Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 770 Enemy!

Chapter 770 Enemy!

boom!Immediately, a black light beam rushed out rapidly, and its momentum was so overwhelming that even the Alchemist could not react.

"Not good!" Tianyan Peak Master roared, with a bang, he burst into raging flames, and wanted to stop him, but...

"Jie Jie! You can't protect yourself, and you still want to save this kid." A black light flashed, and he hit the monstrous divine palm again, who had previously attacked and killed Wentian's Demon Face.

Seeing that Wentian was about to be blown up, and the others would not be rescued in the future, everyone's expressions changed suddenly, and their breathing seemed to stop for a second.

"Bastards! It's you!"

"Kill!" Suddenly, there was a roar containing astonishing hatred.

boom!At the same time, a breath so powerful that it was suffocating rushed towards him with overwhelming momentum.

The person who came was an old man, he was in a state of embarrassment, his clothes were ragged, especially his disheveled hair, which seemed to have not been repaired for decades.

The most eye-catching thing was that he held a wine gourd in his hand, took a deep breath, and then spit it out with a puff.

"Boom!!" Immediately, his sip of wine instantly turned into a long river and rushed out.

No... This is not an ordinary long river, but a boiling river wine, the astonishing temperature is enough to easily melt the ancient realm, even the giants of the realm.

Boom boom boom!Immediately, the whole void screamed violently, and the terrifying aftermath made everyone fly backwards, with flesh and blood flying.

"It's you! I didn't expect you to break through to the God-King Realm without sitting down." The repairer of the devil's face said coldly, as if he knew the person coming.

Wentian kept coughing up blood, his body was in excruciating pain, his whole body seemed to be split open, but all his mind was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Wine Master?" He yelled out loud.

That's right!The old man who appeared suddenly and leaked out his secrets was exactly the wine master he knew.

It's just that he here seems to have become another person.

Not to mention the extremely powerful aura on his body, there was a terrifying murderous intent exuding from his whole body, especially his blood-red eyes, which seemed to contain shocking hatred.

"How is it possible? He is actually a god king and a strong man?" There was a thunderbolt in his head, and a stormy sea was set off in his heart. He couldn't believe everything in front of him.

"Uncle, you are here too!"

"What's going on? Uncle Master and the others, who are they?" Zhen Chenzi, Pill Lord and the others came back to their senses, their figures flashed, and they all gathered beside Jiu Ye.

"Uncle?" Boom!Hearing the word Shishu, Wentian's mind was spinning for a while.

He didn't expect that the old man he met in the miscellaneous courtyard had such an astonishing identity, he was the uncle of the giant of Jiufeng.

"That's Jiu Lao, the most senior person in the Thunder Cloud Sect. He is not only the uncle of the giant of Jiufeng, but also the proud disciple of the Immortal Patriarch."

"It is rumored that when Leiyunzong was attacked and killed by the demons, he personally witnessed the battle."

"After the war, many people wanted to recommend him as suzerain, but they were shied away by him, and finally hid in the courtyard. He is the head of the courtyard who has never seen the end of the dragon." Some elders said in shock.

"The manager of the miscellaneous courtyard? It was him in the first place!" Wentian opened his eyes wide, still deeply shocked, as if everything in front of him subverted his previous understanding.

As early as when he was in the courtyard, he had heard a little about the mysterious chief executive, but he had never had the chance to meet him. After leaving the courtyard, he forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that he had known him for a long time, and it was the wine master in front of him.

"Bastard! The enemy is now, the two of you still don't stop."

"Kill! Kill them today at all costs."

"Back then when the demons invaded our Thunder Cloud Sect, it was these bastards who worked behind the scenes, which caused my Thunder Cloud Sect to die so badly that it was almost wiped out."

The wine master had a ferocious face like a beast, and roared loudly as if he had fallen into madness, as if he wanted to vent the hatred in his heart for many years.

Or in other words, he has been looking for the murderer all these years, only to avenge those who died.

Now that the enemy met, how could he suppress the anger and hatred in his heart.

"What? Back then when the demons attacked and killed my Thunder Cloud Sect, it was they who secretly helped. So, aren't these people traitors from the human race?"

"Not good! Now that these people are making a comeback, do they still want to attack my Thunder Cloud Sect?"

Boom!Immediately, the expressions of all the elders, disciples, and even the giant of Jiufeng changed, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, the mere seventh son of the Immortal Peak finally led to the real culprit back then. This was accidental, or it had been planned long ago.

In an instant, someone put their eyes on Wentian.


"Old man, I have lived to this day to kill you bastards and avenge the brothers and sisters who died back then."

"Boom!" Jiu Ye roared, his thin body suddenly shone brightly, and his muscles began to swell. In a flash, he seemed to be decades younger and full of vigor.

His eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he pressed the nothingness hard with both hands.

Puff... Suddenly, a wave of surging magma surged madly, as if it was going to melt the entire void, the entire sky.

"Kill, kill, kill!!" At the same time, Peak Master Zimei, Master Pill, Chen Chenzi and others also came back to their senses.

Their cultivation level rises, and their momentum is overwhelming in an instant. Just that killing intent can make people fall into the abyss.

Boom boom boom! !

The god kings and powerhouses of the two black palaces, as well as the giants of the nine peaks, screamed together in an instant, and the astonishing power seemed to destroy the world.

Fortunately, this place is far away from Leiyunzong, otherwise, it will definitely cause irreparable and heavy casualties.

"Get out of here!" Zhen Chenzi yelled, and with a wave of his hand, a huge formation flew out.

It was actually a teleportation array.

"Om!" Immediately, all the elders and disciples, including Wentian, were surrounded by this formation, and the light flashed, and they escaped into nothingness.

"Kill kill!!"

Boom!The roar was shocking, as if it was going to continue the unfinished battle of that year.

When Wentian and the others came back to their senses, they found that they had returned to the Thunder Cloud Sect, but their expressions were terrified, and their hearts kept beating wildly.

"Enemy attack! Quickly activate the formation." Some elders yelled, their faces pale as snow.

"What? Enemy attack?"

Many disciples looked astonished, and their hearts were full of puzzlement. It was obviously a contest between the suzerain and the peak master of Xingguan, but it suddenly turned into an enemy attack.

"Buzz!" The elders of Jiufeng scrambled to rush to the Nine Main Peaks, and then activated the formation.

"Roar!" At the same time, in a certain forbidden area, a terrifying beast roared.

"Holy Roar, this is the Holy Beast warning."

"Oh my god... Could it be that there are really powerful enemies invading, could it be those demons from back then?"

As soon as the holy beast roared, countless disciples panicked and opened their eyes in fear.

"Buzz!" Feng Jiu's barriers were connected together, forming a large protective formation in an instant, but even so, those core disciples and elders of Feng Jiu were still uneasy.

That's it, everyone was shrouded in fear.

Time passed by second by second, and in the blink of an eye, half an hour passed. "

"Look, suzerain and the others are back!" Suddenly, someone looked ecstatic and called out loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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