Chapter 716

As Wukong yelled, his whole body burst into radiance, surrounded by countless ancient talismans, exuding a strange aura.

At this moment, he finally became completely enraged and displayed his innate supernatural power "Kaleidoscopic Changes".

In the astonished eyes of the crowd and monsters, his body changed and split into three bodies in an instant.

The strange thing is that these three bodies are not his original appearance, but three old men.

"My God! How is this possible?"

"Illusion? No... this is not an illusion!"

Looking at the three old men who appeared strangely in front of them, everyone's eyes widened and they cried out.

Not to mention them, even Wentian was dumbfounded at this moment, with a storm in his heart.

Because the three old men who appeared in front of them were not ordinary people, but the famous third elder brother of Immortal Peak.

"Hiss..." Unexpectedly, the gifted supernatural power of the senior in front of him was so strange.

One qi transforms into three cleans, not only the shape, but also the spirit and mind, which are exactly the same as the three elders A, B, and C.

Ever-changing, this is definitely a shocking supernatural power.

Especially when he sensed a powerful force from the three people in front of him, his heart beat violently and his breathing became short of breath.

With his own transformation technique, although he can transform anyone, he cannot imitate the opponent's strength and coercion.

However, this senior brother of his did it. Although it didn't reach [-]%, it was still [-]% to [-]%.

Whether it was Duan Jiu or Zhu Jianzhou and the others, they were all horrified, and their eyes were full of unimaginable light.

"If you don't hand over the body of the elder brother, you will all die today!" The three elders, A, B, and C, transformed by Wukong, all shouted in unison.

"Boom boom boom!!" Immediately, a powerful might of the ancient god rose from them, causing clouds to move in all directions, trying to shake the sky.

Immediately, the three of them looked domineering and slapped suddenly.

Bang bang bang! !

It seemed like an ordinary palm, but when it was shot, it carried the power of destroying heaven and earth. Whether it was the real tree demon or the ancient tree demon, they were blasted and completely disappeared into nothingness.

The power of the three of them killed dozens of Ancient Realm Dryads and many Divine Realm Dryads, which is simply unbelievable.

Especially those tree demons, their blood-red pupils were filled with boundless fear, and they trembled all over.

"Impossible! How could a mere human have such power!"

"No! This guy is not a human race, he is a foreign race!" Suddenly, an ancient land tree demon screamed, his voice full of panic.

The people of Leiyun didn't make a fuss when they heard this, because there had been rumors before that Wukong, the sixth son of Immortal Peak, was not a pure-blooded human, but it was never confirmed.

Boom!On the other side, there was a thunderstorm, and the entire area of ​​tens of miles was submerged by violent thunder and lightning. In the sea of ​​thunder, the screams of the tree demon continued to be heard.

This Zhu Jianzhou is worthy of being the No. 1 elite. Although the tree monsters are fierce and there are a large number of them, many tree monsters were blown out with a wave of his hand.

A strange sea of ​​flames burned more and more into the sky, and countless tree monsters screamed in the sea of ​​flames. No matter how they struggled, the flames on their bodies could not be extinguished.

Because these flames are so strange that they can actually burn their demon power.

Not to mention the real god tree demon, even if the ancient realm tree demon was burned, it would make a heart-piercing scream.

In an instant, the hearts of countless Zhigu clan trembled, and Leiyun disciples were dumbfounded.

An Wufeng's dark sword, his dark cage sword qi raged, and all the tree demons who were trapped were killed by the sword qi of ten thousand ways, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Hiss... Unexpectedly, the disciples of Leiyun, who seemed to be weak and weak, showed a powerful killing power just by these few arrogances, and slaughtered thousands or tens of thousands of tree demons in the blink of an eye.

When everyone was struggling to fight, Wentian was not idle, his figure flickered, one turned into two, two turned into four, four turned into eight... In an instant, thousands of water element clones gushed out.

"Kill!" Thousands of avatars yelled angrily, and between waving hands, mist, lightning, purple flames, and ice rushed out, forming a monstrous storm that swept across the void.

Puff puff! !With his power alone, he seems to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with thousands of Leiyun disciples, but in just an instant, countless tree demons have died in his hands.

"Mie Sheng Fist!" A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the main body, and the raised fist violently swung a blow.

Boom boom boom! !Under the aura of Mie Sheng Fist, all the tree demons affected opened their eyes in fear, and the naked eyes could see that the life on their bodies was blown out, and they withered instantly.

With a "bang", the gust of wind roared past, turning into sawdust and disappearing into nothingness.

"What? This breath?" As soon as the Mie Sheng Fist was released, the expressions of all the tree demons changed suddenly, and their eyes were full of fear.

"Damn it, is the prophecy back then true?"

"No... This is absolutely impossible, our Zhigu clan is destined to rise again."

"No matter what, the prophecy must not come true! Kill him, kill him at all costs."

Countless tree demons roared, and the roar was full of hatred.

Boom! !In an instant, many tree demons abandoned their original opponents, and all rushed to kill Wentian.

Such a shocking change left others stunned and a little panicked.

"Haha! This is retribution!"

"The sins committed by Immortal Peak can only be repaid by the people of Immortal Peak!"

"Lin Wentian die!" But soon, someone with a ferocious expression laughed wildly.

Of course, the people who laughed wildly were Duan Jiu, Han Feng and others.

Not to mention them, even Zhu Jianzhou's eyes flashed strangely, and he retreated rapidly, as if he wanted to escape.

Obviously, now is the best time for them to escape. After all, the number of these tree demons is huge, no matter how powerful they are, they cannot kill them all.

"Retreat!" Duan Jiu's expression showed a hint of viciousness, and with the blood all over his body, the few survivors quickly retreated.

With a sound of An Wufeng's dark sword, he turned into a puff of black energy and fled away in an instant, without any intention of helping Wentian to rescue him.

"Seventh Junior Brother, be careful!" Wukong, who transformed into the three elders A, B, and C, shouted.

Boom! !The three of them jumped up with all their strength, and went straight to Wentian's side.

"Stop him!" But those tree monsters seemed determined to kill Wentian, their pupils were blood red, and they rushed towards Wukong with a touch of madness.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of tree demons had already killed Wentian.

Looking at the monsters who were showing murderous intent in front of him, and Duan Jiu and others who were showing vicious eyes at him not far away, Wentian's face became gloomy, and the murderous intent in his eyes was intense to the extreme.

"Since you are not benevolent, then don't blame me, Lin Wentian, for being unrighteous!" He said coldly.

The words fell, puff puff... many water element avatars dissipated, and a small tower slowly rose in the palm of its main body.

Suppressing Heaven and Earth Tower!
"Seal it for me!" He shouted angrily, sacrificing the Sky Suppressing Tower with all his strength.

"Buzz!" It soared into the sky in an instant, suspended in the sky, emitting bursts of strange celestial lights, and within a few minutes of breathing, it formed a cage that completely trapped Baili.

"What? This is an enchantment!"

"Not good! Lin Wentian, you devil!"

Trapped by the barrier, everyone turned pale and let out vicious curses.

(End of this chapter)

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