Chapter 74
Wentian put his hands on Meng'er's fragrant back lightly. Even though the clothes were behind him, there was still a smooth feeling on his hands, which made him feel excited.

But he took a deep breath and his expression calmed down.

Streams of golden light slowly poured into Meng'er's body along his hand, and soon he closed his eyes lightly, and began to hold his breath to perceive.

Not long after, he opened his eyes with a hint of shock in his pupils.

Because he noticed that there was a sacred light in Meng'er's body, which was slowly recovering from her injuries.

That sacred light, as if it had the power of purification and restoration, circulated in her body by itself, and as time passed, he found that Meng'er's meridians and bones seemed to be slowly changing.

Such a weird thing is really appalling.

"Could this be the special ability of the light attribute in the rumors?" He thought to himself.

He smiled, because through previous investigations, he had confirmed that Meng'er's injuries were no longer serious, and it might not be long before she would fully recover, and her cultivation would even be a level higher.

"Everyone in the world says that cultivators with the light attribute are the most mysterious. Whether it is their ability to repair or their astonishing speed of cultivation, they are many times faster than ordinary people. From this point of view, this statement is not false at all." Asked The sky murmured, and even a trace of jealousy appeared in his heart.

But soon, his jealousy quickly dissipated.

"Hey!" Suddenly, he let out a little snort.

Immediately afterwards, he saw him shaking his head slightly, with tenderness in his eyes, and slowly laid Meng'er flat on the bed.

Maybe she has practiced hard recently, or the previous battles have caused her to consume a lot of energy and mind. At this moment, this little girl Meng'er fell asleep.

Looking at this increasingly stunning face, Wentian couldn't help but stroked it gently with his hand.

A tinge of warmth came from his hands, as well as the thought that made people daydream, making Wentian's face rarely blush.

But not long after, when he stroked Meng'er's forehead, his expression suddenly changed, and then a ray of doubt flashed across his eyes.

The next moment, he saw a cold light flash in his eyes, and his two fingers glowed with gold, and they suddenly touched Meng'er's forehead.

Also in this split second, his eyes were lightly closed again, and all his thoughts were sneaked between Meng'er's brows.

With his own spiritual consciousness, he easily penetrated into Meng'er's sea of ​​consciousness.

Only when one person has no precautions can people peep into the sea of ​​consciousness so easily. Otherwise, if the other party resists a little, or if the other party's sea of ​​consciousness is strong, it may cause damage to the spiritual consciousness of both parties.

However, Meng'er didn't have the slightest bit of guard against Wentian.

As it continued to infiltrate, Wentian suddenly saw a blue sea in his perception. The sea seemed to be boundless, and there was a sense of coldness, making Wentian feel like he was frozen in an instant.

Suddenly, he found that in this seemingly bottomless sea, it was like looking at a piece of blue ice.

This blue ice block is covered with all kinds of heaven and earth runes, and there is a mysterious and dangerous atmosphere, but the strangest thing is that a woman is sleeping in this ice block.

That's right!It is a woman!
This woman has an astonishing face, her facial features are formed like a cloudy sky, without a single blemish, and her three thousand blue hair, like three thousand small worlds, glows blue, which makes people can't help but be surprised.

Unexpectedly, there is such a woman in this world, it is really unbelievable, Wentian couldn't help being amazed.

But at this moment, the frozen blue-haired woman suddenly opened her eyes as if waking up, and at the same time, a voice as cold as ice came out of her mouth: "Get out!"

hum! !

Suddenly, Wentian felt a buzzing in his head, and with a puff, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his spiritual consciousness instantly withdrew from Menger Consciousness Sea.

To be precise, it should have been forced out by that blue-haired woman.

At this moment, his eyes were horrified, and there was a storm in his heart, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

After a long time, he came back to his senses, wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a very gloomy expression: "No matter who you are, if you dare to hurt my Menger, I, Lin Wentian, will definitely kill you."

His voice was full of murderous intent.

He never thought that in Meng'er's spiritual consciousness, there would be such a woman of unknown origin lurking. It would be fine if the other party had no malicious intentions. What's up.

Seeing that Meng'er was still asleep, he touched her face with both hands, showing firm eyes: "Meng'er, don't worry, no matter who the other party is, as long as I live for a day, I won't let her hurt you, even if it costs me life."

I don't know if I noticed the meaning in his heart, I saw Meng'er's eyelashes flicked suddenly, but she quickly regained her composure.

After covering her with a quilt, Wentian left quietly without waking Menger.

After briefly confessing a few words with Zhou Bo, Shi Zhong and others, he landed in the secret room again.

He first visited Ye Tian and the group of boys and girls.

And he soon discovered that among this group of people, many people had broken through to the middle stage of Yuan Lian, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"It seems that the higher the cultivation method, the faster the cultivation speed will be increased."

However, when this group of people saw Wentian, their eyes were filled with admiration and gratitude, because it was this young man who was not much older than them, who changed their lives and gave them a home.

They have made up their minds long ago, no matter what the future holds, even if it costs them their lives, they must protect their family.

"I've seen the young master!" Everyone said in unison.

There were even some young girls whose eyes full of fanaticism made Wentian's forehead involuntarily sweat.

"Cultivate well, everyone. The exercises you practice are destined to achieve higher achievements than others in the future. Therefore, you should not waste this opportunity in vain."

After encouraging everyone, he finally couldn't bear the fanatical gaze of the other party, and left quickly.

Ye Tian followed Wen Tian out, and said something meaningful: "After you break into the Vientiane Realm suddenly, I have something to tell you."

Before Wentian could ask back, he had already turned and left, leaving behind Wentian with a puzzled face.

"I don't know what's going on? I can't tell until I break through to the Vientiane Realm."

Regarding Ye Tian, ​​he has always felt that the other party is very mysterious, because he is only [-] years old, but he has already been involved in the Shenyuan Realm. Therefore, he guessed that his previous identity must be extraordinary.

However, he was not in a hurry. The Vientiane Realm was not a problem for him who had two lifetimes of experience. He believed that as long as he had enough strength, he could break through to the Vientiane Realm at any time.

After putting away the distracting thoughts in his mind, he walked towards the secret room where Lin Yefeng was. He had just approached when Lin Yefeng's voice came from the secret room: "Your boy has been away for nearly two months, and now you are finally back."

"哐!" With a sound, the stone door opened, revealing Lin Yefeng who was crouching cross-legged, devouring the aura of heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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