Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 717 Strong Breakthrough! !

Chapter 717 Strong Breakthrough! !
I thought that I and the others could take the opportunity to escape, but I didn't expect a barrier to appear suddenly, trapping them instantly.

Immediately, no matter it was Duan Jiu or that Zhu Jianzhou, their expressions were extremely gloomy.

"Om!" The black air condensed, and the dark sword appeared again. Looking at the enchantment, his eyes suddenly shrank, and the hand holding the long sword tightened even more.

"What a Lin Wentian!" His voice was cold.

"Lin Wentian, quickly open the barrier, otherwise you will be against Feng Jiu!"

"Traitor! This guy is really as restless and kind as that Wu Feng."

Everyone cursed.

Zhu Jianzhou's face was gloomy, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "Shoot with all your strength and break this barrier!"


As soon as the words fell, he was covered in thunder, as if he was surrounded by a thunder dragon. With a flash of thunder, he rushed away violently, and bombarded the barrier in the air with his fists.

"Hmph!" Duan Jiu snorted coldly, quickly made a seal with both hands, and offered the ancient lamp.

At the same time, An Wufeng's Dark Sword and the other surviving disciples roared angrily and unleashed powerful attacks.

Boom! !Immediately, there were constant rumbles in the enchantment.

But for this, the corner of Wentian's mouth curved into a disdainful arc, because since the Heaven Suppressing Tower devoured the Overlord's Divine Spear, it has become more impenetrable, and even the ancient realm powerhouses can hardly break through its barrier.

It seems slow, but everything happens in an instant.

Immediately, he looked at the Zhigu family who came to kill him as cold as ice.

"In that case, I will send you to hell first!" He said coldly.

"Buzz!" As soon as he finished speaking, a strong golden light burst out from his body, illuminating the entire void.

At the same time, in the main hall of the ancient kingdom of Tianyuan Continent, his god-born jade avatar suddenly raised its head, and the rune on its forehead was against the sky, and the dragon pattern imprint appeared when the golden light was dazzling.

The Baizhang statue standing in the square seems to be alive here, with strange tattoos all over its body, and a golden glow between its eyebrows, and the dragon pattern gradually takes shape.

At the same time, the Golden Dragon of Good Luck and the Colorful Dragon of Merit and Virtue in the ancient country made a terrifying roar, causing all the people in the ancient country to raise their heads suddenly, their expressions extremely astonished.

Not to mention the ancient country, even the Thunder Cloud Sect in Tianyun Sea heard a terrifying beast roar, it was the roar of the holy beast of the Thunder Cloud Sect, and the Sea of ​​Luck of the Thunder Cloud Sect was constantly rolling.

In an instant, countless disciples, elders, and even the giants of Jiufeng were alarmed.

In the nothingness of the Immortal Peak, a figure sat cross-legged, as if it hadn't moved for ten thousand years, but at this moment, he murmured: "Have you finally chosen to break through the realm?"

He is the master of Wentian, the giant of the Immortal Peak, and the punishment for the sanctification of the body.

Weapon Blade Sect.

During this time, the sudden change in the Zongmen's air transportation left countless people stunned.

"My God! What the hell is going on here?"

"Could it be that the change in the sea of ​​air luck is due to a change in the ancient kingdom of the lower realm?" Someone exclaimed.

However, just when everyone was anxious, a vicissitudes of voice came from the depths: "Everyone don't need to panic, this is a good thing, it should be that ancient Huang Lin Wentian is about to break through."

"What? Then Lin Wentian is going to break through again!"

"In this way, he is going to break through to the realm of true oneness, but there are rumors that he has disappeared and entered the realm of life and death?"

"Wow! Could it be that the luck and merits of his ancient country are connected to our Blade Sect and Thunder Cloud Sect, and can be teleported across two realms?" Someone exclaimed in surprise, eyes filled with disbelief.

Not to mention them, Elder Mo Yang here also had a sudden expression, his eyes full of unthinkable.

Obviously, even he didn't expect that Wentian's national destiny and the power of national virtue can connect the two realms.


Just when countless people were in an uproar, in the world of life and death, Wentian's whole body was shining with golden light, and the dragon pattern imprint on his forehead was full of mysterious and ancient aura.

"Boom boom boom!!" His momentum was like a rainbow, and he kept climbing upwards, as if he wanted to break through the barrier and the sky.

"Boom! Boom!" At the same time, bursts of booms suddenly came from above the sky.

An incomparably heavy aura fell down, and thunder clouds surged, as if a world-destroying god thunder was brewing.

"Heavenly Tribulation!"

In an instant, whether it was Duan Jiu or the others, or the Zhigu clan, their hearts were beating wildly and their expressions were full of shock.

"Heavenly Tribulation? Get lost!" Just when everyone thought that Heavenly Tribulation was about to fall, Wentian shouted at Tian with a domineering expression.

An unbelievable scene appeared.

I saw that as soon as he finished drinking, he was covered with golden light and dazzling colors, full of mysterious aura. This is the power of luck and merit.

The golden light and the colored light melted into the barrier in an instant. Immediately, the runes of the entire barrier were shining brightly, and mysterious dragon patterns appeared. It seemed that there was a huge golden dragon and a colorful dragon entangled in the barrier.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the thunder cloud in the void and the sound of thunder disappeared strangely, but the dantian of Wentian was shining with golden light, and a golden vortex gushed out.

"Not good! This kid is going to break through!"

"Kill! Kill him at all costs. The prophecy must not come true. Our Zhigu clan must not be destroyed by him."

All the tree demons screamed, not only their eyes were red, but also the spikes all over their bodies glowed with a strange light.

However, soon, they showed a terrified look, because they found that they were blown away by a powerful coercion just within a hundred feet of Wentian.

"How is it possible? He only broke through to the realm of true oneness, how could he possess such powerful divine power?" They screamed, their bodies trembling instinctively.

At the same time, the eyelids of Duan Jiu, Zhu Jianzhou and the others jumped, because no matter how they attacked, the barrier created by the Heaven Suppressing Tower was still solid.

"Damn it, what kind of enchantment is this!"

"It's not right! This is not divine power, it's immortal power!" Zhu Jianzhou's expression changed suddenly, and a terrifying light shot out from his eyes.

"What? Xianli?"

"Impossible! How can he, a mere mortal, possess the ancient immortal power." Someone screamed, feeling a thunderbolt in his head.

"It's that small tower!" Dark Sword's eyes suddenly contracted, looking at the sky-suppressing tower suspended in the sky, there was a hint of greed in the depths of his pupils.

"Buzz!" The golden vortex in Wentian's dantian erupted with a powerful devouring force, crazily snatching the aura of this celestial realm with domineering momentum.

At the same time, his whole body was radiant, and his long black hair instantly turned into golden color, making him appear majestic and majestic, quite regal.

Boom boom boom!
As he devoured the spiritual energy, his aura was astonishing, and his power increased exponentially like endlessly, causing the entire barrier to buzz.

Especially the invisible power on his body made some Leiyun disciples look pale, and their whole souls trembled.

However, despite this, he still seemed dissatisfied. He suddenly raised his head and put his cold eyes on those tree demons.

"Want to sacrifice my blood, flesh, bones, and soul to the emperor of your Zhigu clan? Then I will use your lives to help me break through." A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After the words fell, his left pupil turned green strangely.


Immediately, his hands burst into mysterious green lights, and he pressed hard against nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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