Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 75 Mother is a ghost?

Chapter 75 Mother is a ghost?

After this period of practice, Wentian could clearly feel that the aura on Lin Yefeng's body had become more stable and strong than before. After all, practicing in this formation for two months is like practicing for two years time.

Looking at the third uncle in front of him, Wentian had a look of embarrassment on his face, of course, it was because of Princess Muli.

"Has she made up her mind?" Lin Yefeng said suddenly, with a trace of loneliness and sadness on his face.

"Third uncle, I'm sorry!" Wentian apologized, and immediately took out the sachet from his bosom.

After receiving the sachet, Lin Yefeng's eyes showed reminiscence, and he murmured: "I owe her too much, if this can make her happy, I am willing to bless her forever."

Hearing this, Wentian's heart suddenly became heavy.

His eyes flashed suddenly, and he said again: "I still think that Princess Mu Li is still interested in third uncle, but maybe she has some difficulties, and my nephew will definitely find out about this matter."

His intuition was still telling him that there must be something strange about this matter. Based on Princess Muli's reaction at that time, he could not believe that she had broken her affection for his third uncle. Otherwise, she would not have been living in Ningxia forever. In Qingshan.

However, Lin Yefeng shook his head lightly when he heard this, and did not speak, only the sadness in his eyes, like a wounded wolf.

"By the way, Third Uncle, Wentian did some things before. I'm afraid it won't be long before it will bring some troubles to the Lin family, or even a crisis. Third Uncle may need to take action." Wentian changed the topic and said solemnly.

"Don't worry! Although the third uncle is retreating, my spiritual consciousness often disperses. I also know a little about what happened in the Lin Mansion recently. It seems that I, the Lin Manor, can no longer keep a low profile. Let those people know, even if My father is not here, and my Lin family is still the overlord of Chi Yue."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yefeng's body burst out with a sense of dominance.

Um?Sensing Lin Yefeng's change, Wentian's eyes flashed suddenly.

"Wen Tian, ​​it's time to let you know the background of our Lin family. No matter what, my Lin family was once a top three general, and even the Ji family's royal family should be afraid of the existence of seven points." Lin Yefeng said .


Just when Wentian was talking with Lin Yefeng, the outside world was in an uproar.

Not only because of the fact that Xianfeng Pavilion is about to hold a Daoist trial, but what is even more shocking is that Lin Wentian, who is Chiyue's number one dandy and whose meridians have been destroyed, suddenly transformed into Chiyue faintly in just one day. First day genius.

Such an astonishing change is really amazing and full of envy at the same time.

There are even some young girls who have turned from loathing Wentian to admiration. As long as they talk about Wentian, countless stars will appear in their eyes.

For these girls, they can only be described as nympho.


In Shangguan Muhua's room, apart from him, there was an old man, as for this old man, it was Chi Yue's prime minister, Zhou Wentong.

"Unexpectedly, that Lin Wentian not only has a strong physical body, but also a water-attribute spirit-transformer. Before, all of us were deceived by him. With such a deep scheming, if I don't get rid of this son, I will become two people in the future." troubles for the family." Shangguan Muhua's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Brother Shangguan is right. This kid is extremely murderous. Even a genius from Fengyun Kingdom dares to kill him. It's hard to guarantee that one day he will point the finger at us. It's just that this kid is powerful, and it may not be easy to get rid of him." Zhou Wentong He squeezed his beard and raised his eyes.

After Shangguan Muhua was silent for a moment, his eyes flashed suddenly, and then he said in a cold voice: "We can no longer give him the opportunity to grow up, otherwise, he will become the second Lin Zhentian, no...maybe more terrifying than Lin Zhentian. "

"What does Brother Shangguan mean?" Zhou Wentong's eyes flickered.

Hearing this, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Shangguan Muhua's mouth: "Fortunately, the old man was prepared. Not long ago, he asked Bin'er to privately arrange for a thousand elite soldiers to come over. Tonight, the old man will send that boy Wentian to the west."

"What? You asked Shangguan Bin to return the elite soldiers to the capital in private? If the Holy Majesty knows about this..." Zhou Wentong was startled and stood up instantly from his seat.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry too much. Now, the person in the palace is probably more anxious than us. After all, the talent shown by that kid is really too frightening. If he succeeds in getting the Taoist position of Xianfeng Pavilion, I'm afraid, then You are going to have trouble sleeping and eating, we are just doing our duty as a courtier." Shangguan Muhua smiled.

When Zhou Wentong heard this, his eyes kept flickering, as if he was thinking about something in his heart.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he lowered his voice and asked, "Brother Shangguan, you said that Lin Wentian was able to reshape his meridians and break through to the spirit-transforming state. Could it be related to his mother?"

Hearing this, Shangguan Muhua's expression changed drastically: "You mean that rumor?"

"That's right! According to the rumors, his mother is most likely not a human being, but a ghost!"

When it comes to ghosts, no matter Zhou Wentong or Shangguan Muhua, there is a hint of fear on their faces.

"Where there is no hole, there is no wind, Brother Zhou, don't hesitate any longer, to avoid endless troubles, you and I will join hands tonight to finish that kid completely." Shangguan Muhua's eyes suddenly darkened.

Zhou Wentong's eyes turned hard, and he said, "If that's the case, well, I'll help Brother Shangguan."

Soon, the two started whispering...

In the middle of the night, a crescent moon hangs high in the sky.

Yunxuan Street in the capital is the main industry of the Lin Mansion, and also the source of the Lin Mansion's income. It can be said that without the business of this Yunxuan Street, the entire Lin Mansion cannot fully operate.

Therefore, the three Lin Hu brothers wanted to destroy Yunxuan Street.

Autumn is approaching, the wind at night has brought a chill, and many people have already become familiar with the dreamland, but in Yunxuan Street, a group of masked people suddenly appeared.

There were nearly a hundred of these masked people, all of them were holding torches, exuding a ferocious aura, and the leaders were three big men holding giant axes.

"Do it!" The three shouted suddenly.

Fluffy! !Immediately, the hundred masked men rushed into the shops run by the Lin Mansion like wolves among the sheep.

Soon, the flames soared into the sky, bringing up monstrous flames and shining red on the entire street. Among them, shouts and cries for help came one after another, waking up the people in the entire street.

"What? What the hell happened?"

"Ah! God! It's on fire, it's on fire, come on... put out the fire..."

Many people suddenly woke up from their dreams, but the fire had already burned to his bedside.

Yay! !The fire is burning more and more fiercely. Although it is late at night, the whole sky seems to turn blood red, full of ominous...

However, the most puzzling thing is that the fire is so fierce, why the security forces in the capital have not moved out for a long time. Could it be that such a big fire, they, the security forces, have not noticed it?

Some thoughtful people don't think so, and even some old people suddenly sighed: "People's hearts are unpredictable..."

In the blink of an eye, the entire Yunxuan Street was completely covered by flames...

(End of this chapter)

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