Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 725 Finally Appears!

Chapter 725 Finally Appears!

The entire nothingness exploded, and the surging aftermath could simply sweep across the world, countless trees were broken, and the earth continued to shatter.

Even at this moment, even the strange purple star in the sky seemed to be shaken, and its purple light seemed to be dimmed.

With the power of the cave, Wentian unleashed a powerful blow, completely destroying the purple beam of light. Immediately, the strange man raised his eyebrows, and his face gradually darkened.

But also in this fleeting moment, Wentian seized this opportunity, his whole body turned into a divine dragon, and flew straight to Yun Xiao with the momentum of a trapped dragon soaring into the sky, at an extremely terrifying speed.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of that monstrous man, but he didn't think much about it, his whole body exuded an astonishing murderous intent, and the violent sword intent on his body boomed.

"Whether you are a human or a demon, or the emperor of the Zhigu clan, kill me!" He shouted violently with a hint of ferocity in his expression.

He put his hands together, and suddenly, an astonishing sword intent erupted completely, causing clouds to move in all directions, and the sky continued to rumble.

At the next moment, a gigantic sword with a length of hundreds of feet was condensed by his sword intent. It kept trembling, and that invisible sword power could cut through nothingness.


The blood in his whole body was boiling, and the veins in his arms were bulging, which was a full circle thicker than before. Immediately, he held the sword in both hands, and fiercely slashed at the strange man with a condescending posture.

This blow completely merged with his four-point mad domineering sword intent, and it had the potential to open up the world. It seemed that with a single blow, no matter whether it was nothingness or the earth, it would be divided into two.


However, soon his eyes were wide open in fear, and his expression was full of disbelief, because his sharp blow could not hurt the opponent in the slightest.

I saw that strange man just stretched out a hand, and easily stopped his giant sword, not only that, but the other party even looked at him with a sneer.

In his horrified eyes, the opponent's hand holding the blade squeezed vigorously.

"Crack! Kick!"

"Bang..." The huge sword in his hand was covered with cracks, and finally burst open completely, turning into light spots and disappearing into nothingness.

At this moment, the strange man suddenly waved his hand with a look of disdain, boom, a powerful storm directly blasted him away.

"Puff puff………"

The other party's understatement waved his hand and sent him flying hundreds of miles away. His face was even paler, his throat was sweet, and he spurted three mouthfuls of blood.

Also at this moment, Gu Feng's power into his body seemed to have reached its limit, and his aura weakened rapidly.

"Flesh body at the peak of the ancient realm!" Looking at the unscathed and strange man, his eyes were wide open, and he yelled loudly.

To be able to receive his full strength blow with a flesh and blood body without hurting a bit, the opponent definitely has a physical body at the peak of the ancient realm.

Thinking of this, his breath became short of breath, and a stormy sea arose in his heart.

"Son of Prophecy? How ridiculous!"

"The time has finally come! After waiting for thousands of years, this emperor finally waited for this day."

However, the emperor of the Zhigu clan didn't pay attention to Wentian's shock. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the void with excitement.

At the same time, Wentian's expression changed drastically, and he raised his head rapidly.

In his shocked eyes, the black sun in the sky and the green moon completely merged into a bright purple star, emitting a mysterious purple glow.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

"That is?"

There seemed to be two mysterious black shadows in the purple sun and moon, and at this moment, his breathing was short, and the heart in his body was beating vigorously.

He was shocked to find that the inexplicable summoning power before came from this new purple star.

"What's going on? What's there?" While he was terrified, his heart was full of boundless doubts.

Immediately, his eyes changed, and yin and yang pupils appeared!

Through the yin and yang eyes, he saw a strange scene.

In that purple star, there seemed to be a strange tree growing. It seemed small, but he knew it was definitely a giant tree.

And just under this strange giant tree, there is a stone tablet standing, which seems to be engraved with ancient runes.


This was so weird that he couldn't understand the scene before him at all.

However, at this moment, his complexion changed suddenly, and his eyes shot out a terrifying light.

"Om!" The golden paper that had been lurking in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly burst into unprecedented brilliance as if it had been activated.

Especially the fairy talisman on it, as if summoned by something, it kept spinning around the gold paper, exuding an ancient and frightening aura.

"Could it be..." Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, as if he had thought of something, especially in the depths of his memory, it seemed that something was waking up.

"When the sun and the moon merge, life and death are exchanged. This is a critical point. The Immortal God Tree and the Immortal Art of Immortality will also reappear."

"Haha! Those stupid disciples of Leiyun have sacrificed many talents for many years, and they have spent no amount of time gaining anything. They don't know that in order to obtain this peerless skill, they must be present at the right time, place and people at the same time, so that it will appear. "

"And now is the best time, but it will belong to this emperor. With this peerless skill, the strength of the coming Japanese emperor will definitely surpass that of the past. Even if the ancient immortal emperor reappears, it will not be able to help me."

Just when he was in a daze, a burst of arrogant laughter sounded in his head.

I saw the strange man with long hair dancing wildly, his double pupils flashed with excitement, and at this moment, the purple light on his body turned into a beam of light and shot straight into the sky, as if it was about to break through the sky.

"Not good! That's probably the fruit of immortality, and the magical power of immortality!" Wentian roared, his eyes turned red.

Because whether it is the immortal fruit or the immortal power, he is determined to obtain it, and he will never allow it to fall into his hands, let alone the other party is a demon, the revived emperor of the Zhigu clan.

"Om!" He burst into golden light, and when he roared, his whole body shot up into the sky like an unsheathed divine sword, heading straight for the purple star, trying to chase the sun, moon and stars.

Immediately, in the seemingly boundless nothingness, a strange picture appeared. There were two beams of light, one purple and one gold, bursting out with astonishing force, looking from afar as if two stars were chasing each other.

At the same time, somewhere in this ancient forest, the ground was stained with blood, and two bloody figures were leaning on a rock and panting.

But in front of them, two bloody figures that were bloody and unrecognizable fell to the ground, staining the ground red.

"You guys..." One of the blood shadows, he was about to struggle to stand up, and his protruding eyeballs were creepy.

He wanted to say something, but the next moment, with a bang, he fell on his back and never stood up again.

Seeing this, the two people leaning on the rock breathed a sigh of relief.

These two people are Wukong and Yichen.

It's just that the next moment, the expressions of the two of them suddenly changed, as if they felt something suddenly raised their heads.

"That is?"

"not good!"

The two exclaimed in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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