Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 766 The Nine Giants Split

Chapter 766 The Nine Giants Split (Fourth Update)
"That is the alchemy master's ancient treasure, the wonderful alchemy furnace."

"It is rumored that this furnace not only refines many heavenly pills, but even divine pills have been refined before, but it failed." Someone said in shock, their eyes full of fanaticism.

You must know that god-level pills are not comparable to real artifacts. There is a world of difference between heaven-grade artifacts and heaven-grade pills.

After all, there are quite a few craftsmen, and there are tens of thousands of disciples in the entire Sword Sect, but there are really very few alchemists, and those who refine heaven-level pills are rare.

It is also because of this that one heaven-level pill can be exchanged for hundreds or thousands of heaven-level weapons.

Weapons are used to kill enemies, but medicine pills are used to save lives, and lives are gone!How about killing the enemy!
"Pill Master, you want to protect this kid?"

The Five Fingers Divine Mountain disappeared, and the ancient treasure Miao Dan Furnace was taken back by the Alchemist, but the expression of the Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks was extremely gloomy.

"Stop it! This kid's identity is no small matter." Pill Lord sat cross-legged in the void and shook his head lightly, muttering.

"Really? The old man wants to see if you can stop me."

"Don't forget, although Spiritual Pill Peak is ranked third, this old man's cultivation is higher than yours." The Lord of Ten Thousand Peaks said coldly.

boom!Suddenly, a frightening aura erupted from him like an ancient beast.

"Not good! Everyone retreat quickly!" In an instant, the expressions of some elders changed suddenly, and while waving their hands, they kept retreating with all the disciples.

At the same time, Wentian was short of breath. In front of this breath, he felt like he was facing the illusion of an ancient immortal emperor.

This is the power gap.

After all, even though his cultivation has greatly increased now, he is as weak as an ant against these giants of the Nine Peaks, and can be easily crushed and killed by them.

But despite this, he still has no regrets about killing Elder Leng Jiang.

The alchemist changed color, the next moment, he took a deep breath, and then spit it out.

Immediately, a special gas filled all directions instantly, forming a strange fog world.

Being in this fog world, Wentian's pressure was greatly reduced, and at the same time, his heart was full of fear.

Pills!The gas that turned into a mist world was actually full of elixir!

His wide eyes were full of unthinkable, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

"Lin Wentian, how dare you hurt my elder, Anwu Peak, today I will suppress you and keep you trapped in darkness for a hundred years."

"After a hundred years, I will still be free." Suddenly, there was a hoarse voice from nothingness.

"Om!" The nothingness split open, a dark hole appeared, and a powerful devouring force erupted, and at that moment, Wen Tian, ​​who looked astonished, was sucked into it.

"Senior Brother Lin!"

"Seventh Senior Brother!"

In an instant, the expressions of countless people changed drastically.

Immortal Peak, Zayuan, Guyun's lineage, and even the disciples of Tianhuo Peak screamed loudly, their faces pale to the extreme.

They did not expect that things would evolve to this point.

"Little bastard, how dare you hurt the old man, let alone the demon bone claw that I want to be perfect. I will pay you back this revenge a hundredfold."

Elder Shi woke up from a coma, just in time to see this scene, his pupils were full of viciousness, making one's hair stand on end.

However, he didn't realize that at this moment, the expression of a man in black clothed in black air suddenly changed drastically.


"Based on your Huan Shuifeng's strength, do you want to meddle in this matter?"

hum!The dark hole disappeared, but at the same time, in another direction, a slender figure appeared strangely out of thin air.

It was Wentian who was swallowed into the dark cave before.

When he looked stunned, his eyes were full of unthinkable.

"This is the power of the realm?" He shouted in his heart, his eyes burning with a strong fighting spirit.

"Clang!" A towering purple mist rises, it changes rapidly, and finally turns into a phoenix, its momentum is huge, and there is a crisp phoenix cry.

"One Magic Water Peak is not enough, how about adding Zixia Peak?" A cold voice came.

Immediately, nothingness distorted, and the two beautiful figures stood tall and graceful, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Oh my god! Those are the two peak masters of Huan Shui Peak and Zixia Peak!"

"What's going on? Are the two of them going to protect Lin Wentian?"

"No! This Lin Wentian is the seventh son of Immortal Peak. With the relationship between Zixia Peak and Immortal Peak, it is impossible for her to help." Someone said.

In the distance, a large group of female disciples rushed over, they were the disciples of Huan Shui Peak and Zixia Peak.

"Unexpectedly, this time even Zimei Peak Master would turn against Anwu Peak for a disciple of Immortal Peak. This Lin Wentian is really unfathomable." The woman surnamed Li from Huan Shui Peak said. , His eyes were full of shock.

"Senior Sister, in this way, Senior Brother Lin should be fine this time." Qiu Ye was beside him, and his expression suddenly brightened.

That's right!The master of Huan Shuifeng will take action, and the two of them have a great contribution, because they told their master everything that happened in the world of life and death.

It's just that they never expected that even Zimei Peak Lord would show up, which made them feel so incredible.

Looking at the two masked women in front of him, the master of Anwu Peak, who was ranked among the top three in terms of strength among the giants of the Nine Peaks, his face was extremely gloomy, as if dripping water.

Especially the black energy on his body gushed out endlessly, with that gloomy aura, it seemed to come from the dark realm.

"Oh my god! Look quickly...that's Sect Master Lei Guangxuan, the giant Xingguan of Immortal Peak, and the master of Void Formation Peak." Suddenly, a disciple shouted loudly.

At some point, two terrifying figures were seen sitting cross-legged in nothingness.

One of them is wrapped in immortal energy, making people unable to see his true face clearly, while the other has black hair dancing wildly, his whole body is like a divine king's weapon, exuding invincible aura,
They are the suzerain Lei Guangxuan and Wen Tianshi Zun Xingguan.

There is another person who is ranked fourth in Jiufeng, the master of Xuzhen Peak, Zhenchenzi.

"Wow! The nine giants appeared at the same time, just for one person, is this Lin Wentian the blessing of my thunder cloud, or the disaster of my thunder cloud?" A disciple said.

In that instant, everyone from the core disciples down to the handyman disciples was terrified.

I thought that the Tianyan Peak Master would be able to settle the matter by taking action alone, but now the nine giants have appeared together, and they are even facing each other.

"Could it be that there will be a giant battle today? Or, the ranking of the nine main peaks will change?" Some people couldn't help but gasp when they thought about it.

"Xingguan, what exactly do you mean?" The Lord of Thunder Cloud finally spoke, his voice carried the majesty of a high position for a long time, as if every word he said was the decree of the gods.

Xingguan's eyes widened with anger, and he said domineeringly: "If you want to fight, then fight!"

It's just a simple sentence, but it reveals his invincible self-confidence, because he is a criminal!

"Tianyan, this matter started because of your Tianhuo Peak, do you want to kill it, or suppress it for a hundred years?"

"And you, fourth brother..."

The suzerain set his eyes on the master of Tianyan peak and the master of Xuzhen peak.

In an instant, countless people changed their colors and became short of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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