Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 734 Linglong Injured

Chapter 734 Linglong Injured
"Haha! You are making a lot of fuss. Maybe it's because someone obtained the Immortal Art of Immortality in advance, so the world of life and death will be opened in advance." A loud laugh rang out.

The person who speaks is the Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks.

He looked excited here, especially in the depths of his pupils, there seemed to be a hint of greed hidden.

"Sovereign Master, could it be that this time, the Immortal Art of Immortality has really appeared in the world?" The Master of Huan Shui Peak said happily, his beautiful eyes were full of color.

The alchemist of Spirit Pill Peak didn't say anything, he suddenly closed his eyes with a calm demeanor, as if he didn't care about this vision at all.

"Hmph... Even if there is the Immortal Art of Immortality, it is definitely an ominous art. Once the news is leaked, my Thunder Cloud Sect will be watched by many forces, even the three holy places." A cold snort stand up.

Although Peak Master Zimei was wearing a veil, she could still see that her expression was extremely cold, especially when Shuang Moo burst out with strong hatred when she didn't know what to think of.

"The Divine Art of Immortality and Immortality is the learning of my Thunder Cloud Sect, how can others take it if they want?" This time it was the Lord of Anwu Peak who spoke.

He was wearing a black dress, but it was empty inside, like a void, especially his voice was very gloomy.

"Puff!" But at this moment, two bloody figures rushed in from the passage of Life and Death Peak.

"Ah! That's..."

"The sixth son of Immortal Peak, Wukong who has the name of a monster, and the panacea Tianjiao monster Yichen, the two of them came out of the world of life and death alive."

There were bursts of screams not far away, and many disciples rushed over. They were dumbfounded and looked extremely shocked.

Boom! !
As their exclamation sounded, more and more disciples were alarmed, some were extremely shocked, and some looked extremely excited.

But soon, their expressions changed suddenly.

Because just after Wukong and Yichen came out, that passage disappeared strangely, and no one came out from the world of life and death again.

"My God! How is this possible?"

"Could it be that 77 people entered, and now there are only two people alive?"

"'s impossible!"

"You must know that whether it is Zhu Jianzhou, the No. 1 elite brother, or Chen Lin, the second elite, they are all strong in the ancient realm, and their strength is powerful." Someone shouted, his expression full of disbelief.

"Don't forget, even Xing Huang, who was known as the Son of God and was said to be a genius who would not emerge in a thousand years, did not walk out of the world of life and death with his strength back then." Another person said.

As soon as this person spoke, the expressions of many people changed in an instant, and their faces turned pale.

Indistinctly, there are even more people who are extremely lucky, lucky that they were not able to get a quota in the first place.

"The world of life and death is indeed in danger, one accident will destroy all the bones." Someone secretly thought.

Not to mention their disciples, even the giant of the Nine Peaks changed his complexion in an instant.

Especially the Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks, his original joyful look disappeared in an instant, replaced by a face full of disbelief.

"Damn it, with the cultivation bases of both of you, you can come out. How can my Chen Lin from Wanchong Peak fall? Come here for this old man. I want to see what happened in the world of life and death." Suddenly, his expression changed. roared ferociously.

After the words fell, he suddenly reached out.

"Om!" Under his probe, the bodies of Wukong and Yichen rushed towards him.

It seems that he wanted to forcibly peek into the sea of ​​consciousness of the two, in order to know what happened in the world of life and death.

But here, Wukong and Yichen seemed to have spent too much divine energy before and fell into a deep sleep, without any resistance at all.

Seeing that the two of them were about to fall into the hands of the Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks, at this moment, a cold snort full of murderous intent came.

"Hmph... Just because you want to touch my disciple of Xingguan?" Xingguan looked furious, and when he finished speaking, he raised his hand and pressed it suddenly.

"Om!" A seemingly ordinary press, but the expression of the Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks changed drastically. With a bang, nothingness exploded in front of him, and he took three steps back.

His face was so gloomy that he looked at Xingguan.

However, at this very moment, the seventh master of the Spirit Pill Peak, the old man known as the Alchemist, opened his eyes and suddenly waved his hands.

"Once you enter the world of life and death, life and death will be determined by the destiny. My disciple of Lingdan Peak, it's not your turn to interfere with Wan Chongfeng."

"Besides, even if the two of them really have an amazing harvest, it is the opportunity they bought with their lives." He said indifferently.

But as soon as he waved his hand, the comatose Yichen had been brought into his small world.

The peak master of Xingguan also opened his eyes suddenly, and saw nothingness twisted for a while, he took Wukong with him, and the two disappeared from the peak of life and death in an instant.

It can be vaguely seen that when he left, there seemed to be an indescribable emotion in the eyes looking at Wukong.

"Huang'er..." he murmured silently in his heart.

Because at the moment just now, he actually sensed the aura of his son Xing Huang from Wukong's body.

"Damn it!" The eyes of the Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks were full of unwillingness, but he could only look at Yichen with white eyes, and Wukong and Wukong were taken away by the two giants.

The master of Anwu Peak frowned, and then set his eyes on the sect master Lei Guangxuan who was surrounded by immortal energy.

"There is no immortal energy, it should not be on the two of them." The Lord of Thunder Cloud said indifferently, then he shook his head lightly, and the change disappeared in his body.

Seeing this, the eyes of the Lord of Anwu Peak flickered, he didn't know what to think, and left instantly.

"Qi Luck Sea has not changed. Logically speaking, that guy should still be alive. Did something happen?" Tianyan Peak Master murmured, looking deep into Life and Death Peak, his eyes became thoughtful.


A month passed in the blink of an eye, but even after one month passed, many disciples were still shocked.

Because at the beginning 77 genius disciples entered the world of life and death, until now only two have come out.

They are Wukong, the sixth son of Immortal Peak, and Yichen, the genius of Lingdan Peak.

Countless people had doubts about what happened in the world of life and death, but neither Wukong nor Yichen revealed any information about the world of life and death.

Therefore, people are even more puzzled.

But what they were more concerned about was whether or not the divine power of immortality was acquired by the two of them.

But it didn't take long for Wukong and Yichen to disappear, and they never appeared again.

Some people said that they had gained a lot in the realm of life and death, and they were in retreat and painstaking training, while others said that the two had left Thunder Cloud Sect and went out to find the Tianjiao of the two clans of demons to train their hands.

Rumors spread all over the place for a while.

But the most shocking thing is that not long ago, the Lord of Zixia Peak actually went to Immortal Peak in person.

Suddenly, countless people were stunned.

It is well known that she has always been at odds with Peak Lord Xing Guan because of Xing Huang's incident.

But now...

In an instant, countless people were puzzled.

But soon there was news from the City of Burying Demons that the Linglong Goddess of Huan Shuifeng defeated the Tianjiao of the Bone Demon Clan with astonishing power.

Immediately, the entire human race was excited.

But not long after, they became very angry again, because a demon prince appeared and even attacked Goddess Linglong in a sneak attack, causing her to be seriously injured, and her life and death are now uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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