Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 765 Dead!not him?

Chapter 765 Dead!not him? (three more)
"Lin Wentian, what exactly do you want to do?"

" can't kill me! You can't kill me...Your Guyun master really wasn't killed by me..."

"Lord Tianyan Peak, save me." A heart-piercing roar sounded from the shattered earth.

Seeing Wen Tiansha approaching, Elder Leng Jiang trembled all over, his face turned pale, and boundless fear gushed out of his pupils.

He thought that with the appearance of Peak Master Tianyan, he was no longer in danger of his life, so all that was left was to think about such revenge.

But no matter how hard he thought, he never imagined that the person in front of him would be so arrogant and monstrous that he wanted to kill him in front of the giant of Tianhuo Peak.

In particular, the other party did not know what kind of demon technique he used, which caused a sensation in the entire Thunder Cloud Sect, and even injured Peak Lord Tianyan with a strange barrier.

At this moment, he was really scared!But he has no regrets.

Whether it was the matter of Lin Zhentian back then, or the bullying of Guyun's lineage over the past few decades, he didn't feel the slightest regret.

Because the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. This is a world where the strong are respected. He only hates that his own strength cannot cover the sky with one hand, and he only hates that he failed to eradicate the grass.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be where he is today.


Blood spattered and shot on Wentian's face, but he didn't seem to notice it, and remained motionless as a mountain. The knife in his hand really pierced Leng Jiang's eyebrows, and blood dripped down his hand to the ground.

"" Elder Leng Jiang opened his eyes wide, with deep disbelief in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that he would fall.

You must know that he is not only a strong man in the ancient realm, but also the elder in charge of Tianyan Peak. In Tianhuo Peak, he is under one person and above ten thousand people.

But... the blood never stopped gushing out.

Pooh!Wentian pulled out his hand, and a blood-red figure fell to the ground, instantly blood-stained everywhere.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness is destroyed, not to mention the ancient realm, even the realm, I am afraid it will not survive.

It is also because of this that people in the world say that the human heart and head are the weakest places of the human race.


The elder Leng Jiang who destroyed the foundation of his grandfather, reduced him from a genius to an ordinary person, and bullied Guyun for many years, and attacked and killed him many times, was finally killed by him as he wished.

It's just that he here didn't feel the slightest joy, on the contrary he seemed preoccupied.

"Master Guyun wasn't killed by him, so who is it?"

Judging from the reaction of the other party before he died, it seemed that he really did not do it, but the more so, the more dignified and puzzled he became.

He couldn't think of any other enemy in Leiyunzong, except Leng Jiang who died in front of him, who would do such a vicious attack.

Because according to his understanding, his master Gu Yun is usually generous and rarely has any enmity with others. The only person who has any enmity is this Elder Leng Jiang.

"Who on earth could it be?" He clenched his fists vigorously, and there was a grinning sound, especially those pupils showing a strong sense of unwillingness.

"Dead... really dead!"

"Oh my God! Elder Leng Jiang of Tianhuo Peak is really dead, and he still died at the hands of Lin Wentian, the seventh son of Immortal Peak."

"Elder Leng Jiang is dead. This time, Lin Wentian really made a big mistake."

Boom!Countless people came back to their senses, all dumbstruck and screaming loudly.

There was a thunderbolt in their hearts, and even more turbulent waves were set off in their hearts.

Lei Yunzong has been established for a long time, not only elders, but also giants have fallen, but like this time, it is the first time that an elder of Jiufeng died in full view.

Moreover, he was killed in front of the Lord of Tianhuo Peak.

Everyone knows that once this news spreads, it will definitely alarm the entire human race, and even become the object of ridicule by other big forces.

"Presumptuous! Lin Wentian, you are so courageous! How dare you openly kill Elder Jiufeng, do you really think that you are the emperor of the ancient country, so you can be so lawless?"

"I tell you, the ancient country is connected with my Thunder Cloud Sect. That is to say, my Thunder Cloud Sect is the sky, and the ancient country is only the earth. Even without you, Lin Wentian, we can re-cultivate a "Lin Wentian." Ask God. "

Suddenly, there was a roar of anger from nothingness.

"Bang!" At this moment, Wentian's realm of life and death seemed to have reached its limit, turning into countless runes and disappearing.

The void was distorted for a while, and an old man appeared, but he was the Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks.

Obviously, he was also the one who spoke before.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks, his face was extremely gloomy at this moment, and his eyes looking at Wentian not only shone coldly, but also carried deep fear.

"Today, the old man will take the place of Xingguan, teach you a good lesson, and suppress you for a hundred years." After saying that, his palm enlarged rapidly.

At the same time, the earth continued to rumble, and even mountains and rocks were swallowed up and rose up. In the blink of an eye, his flesh and blood palm turned into a five-fingered mountain, which seemed to be able to suppress everything in the world.

"Suppress!" With his violent shout, the mighty Wuzhi Mountain descended from the sky, suppressing it with mighty power.

Facing the terrifying Wuzhi Mountain, Wentian's face was pale, his whole body was under tremendous pressure, and there was astonishing pain, as if his body was about to be crushed.

"Lin Wentian, how dare you kill Elder Jiufeng, even if Xingguan takes action this time, it won't be able to save you." A blood-stained figure laughed coldly and wildly.

The core disciple, Yueli.

Seeing the master of Tianhuo Peak and the master of Ten Thousand Peaks attacking one after another, he was extremely excited.

"Wanchongfeng!" Seeing the giant palm pressing down, Wentian gnashed his teeth and roared, his eyes blood red like a beast.

On the surface, the other party was righteous, but he knew that the giant Wan Chongfeng in front of him was definitely trying to suppress and kill him, and then wanted to take away his cultivation method and all the secrets on him.

Including Immortal Immortal Sutra.

Maybe other people don't know, but he has reasons to believe that these old monsters from Fengjiu have already seen the clues.

"What a Lin Wentian. Not only did he get the power of the ancient peak, but he also obtained the thunder cloud sect's magical power of suppressing sects and immortal powers in the world of life and death. It seems that the old man underestimated you in the past."

"But... this time you can't fly with your wings." Thinking in his heart, the Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He majored in the power of the sacred mountain in Wan Chongfeng, and the power of the ancient peak was a huge temptation for him.

Ever since the time the person in front of him was at the stage of life and death a few years ago, he has been greedy, but all this time, he has lacked an excuse to make a move.

Now is the best time.

"Old Five, my disciple of Spirit Pill Peak, when will it be your turn to teach me a lesson? Besides, do you really think that I can't see through your petty thinking?" An old voice sounded strangely.

As soon as this voice came out, the expression of the Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks changed drastically.

"It's the master of alchemy and peak master!" Elder Mu Fang, Yun Xiang, Mu Yi and others not far away exclaimed.

Ripples appeared in nothingness, and the next moment, an old man with white flowers appeared.

That's right, the person who appeared was the third peak of Jiufeng, the seventh generation master of Lingdan Peak, known as the master of alchemy.

In the blink of an eye, he sacrificed a sacred furnace, and with a bang, it crashed into the five-finger sacred mountain in the air.

boom!Immediately, nothingness exploded, Nuo Da's Tianhuo Peak, and many sub-peaks were blasted out.

(End of this chapter)

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