Chapter 771
"Master, are you alright?" Wentian looked overjoyed.

"Go back to Immortal Peak first!" Xingguan's face was a little ugly.

As soon as he waved his hand, Wentian disappeared in the same place immediately, and when he came back to his senses, he was already in the Immortal Peak.

"Peak Lord..." In the main hall, the three elders A, B, and C asked worriedly, after all, the enemy was two powerful god kings.

"Don't worry! I'm fine!"

"Thanks to Wentian this time, if there is no Overlord's Divine Spear in hand, even with the power of the Nine Peaks, coupled with the Uncle Master, I am afraid that they will not be able to repel the powerful enemy." Xing Guan said, focusing on Wentian It seems that he wants to see through him thoroughly.

It didn't take long before he shook his head slightly to look away.

"So, those two were killed by Master and others?" Wen Tian was moved.

Elders A, B, and C all looked overjoyed.

But soon, the three of them were disappointed, and Wentian became even more serious.

"The other party came prepared. Even though we had the Immortal Extinguishing Seal, the Overlord's Divine Spear, and our uncle, we were still escaped by them."

"However...the two of them were injured by the two great gods and emperor weapons, and they will not recover in a short time." At the end of the sentence, Xing Guan's eyes flickered with murderous intent.

You know, that group of people attacked and killed Leiyunzong back then, otherwise, their Leiyunzong might have become the fourth holy place, and their Immortal Peak is still the top of the nine peaks.

"Heidian, one day, I will uproot you from the punishment gate." His voice was full of coldness.

"Hum!" A light flashed in his hand, and a bronze long spear appeared, it was Wentian's Overlord's Divine Spear.

It's just that its divine light is restrained here, and it seems to be an ordinary gun. It's hard to imagine that this is the weapon of the powerful gun king of the human race, the first spear of the human race.

"Take it back!" Xing Guan said calmly.

"Master..." Wentian hesitated to speak, but at this moment, Xing closed his eyes, as if he didn't pursue the origin of the Overlord's Divine Spear in the slightest.

Regarding this, Wentian had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

He received the Overlord's Divine Spear, and then disappeared strangely after a sudden change, as if it had never appeared before.

Elder A and the three frowned, their hearts full of doubts.

"The storm is coming, Leiyunzong will become a place of right and wrong, you should clean up and leave here as soon as possible." After a moment of silence, Xingguan spoke again.

"That's right! You kid is simply a disaster. If you don't leave for a day, those guys in the sect will not give up. In addition, the foreign enemies are staring at you, and my Leiyun sect is in danger."

Suddenly, an old voice sounded from the hall.

The divine light surged, and finally an old man appeared, who was the head manager of the miscellaneous courtyard, that is, the wine master Wentian knew.

But he frowned, because he found that the wine master's complexion didn't seem to be good, and he looked much paler than before.

The most important thing is that under his eyes of life and death, he found that the power of the blood of the wine master was much weaker. It seems that the previous battle also consumed a lot of his strength.

After all, his seniority is scary, but he is not young, and I am afraid that he will not be much younger than the old man Gongkong of Yitianzong.

Unless an old monster like this is reincarnated and rebuilt, every battle will consume a great deal of vitality.

"Master Jiu, are you not injured?" He said worriedly.

"Hmph... Brat, do you really miss the old man and I get hurt?" the wine master said coldly.

Immediately, his body was shaken, and his complexion was instantly rosy. It seemed that his spirit, energy, and spirit had all returned to their peak at once.

Regarding Wentian's address, the three elders, A, B, and C, were already stunned, their expressions full of shock.

You must know that the old man in front of you is a disciple of the Indestructible Patriarch. Except for the Nine Giants who call him Master Uncle, other disciples and elders must be called Patriarch, but now...

Hiss...the three of them couldn't help but gasped, and at the same time thought to themselves: "This Lin Wentian is really a peerless monster."

"Let's get down to business, you kid must leave Thunder Cloud Sect within three days."

"You can go back to the ancient country, you can also go to the city of burying demons, and some dangerous adventures, but you can't go back to Thunder Cloud Sect in a short time, unless you break through to the boundary." The wine master said solemnly.

Wentian had a lot of thoughts in his head.

"Master, Senior Brother Shen Hu and Wukong are also going to the City of Buried Demons to compete with those demons?" He asked.

"Heroes have been born in troubled times since ancient times. Only after the baptism of blood can a person grow rapidly." Xing Guan murmured.

"The city of burying demons? One day I, Lin Wentian, will go there, but now... Daoxing." He murmured in his heart.

Immediately he raised his head suddenly, his eyes seemed to be able to see a huge star through the hall.


At the beginning, the mysterious person said that his sister-in-law, whom he had never met, was in Dao Xing.

And as his cultivation became stronger, he always had an inexplicable feeling, as if a blood was calling him from somewhere far away.

"Is it you, sister-in-law? Or is there someone else?" He clenched his hands vigorously, and his eyes showed firmness.


Soon, the identity of the mysterious force that attacked and killed Leiyunzong and was secretly with the demons was finally revealed.

Black Temple, this is the name of their organization.

It's just that no one has the slightest clue about the origin of this black palace. The only thing they know is that this power is huge, and there may be more than two god kings.

Boom!This shocking news quickly spread throughout the sea of ​​clouds and became the focus of heated discussions.

"Oh my god! The two great god kings and powerhouses, where is this black temple sacred? Could it be some hidden holy place?"

"No? If he was really a member of the Holy Land, how could he join forces with the Demon Race to attack the Thunder Cloud Sect?"

"Could it be the mysterious ancient, barbaric, and barren, three ancient families?"

Countless people were puzzled, and for a while, the entire Tianyun Sea was filled with rumors.

Early the next morning, Wentian left Immortal Peak and came to Tianhuo Peak.

He learned from his master that in yesterday's battle, Peak Master Tianyan was wounded by the two god kings of the Black Palace, causing his injuries to be compounded.

"When you saved my life back then, I, Lin Wentian, owed you a favor. Since that's the case..." His eyes flashed, and he stepped into Tianhuo Peak decisively.

The moment he stepped into Tianhuo Peak, the Lord of Tianyan Peak had already noticed it.

"come in!"

"Om!" A void appeared in front of Wentian.

Without the slightest hesitation, he stepped inside with a flash of his figure.

No one knew what he said to Tianyan Peak Lord, but the next morning, he quietly left Tianhuo Peak without disturbing anyone.

In a small world, the Master of Tianyan Peak was sitting cross-legged. What was shocking was that the energy in his body kept rising, and he didn't feel weak at all.

Not long after, he slowly opened his eyes, and there was a touch of complexity in his shocked eyes.

"Lin Wentian, are you the reincarnation of the ancestor?" His voice kept echoing in this small world.

At the same time, if Wentian noticed something, he suddenly turned his head and murmured: "I use the power of the life and death world to eliminate the power left in your body back then, and I will repay your kindness for saving me that day."

(End of this chapter)

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