Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 780 Is this the only level?

Chapter 780 Is this the only level?
Boom!The whole void was extremely violent, and there were continuous bangs and loud noises, especially the divine light was dazzling, the demon light was monstrous, and the roaring and killing sounds were continuous, earth-shattering.

"Kill, kill! The blood demon clan should have been extinct long ago." Hong Jin, Fairy Baidu and others roared, and they all shot with all their strength, launching amazing methods.

"The mere human race, who was just our blood food back then, actually wanted to compete with us. It's simply ignorant." The pride of the blood demon clan laughed sternly.

At the same time, the eyes of that mysterious blood demon youth were as red as blood, especially the runes on his face, which were full of boundless mystery and made people feel shuddering.

Suddenly, a monstrous aura erupted from him.

The blood light shot up to the sky, and an extremely strong blood evil spirit turned into a big bloody hand, and grabbed Wentian fiercely.

"What? Late Ancient Realm?"

"No... this guy is at the peak of the ancient realm. I'm afraid he is not an ordinary demon prince, but a prince of the blood demon clan." Someone yelled out loud, and even Elder Feng sensed it, and his expression changed instantly.

"Damn, how could this be?"

"Could this guy be the rumored blood demon prince?" His heart beat wildly, and he had a vague premonition.

The so-called prince of the blood demon clan is a powerful demon with the blood of the demon emperor flowing in his body. As long as this kind of genius does not perish, it will only be a matter of time before he becomes a demon king.

But in the entire human race, there are very few people who can compete with the prince of the monster race.

Even Fang Yun, the son of the gods, the son of the wilderness, Gu Jian, the son of the thunder, etc., I am afraid they can only resist and cannot be crushed.

Now, among the dozen or so people on the other side, there is such a blood demon prince hidden. For them, it is simply a nightmare.

For a moment, even Hong Jin, the third son of the Zhu family, and others felt uneasy, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

"No! That guy seems to have another goal."

"Look, he's heading straight for Lin Qi, should I rescue him?" someone yelled.

Hong Jin's eyes shrank, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "No need! Then Lin Qi is an earth-level alchemist, and there are naturally many ways to save his life. Besides, now is a good time. I will kill other blood demons as soon as possible. Time to attack this guy together."

"Brother Hong is right! Even if Lin Qi falls unfortunately, as long as we can win in the end, his merits and virtues will be considered complete. Dedication to the human race is the blessing of his ten lifetimes of cultivation." Zhu Li also said coldly.

Some people frowned, but after thinking about it for a while, they didn't say anything in the end.

"Kill, kill!" Hong Jin roared, and led the crowd to fight out, trying to kill the dozen or so demon clan geniuses on the other side in a short time.

"Om!" Above the head of the blood demon young man, a bloody giant hand condensed by blood light and blood evil spirit grabbed Wentian with domineering momentum, as if his grasp could break through the sun and the moon. The stars are extremely powerful.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary treasure technique.

"Human race, the blood clock of my blood demon clan falls into your hands, it is simply a waste of money." He laughed wildly, dancing wildly.

It can be said that he has strong confidence in his own attack, because he is the prince of the blood demon, and he is the most noble existence in the entire blood demon clan, except for his elder brother.

He wants to unify the blood demon clan in the future, and the biggest obstacle is his biological elder brother, but once he gets the blood clock, he can crush the opponent.

Thinking of this, he was already very excited.

"Explode me!" He roared angrily, the bloody giant hand above his head instantly enveloped Wentian, and then squeezed hard.

"Boom!" Immediately, following his pinch, nothingness exploded, and even more blood flew violently.

Not far away, the big man of wine and meat noticed this scene, his small eyes narrowed, and his expression was faintly puzzled.

"Lin Qi..." Hong Jin sneered.

"Jie Jie! What kind of human arrogance, this is simply trash, vulnerable to a single blow." Those monster youths all showed cruel smiles.

But everyone didn't notice that the blood demon prince raised his eyebrows, and his face immediately became gloomy.

"Hum!" The next moment, his body was twisted, blood flashed, and he had already plunged into nothingness.

"What's going on? Where did the second prince go?"

"Jie Jie! Don't worry! With the second prince's strength and hole cards, not to mention dealing with the younger generation of the human race, even if you deal with some human realms, your life will not be in danger."

"That's right! I'd better kill these human races as soon as possible, and then help the clan elders, and kill the old man of the Dao sect." The youth of the blood demon clan's eyes were full of viciousness.

Boom boom boom!
The roar of the fierce battle continued, and both sides seemed to be fighting to the last drop of blood.

In terms of numbers, the human side has a small advantage, but at present, the two are evenly matched, and it may be difficult for either side to kill the enemy in a short period of time.

Meanwhile, nothingness hundreds of miles away.

Suddenly there was a wave in the nothingness, and then the void split open, and a crack appeared.

However, this is not an ordinary crack. You can vaguely see a small world inside the crack.

At this moment, Wentian stepped out of it.

Immediately, he waved his sleeves, turned around, looked at nothingness, as if waiting for something.

Sure enough, not long after, a burst of blood surged, followed by a young man.

It was the prince of the blood demon clan.

"What a cunning human boy, with a cultivation level in the true god realm, even this prince was almost deceived by you. Report your name. This prince will not kill unknown people, because they are not worthy of my action." The blood demon prince looked arrogant.

"If you want to know my name, you are not worthy." Wen Tian said coldly.

"Arrogance! Boy, do you know who this prince is? An ant like you, this prince can kill you with one hand." The blood demon prince has a ferocious face, with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

After the words fell, he let out an angry roar, his fist was covered with blood, and he swung his fist, and a fierce-looking blood beast roared and rushed out.

Wentian's eyes flashed, and he threw a punch without any hesitation.

"Boom!" The punch was thrown out, but it contained amazing brute force.

After all, his physical body has reached the peak of the ancient realm.

The power of the fist was astonishing, and the blood beast that seemed to be coming was blown away instantly under the power of this punch.

Immediately, the blood demon prince frowned, as if the opponent's physical strength was beyond his expectation.

However, at the next moment, a sneer was drawn on the corner of his mouth: "Do you really think that this prince's blow is only capable of this?"

"Swallow!" He roared loudly, and then the hand seal changed.

"Pengpeng!" The blood mist transformed by the blood beast surged up in an instant, and wrapped Wentian's right arm in an instant.

Suddenly, a powerful devouring force frantically devoured the blood on his arm.

"The blood technique of my blood demon clan, how can you wait for ordinary people to compete, wait for this prince to devour all your blood, and then refine your body into a corpse!" The prince of the blood demon clan smiled wickedly.

"Is your blood technique only at this level?" Suddenly, a cold voice came from Wentian's mouth.

Immediately, the temperature within a radius of a hundred miles dropped rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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