Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 726 Immortal Scripture

Chapter 726 Immortal Scripture
Unexpectedly, with the strength of the two of them alone, Duan Jiu and Zhu Jianzhou, who had the strength in the late stage of the ancient realm after being demonized, would be killed. If this news gets out, it will definitely shock the world.

Of course, the two of them also paid a huge price, especially Na Yichen, whose physical body was almost completely torn apart, as if he had used power that should not belong to him.

However, at this moment, the eyes of the two of them flashed fiercely, and they gritted their teeth vigorously: "Let's go!"

After the words fell, the two struggled to stand up, and after taking some pills, they rushed straight to the sky with their bloody bodies.


Wentian's speed reached an unprecedented speed, and the whistling and buzzing in his ears seemed to have surpassed the speed of thunder and lightning, or even the speed of light.

He flew wildly all the way, roaring in his heart, especially as he approached the purple star, the summoning power in his body became extremely strong, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness shone with golden light.

"Damn it!" He gritted his teeth.

Because the speed of the strange man was faster than him, seeing that the other party was about to get there first, he roared in his heart, and his eyes were filled with strong unwillingness.

And as he got closer and closer, he found that in front of the purple star, a huge strange tree was actually growing with the void as soil.

In particular, there are nine purple divine fruits on its body, which is exactly the divine glow.

Looking at the nine purple divine fruits in front of him, its whole body was covered with mysterious runes, Wentian's eyes were burning, and his heart beat faster.

"Immortal God Fruit!" He roared crazily in his heart, because as long as he got the God Fruit in front of him, not only would his ancestor Gu Yun recover, he could even break through to the realm and become a giant.

Not only that, just in front of this sacred tree, there is a stone tablet exuding an ancient atmosphere.

There are some extremely ancient symbols engraved on this stone tablet, which seem to be words and runes.

However, when Wentian saw these symbols, he felt a turmoil in his heart.

"This is fairy writing! It's the same as the writing on the golden paper back then." He cried out.

However, at this moment, the emperor of the Zhigu clan rushed in front of the stele, and in Wentian's eyes full of unwillingness, he touched the stele with both hands.

"Haha! Immortal Book of Immortality, this belongs to me!" He laughed wildly, his expression extremely excited, as if his wish for many years had finally come true.

"Not good!" Seeing that the Immortal Art of Immortality was about to fall into the hands of the enemy, Wentian roared loudly, and with a bang, he rushed out roaring like a raging beast.

But no matter how violent he was, it was still a step too late.

However, at the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened, and he was dumbfounded.

"Om!" Just when the strange man touched the stele, it suddenly burst into an extremely strong golden light, shining for thousands of miles in an instant, and a terrifying aura was awakened.

As soon as this energy came out, the ecstasy on the strange man's face disappeared instantly, replaced by panic.

"No... This is absolutely impossible, you have already fallen!" He turned pale and yelled.

And at this moment, Wentian felt a thunderbolt in his mind, because he had already felt this terrifying aura long ago.

"The emperor of the ancient fairy clan!" His wide eyes were filled with boundless disbelief.

Sure enough, just as he finished speaking, the dazzling golden light began to shrink, and finally a majestic figure emerged.

This person is entangled with immortal energy, making it hard to see his true face, but the energy in his body can easily destroy the world, and reverse the sun, moon and stars.

Because he is the emperor, the emperor of the fairy clan.

You must know that there was only one emperor in the entire fairy clan at the beginning, and at that time, there were several emperors, whether it was the monster clan or the demon clan, but he alone was able to fight nearly ten emperors. And know how amazing his strength is.

At that time, he was definitely the first emperor of all races.

"If you want to touch the treasure of my immortal clan, the scripture of immortality, one of the three great immortal scriptures, you Zhigu monster clan are not worthy at all." Suddenly, an incomparably majestic voice came from this stalwart figure.

Immediately, a powerful celestial power erupted from the stone tablet, directly blasting at the strange man.

"Pfft!" Immediately, his expression changed suddenly, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. His eyes were filled with boundless fear, and it seemed that even his soul trembled.

" have long since fallen, and you are just a phantom now." He twisted his face ferociously, and let out an astonishing roar.

Because he has seen that the Immortal Emperor in front of him is not his real body, nor is he a clone of his soul, but just a phantom left on the stone tablet.

The Xianwei that injured him before was entirely caused by the huge stone tablet in front of him.

Thinking of this, a flash of madness flashed across his eyes.

"I don't believe that a mere stone tablet can stop me." He roared to the sky.

boom!His whole body was radiant with purple awns, and his demonic aura was completely violent, and he rushed towards the stone tablet again.


"Bang Bang!!"

But the next moment, he was blown away again, coughing up blood continuously, even his body was cracked, instantly staining his whole body with blood.

"Damn it!" He roared crazily, his heart filled with strong unwillingness to wait for thousands of years, but now he got such a result, which made him unacceptable.

Seeing that the treasure is close in front of his eyes, but he can't get it, let alone him, even anyone wants to go crazy.

"Even if I don't get the fairy scriptures, I still have this ten thousand year magic medicine, the fruit of immortality." His eyes were extremely blood red, and a strong sense of resentment emanated from his body.

With a chirp, his body became ill, and he rushed towards the huge sacred tree.

At this moment, Wen Tiancai came back to his senses. He glanced at the stone tablet in front of him and the elixir of immortality not far away, and there was a hint of struggle in his eyes.

"This stele has spirituality. I'm afraid neither a demon nor a monster can get it, so..." Thinking of this, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he turned into a long rainbow to chase after it.

And that majestic Immortal Sovereign phantom just stood there in nothingness, looking down on the frenzied struggle between the two of them with a lofty attitude.

"Immortal fruit! It is an extremely mysterious existence among the ten thousand years of magic medicine. It is said that once the nine fruits fall, the tree will wither and turn into a seed again, hiding somewhere in the world, waiting for rebirth."

"With my current strength, as long as I get one of the fruits, I can break through to the realm. If I serve all nine fruits together, even if I can't recover to the demon king state, I will still have the power of the peak demon king." Looking at the nine trees on the tree, Divine fruit, the king of the Zhigu clan shouted in his heart.

"Wanting to achieve this magical fruit? It's simply wishful thinking!" However, at this moment, a laughing sound suddenly rang in his head.

The next moment, the void twisted for a while, and a man appeared.

Wu Feng!

"Bastard! You, a mere piece of trash, also want to stop the Emperor?" Looking at the person in front of him, he was stunned for a moment, but soon his expression turned ferocious.

boom! !He was covered in purple awns, and that astonishing demonic aura turned into invisible power, directly pressing on Wu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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