Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 733 Hate and Relief!

Chapter 733 Hate and Relief!

"And promise me one last thing." Huang Xing yelled heartbreakingly, his ferocious pupils staring at Wentian fiercely.

Being looked at by such eyes, Wentian couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart, but he still yelled: "Brother, please tell me."

"This demon emperor is a powerful ancient weapon, and ordinary weapons can't kill him at all, but you are different. You have the first shot of the human race, the Overlord's Divine Spear."

"Brother's last wish is to use your spear to pierce through my sea of ​​consciousness and kill him completely." Xing Huang roared, his eyes struggling continuously, revealing a touch of madness.

"Xing Huang, you are crazy, and you will lose your soul in this way." There was a voice of panic in his body.

Boom! !Zhigu's emperor seemed to go crazy, and Xing Huang could be seen with the naked eye to be demonized constantly, with wings growing on his back and his head touching his head.

"I, Xing Huang, died early, and my biggest wish now is to drag you to hell with me, otherwise, if you are left alive, it will definitely become a big problem for my human race in the future."

"Seventh Junior Brother, don't hesitate, for the sake of our human race, Senior Brother will not hesitate to die." Seeing that Wentian was unmoved, Xing Huang let out an astonishing roar, as if he wanted to explode his own body.

It's just that even though he died in this way, the soul of Emperor Zhigu is still immortal, and he will be reborn in the future.

"Eldest brother... no..." Wukong roared, his eyes were extremely bloody, he didn't think of the last thing the other party did, unexpectedly...

He was full of unwillingness.

"If you want to kill my junior brother Xing Huang, you are not qualified now." Xing Huang's eyes were bleeding suddenly, looking extremely gloomy.

"Sixth junior brother, you are extremely talented and good at evolving other people's methods. Today, senior brother sent a double pupil. I hope that one day, you can make it slaughter demons and demons."

"Buzz!" Immediately, two streaks of blood shot out from his terrifying pupils, instantly blending into Wukong's eyes.

The depth of Wukong's pupils can be faintly seen, becoming deeper and deeper, as if turning into a black hole capable of swallowing thousands of souls.

However, before he came back to his senses, Xing Huang's voice sounded again in his mind.

"Eldest brother will send you off again." After saying that, Xing Huang's double pupils opened angrily, covered with bloodshot threads like spider webs.

Under the power of his double pupils, nothingness is constantly distorting, as if the space is reversing, and a passage appears just by breathing.

"Buzzing!!" The next moment, the channel burst into a powerful devouring force, instantly sucking Wukong and Yichen in, the void twisted for a while, and the two had completely disappeared in the world of life and death.

"Puff!!" At the same time, Xing Huang seemed to have exhausted his strength, and the remnant soul was instantly suppressed by Emperor Zhigu. His arms were split open, and countless spikes gushed out.

"Xing Huang! You can't escape the temple if you run away from the monk. One day, this emperor will slaughter the entire Thunder Cloud Sect, and even the entire human race."

"As long as I have Xing Huang for one day, don't even think about it! Junior brother, hurry up and act like a senior brother, begging you to give me a relief."

From the demonized body of Xing Huang came two different roars.

"Ah!!" Wentian suddenly roared up to the sky, his hatred reached the extreme, it was hatred for the Zhigu clan and the entire monster clan.

The strange thing is that he also exudes an astonishing demonic aura all over his body. At this moment, he seems to be no longer a god or a fairy, but a demon.

Of course, this was the demonic energy he had fused at the crack.

At this moment, he seemed to be completely erupted. The naked eye could see that his long hair turned red rapidly, and the mysterious rune in the corner of his left eye reappeared.

"Kill!" His eyes were extremely blood red, and his whole body was full of murderous aura, as if he was in a madness.

While roaring, runes of the domineering long spear gushed out from his hand, exuding a frightening aura. With a chirp, the veins in his arms popped out, stabbing out with the speed of wind and thunder.

"don't want……"

"Pfft!" Suddenly blood flew, Xing Huang's eyebrows were completely pierced, and the bright red blood dripped down the spear, staining his hands with blood.

"Thank you, junior brother. With you here, senior brother can go with peace of mind." Xing Huang's ferocious face suddenly showed a gentle smile, which was more of a relief.

pain!It hurts!Pain like never before!

Looking at the senior brother who had been pierced through the head by himself, Wentian's heart was bleeding, and the hand holding the Overlord's spear kept trembling.

His eyes regained clarity, and the tears kept streaming down his chest like they couldn't stop, instantly wetting his chest.

"Eldest brother... I..." His expression was full of sadness.

Xing Huang seemed unable to speak, but his expression was comforted and relieved.

Suddenly, his double pupils were extremely deep, completely turning into a bottomless black hole.

At this moment, Wentian felt that the scene around him was constantly changing, no...he seemed to be sucked into the opponent's double pupil.

"Little brother, big brother looks at you as if he saw himself before, I really miss you!"

"Get a good night's sleep! This is the last thing Elder Brother can do for you." Xing Huang's voice sounded in Wentian's mind.

However, at the next moment, his mind went blank and his eyelids were extremely heavy. He slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep seems to be a day, and it seems to be a year, until he slowly opened his eyes and woke up in a daze.

"Here?" His eyes widened.

I saw that when he woke up, he found that he was not in the world of life and death, but in a strange space, and an ancient stone tablet stood in front of him.

It is the stone tablet that records the immortal art.

Looking at the extremely majestic stele exuding an ancient aura, he came back to his senses in an instant.

"The Immortal Sutra!" He looked extremely excited, as if the previous sadness was instantly replaced by joy.

Without the slightest hesitation, he hopped his feet vigorously, jumped onto the stone tablet in an instant, then waved his sleeves, and immediately sat up cross-legged.

Not long after, the stone tablet under him glowed with fairy script, and those ancient words seemed to come alive, pouring out of the stone tablet, and finally began to spin around him.

In an instant, the immortal energy in his body became stronger and stronger, even the Return to the Beginning Immortal Wen in his body seemed to be aroused, spontaneously gushing out from his body to entangle with the Immortal Immortal Wen.

A strange scene appeared.

Here he was surrounded by two great immortals as if he had turned into a chrysalis.

And as time passed, the coercion on his body became stronger and stronger, and the runes on his body were against the sky, emitting an aura stronger than that of a beast.

Not only that, his flesh and blood body seemed to be transforming, expelling layers of impurities, becoming as smooth as jade, whiter and tenderer than the skin of countless women.

Time keeps passing...

At the same time, Thunder Cloud Sect of Tianyun Sea.

Peak Master Xingguan, who was originally sitting cross-legged and hadn't moved for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes.

Not to mention him, all the giants of the Nine Peaks seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly their figures flashed, and when they appeared again, they were already standing in the sky above the Life and Death Peak.

"Om!" However, at this moment, somewhere in the Life and Death Peak buzzed, and the next moment, a strange passage suddenly appeared.

"What's going on? The time should not be up yet, did something unexpected happen?" The Void Formation Peak Master frowned and said.

(End of this chapter)

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