Chapter 735
This is an era when demons and gods dance wildly, even the always mysterious Buddhists have taken action.

It is said that a monk named Wukong Shengseng appeared. This person was extremely powerful, but he was also despicable and shameless, which made the demons, gods and ghosts gnash their teeth.

"Oh my God! The ancient sword in the Sword Palace has condensed six points of sword intent. Its strength is comparable to that of some late ancient realms, or even peak ancient realms. He is definitely a swordsman."

"Not only that, but a few days ago, he even used the terrifying sword style to head-to-head with a prince of the blood demon clan, but he didn't lose the slightest advantage."

"Although there are only three styles, you must know that the prince of the blood demon clan has the blood of the demon emperor. Not to mention the disciples of the younger generation, even some powerful elders may not be his opponents." Someone said in shock.

The name of the ancient sword once again caused a sensation in the human race because of the three moves, and it is said to be the number one swordsman genius in ten thousand years.

"What? Someone forcibly broke into the ancient collar of the myriad ghosts and killed many ghost clans by one person, and there are many ghost clan princes who are from the ancient realm and even have the blood of the god king?"

When someone heard the news, his whole body felt as if he was being bombarded by divine thunder, and his mind buzzed.

Not to mention them, even some older monks were shocked.

"A member of the Huang family of the three ancient families, oh my god... Could it be that he is the rumored son of Huang?" Someone cried out.

You must know that the three ancient families of the human race, the ancient wild wild, are extremely mysterious. There was even a prophecy that when the third son of the ancient wild wild was reborn, the fairy clan would return again.

In an instant, the entire human race was stirred up, and even the monsters and ghosts were looking for this person everywhere.

Prosperity, this is definitely a prosperity, but some old people know that this era will also be destroyed.

Because no matter whether it is human, god, demon, Buddha, or even heaven and earth, it is impossible to live forever unless it is beyond the cycle of life and death.

Some ten-thousand-year-old monsters, even powerful demon emperors, demon emperors, etc., can only use the method of rebirth to avoid the catastrophe of life and death.

"This era will be destroyed, and all races will stage a massacre, just to fight for the fate of the world, and this will ruin lives." Someone sighed, eyes full of worry.

But heroes have emerged in troubled times since ancient times, even the human race is no exception, such as Shangguan Chong, the quasi-dao son of Taoism.

In the battle of the six quasi-Taoists, he defeated the other five quasi-Taoists by himself, and finally became a veritable Taoist.

Immediately, the name of Shangguan Chong spread throughout the sea of ​​clouds and the entire human race, and his name was as high as the sacred son of the Taoist sect.

There is also the Guangming family, one of the five major families, who recently gave birth to a mysterious woman.

This female talent is astonishing. She once defeated three ghost princesses with her own strength, and finally retreated completely.

Suddenly, it caused an uproar among countless Tianjiao.

After some interested people inquired, people finally learned the true identity of this woman.

Dao Meng, she is a member of the Guangming family, and she is the biological daughter of the head of the family. She has a nine-star talent and is the number one female arrogance of the Guangming family.

"Hiss..." Upon hearing the news, everyone was dumbfounded, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

Time flies, in this chaotic world, no matter it is human, demon, ghost, Buddha and other races, many rising stars have emerged one after another, which makes many old monks feel ashamed.


In the blink of an eye, two years have passed since Wukong and Yichen came out of the world of life and death.

On a huge stone tablet, a slender figure seemed to have not moved for a thousand or ten thousand years, as if he had transformed into a stone.

However, at this moment, there was a movement between his brows, as if he was about to wake up.

The next moment, this person slowly opened his eyes, his pupils looked extremely deep, showing a sense of vicissitudes.

He is asking the sky.

"It's been nearly three years since I entered the world of life and death. I don't know if the outsiders have forgotten me." He murmured.

"Boom!" However, at the next moment, an extremely powerful aura rose from him.

His black hair danced wildly, and his aura was extremely domineering. It was an immortal aura.

I saw that his original white and tender complexion had turned into a bronze color again, with a cold luster, as if his physical body was an ancient treasure.

He flew up slowly, and the next moment, with a celestial glow in his hand, he waved suddenly.

"Om!" Immediately, the huge stone tablet burst into a strong golden light, and the next moment, it continued to shrink, and finally turned into a page of golden paper.

With a chirp, in an instant in his mind, it turned into a golden light and poured into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Immediately, two golden pages appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"It's time to leave!" He suddenly raised his head, looking at this strange space.

Immediately, there was a twist on his body.


With the future of troubled times, many arrogances appeared one after another, and even the rumored Son of Desolation also appeared in a stunning manner.

It is also because of this that the people of Leiyunzong gradually forgot about the matter of Life and Death Peak.

Not only that, but the seventh son of the Immortal Peak who once alarmed Tianyunhai for a while also seemed to have disappeared. Even some monks descended to the lower realms and did not perceive his aura.

Naturally, people also began to forget him.

Some people even threatened that he knew that he was not strong enough, so he could only hide in a corner, admiring the strong rise of all the geniuses.

After all, there is no shortage of people who were fierce in the early stage but silent in the later stage in history.

"Hmph... what kind of emperor of an ancient country, what kind of son of a dragon, if he appeared in front of me, I would be able to suppress him with just one hand." A young man said with a haughty, disdainful expression.

"Wow..." As soon as this person came out, everyone was shocked.

"Fang Nan, I never thought it was him."

"It is said that he is the proud son of heaven that the Fang family has been cultivating secretly for these years. This person has amazing talent, and his current cultivation level has reached the middle stage of the ancient realm, and he is stronger than some elders in the late ancient realm in the clan."

"There is also news that in the past two years, he has been in contact with Fang Yun, the supreme son of the Fang family and the sacred son of Taoism. Now his status in the clan can be regarded as under one person, above ten thousand people." An insider said Come.

Fang Nan's wild words were not only spread throughout the sky and sea of ​​clouds, but also known to everyone in the ancient kingdoms of the mortal world. Immediately, the cultivators of countless ancient kingdoms became extremely furious and declared their names to kill this person.

Over the years, the strength of the ancient country has also continued to increase dramatically, not to mention the powerhouses of the Divine Origin Realm, even the powerhouses of the True Divine Realm are constantly growing, and people are breaking through almost every day.

Of course, most of the credit is due to the connection of the sea of ​​luck, which not only speeds up their practice, but also changes their physique with magical power.

What's more, the entire Tianyuan Continent has been constantly changing in the past two years, especially the astonishing spiritual energy that began to flow out from those fierce places, which seemed to assimilate the entire mortal world.


It is also because of this that many monsters, ghosts, and monsters appeared one after another, which also caused a huge disturbance, resulting in heavy deaths of the cultivators of the six imperial kingdoms.

(End of this chapter)

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