divine essence.

Although there is a distance of 1 kilometers between the peak of the true god and the middle stage of the ancient realm, he believes that with the power of the ancient lamp, he can also compete with the elite No. [-] Zhu Jianzhou.

And a dying person in front of him laughed at him like this, and in an instant, raging anger burned in his heart.

"Trash, you're looking for death!" His eyes flashed fiercely, his figure flickered, and the thunder in his palm flickered. With a condescending posture, he directly raised his palm and slashed at Wu Feng below.

With his cultivation at the peak of a true god, coupled with the fury of thunder, the power of this palm will definitely destroy the mountains and explode the earth.

"Trash, die! You asked for this."

"A mere ants-like existence wants to challenge Brother Duan's majesty, and he doesn't know how to live or die."

Seeing that his thunder palm was about to strike Wu Feng, the others sneered, and their eyes were full of cruelty.

However, to everyone's surprise, in the face of Duan Jiu's powerful attack, Wu Feng, who was drenched in blood below, showed no trace of fear on his face, and the corners of his mouth were outlined, revealing a hint of mockery.

Just at that instant, his blood-stained hands surged with divine light, and immediately pressed hard on the ground.

"Bang!" Immediately, a strange formation appeared on the ground within a [-]-meter radius, and at the same time, with a bang, a strong rebounding force directly blasted Duan Jiu flying above it.

"What? This is an enchantment!" In an instant, everyone exclaimed.

I saw a barrier full of runes, which surrounded Wufeng like a golden soup, within a radius of [-] meters, it seemed to have become a forbidden place for him.

Hiss... This is actually the enchantment of the peak of the sky.

With a bang, the Duan Jiu who was blown away, his eyes flashed coldly, his body was shaken vigorously, and immediately stood in the space, looking at the enchantment below, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

He didn't expect that the person in front of him actually arranged the formation secretly, and it was also because he was blinded by greed before, otherwise, with his current cultivation base, he should be able to detect this formation.

"What a Wu Feng, it seems that I underestimated you! But do you really think that you can be safe and sound with just this enchantment?" There was a murderous look in his eyes.

After the words fell, there was a buzzing sound, and a sacred glow appeared in his hand, and an ancient lamp appeared.

However, even so, Wu Feng still showed no fear on his face, instead his eyes showed a playful look: "Senior brother Duan is so majestic, not only did he not save Wu, he also wanted to kill him and take his jade pendant."

"That's right! With Senior Brother Duan's current strength and this ancient lamp in his hand, my mere sky-level barrier cannot stop Senior Brother Duan. Totally impossible."

Although he was seriously injured, Wu Feng still seemed to have no fear.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, a hint of unwillingness flashed in those nine eyes.

"What's going on? Isn't this Wu Feng a waste of Immortal Peak? He was very low-key in the past, why is his attitude so tough this time?" Someone wondered.

"Hmph! This guy is just playing tricks. If he hadn't set up the barrier in advance, with Senior Brother Duan's strength, he could be suppressed and killed with one finger." Han Feng said with disdain.

"Senior brother Duan, your senior brother Zhu is here!" Just when everyone was in an uproar, Wu Feng said with a chuckle.

Boom!Immediately, not far from the rear, a burst of violent thunder burst out, the entire sky flickered with lightning, and divine thunder kept falling.

In the solemn eyes of Duan Jiu and others, Zhu Jianzhou, the No.1 elite disciple, rushed over with the speed of wind and thunder.

He stood in the air, looking at the barrier below and Wu Feng in the barrier, his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

But the power of the ancient god that unintentionally exudes from him can make the expressions of the people around Duan Jiu change for a while.

"I've met Senior Brother Zhu!" Everyone said in unison.

Not to mention them, even Duan Jiu was full of fear, because he was not only in the ancient realm, but also in the middle of the ancient realm. Even though he had the ancient lamp in his hand, he still had no chance of winning against the person in front of him.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and said, "Duan Jiu met Senior Brother Zhu!"

Unexpectedly, he, who has always been arrogant, still has to swallow his anger in front of the elite No.1.

"Duan Jiu, you're not bad!" Zhu Jianzhou said calmly.

The sentence you said is not bad, but to Duan Jiu's ears, it was so harsh and sarcastic, just like when he faced his master, it was a senior's comment on the younger generation.

In an instant, he clenched his fists vigorously, roaring in his heart, and a strong unwillingness flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Hmm?" Zhu Jianzhou frowned as if sensing his strangeness.

"Boom!" Immediately, a powerful coercion rose from him, making everyone feel suffocated and extremely shocked.

"Oh my god! Brother Zhu is such a powerful ancient god, his strength can definitely compete with some ordinary late ancient realms."

"He is worthy of being the No. 1 elite disciple. I am afraid that after going out this time, he will definitely be among the top ten core disciples." Someone said.

Feeling this coercion, Duan Jiu's expression changed drastically, and the ancient lamp in his hand glowed with a sacred glow, and only then did he dissipate the coercion on him. He was about to speak, but his face darkened instantly.

"The seventh son of Immortal Peak, Lin Wentian!" Zhu Jianzhou muttered.

After the words fell, there was a whoosh, and three beams of light rushed from afar.

(End of this chapter)

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