Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 781 What about the demon king's weapon?

Chapter 781 What about the demon king's weapon?

When he was at the Daozi's trial site, he had seen the blood skills of the blood monster clan. Besides, the blood skills of the mysterious monster back then seemed to be higher than that of the prince of the monster clan.

It was also because of this that he had a vague guess in his heart that in the depths of Daozi's trial site, there might be a giant monster with an astonishing history being suppressed.

Maybe it was Qingfeng Daozi back then, the ancestor of the blood demon clan that was suppressed.

"Could it be the coffin under the volcano?" An idea flashed in his mind.

However, he quickly came back to his senses, because even though his cultivation had skyrocketed now, he still didn't dare to be careless in the face of the second blood demon prince in front of him.

It can be seen with the naked eye that his long black hair was instantly covered with layers of frost. What's more, his pupils also glowed blue. The cold air on his body was astonishing, as if it could freeze a world.

After many battles with the blood demon, he also concluded that the blood technique of the bleeding monster clan is mysterious, but it is not invincible, and the power of ice can greatly suppress the blood technique.

Besides, the last time he was at Daozi's trial site, he had already suffered a flash loss and was swallowed by that blood demon. How could he be tricked again this time.

His eyes were extremely cold, and his body shook violently.


In an instant, a frightening power of ice rapidly spread out from his right arm.

As soon as the power of cold ice came out, the blood mist wrapped around his arm was like a mouse terrified by seeing a cat, and quickly backed away.

"Crack! Kick!"

However, the power of ice can be said to spread extremely fast, freezing it in an instant.

"Destroy it for me!" With a deep shout, he spread his five fingers and squeezed them hard.

"Bang bang bang!" Immediately, all the frozen blood mist was blown away, turning into ice chips and disappearing into nothingness, flashing and flashing.

Everything happened in that instant.

The blood demon prince was stunned, as if he couldn't believe that his blood skills could be destroyed so easily.

"You..." He didn't know why, but he was stared at by the other party's cold eyes, he was embarrassed all over, and a chill gushed out from the bottom of his heart.

"Who the hell are you?" He roared with a hideous face.

He believes that with his own strength and cultivation, there is no one who is his opponent except for the few young supreme beings who are rare in the human race, but he knows all those people, but the person in front of him...

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that today is the day of your death." Wen Tian's voice was extremely cold, full of astonishing killing intent.

"Kill!" he roared angrily.

Boom!His cultivation in the middle stage of the ancient realm, and the physical body at the peak of the ancient realm, were all completely exploded by him at this moment. In an instant, the emptiness of the wind howled, and many meteorites were blown away.

His long hair danced wildly, and his perfect body was covered with layers of ice armor, looking majestic, like the reappearance of the ancient ice god.

Without the slightest hesitation, he squeezed the seal with his left hand, and punched out the fist seal with his right hand.

Boom!The powerful fist wind is like a broken bamboo, and the terrifying power of ice turns into countless ice swords and stabs out, densely packed, making people feel creepy.

His sudden aggression caused the blood monster second prince's expression to change suddenly, and a thunderbolt struck his mind, which was too sudden for him.

A person who thought he could be easily killed suddenly transformed into a peerless beast. This sense of difference made him feel extremely ashamed.

In an instant, his face was so ferocious that it was visible to the naked eye. The monster talisman on his face glowed with blood, and a bloody heart appeared on his chest, emitting a mighty power of blood.

Not only that, his whole body was flushed, and when the veins burst out, he seemed to be demonized, and there was an extremely powerful aura coming from his physical body.

This is the demon body!Moreover, it is still a demon body that has reached the peak of the ancient realm.

"I am the son of the demon emperor, the majesty of the emperor cannot be humiliated, no matter who you are, you will die now." He let out a startling roar, as if he was completely enraged by Wentian, making the imperial blood in his body feel ashamed.

Boom!He turned into a berserk blood demon and rushed out, fighting Wentian for hundreds of rounds in the blink of an eye.

This guy is worthy of being the son of the Demon Emperor. Whether it is the physical body, treasures, or secrets, they are all powerful and profound. If it is an ordinary genius, it may be difficult to compete with the three moves.

Even though Wentian tried his best, he didn't have the slightest advantage.

However, for him as the son of the Demon Emperor, this is the greatest shame, because his real cultivation is at the peak of the ancient realm, while the other party has only reached it physically, and his cultivation is only at the middle stage of the ancient realm.

"Damn it, who the hell is this guy?"

"I'm afraid this person's strength is not inferior to those young supreme beings of the human race. Could it be the other two other than the son of the wild, the son of the ancient, or the son of the barbarian?" He became more and more frightened as he fought.

"Boy! As long as you hand over the blood clock in your hand, this prince can spare your life." After a head-on blow, he retreated quickly.

During this time, cracks appeared on his body, and a lot of blood flowed out, especially his hands trembled constantly, as if he had exerted too much force.

Since he was born, it was the first time that he was in such a mess. Let alone the other party's cultivation base, supernatural powers, and treasure skills, just the beast-like physical body was not inferior to him.

It was also the first time that he knew that there were human beings who could cultivate their bodies to such an extent.

Wentian is also having a hard time, his body is also cracked and full of cracks, but even so, his eyes are still extremely cold, as if from a hellish god of death.

"Spare me? But I don't intend to spare your life." He said coldly.

"Presumptuous! A mere human race, do you really think that this prince is afraid of you?" Asking the words made the blood demon prince crazy, as if falling into a rage.

"Kill kill!"

Immediately, he bit his index finger, and drew a blood curse on nothingness at an astonishing speed.

In an instant, countless demon talismans burst forth, as if the fresh blood in his body contained mysterious and unpredictable power.

The next moment, a bloody double-edged sword was condensed out, and he held it in his hand.

Boom!A frightening demonic aura erupted, and that powerful aura seemed to be able to crush the world.

"Demon king weapon?" Sensing this powerful aura, Wen Tian's expression changed drastically, and his heart instantly became serious.

"Haha! Do you really think that this prince will come with you by himself without any hole cards? Even if a world powerhouse appears today, he won't be able to save you."

"Ho Ho!!" He roared furiously as he danced furiously, his whole body was filled with an evil aura.

He swung the double-edged Demon King Saber in his hand, and slashed fiercely.

"Hey!" A streak of hundreds of feet of blood slashed out, and Wu Wu was cut in two in an instant, and his castration continued unabated, as if he wanted to kill Wentian completely.

This is the weapon of the demon king, which is the most powerful existence other than the weapon of the demon king.

"What about the demon king weapon?"

"Life and death are up to fate, the realm of life and death!" Wen Tian roared up to the sky.

Also at this moment, he exerted all his strength to return to the origin of the immortal power, and the cracked flesh instantly, with a bang, the six-armed immortal appeared behind him.

With a wave of his hand, the world of life and death enveloped thousands of miles in an instant, turning into a strange space, which seemed to be the domain of the God Emperor.

(I went back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year, and I was cut off for three days. There is no computer in my hometown. I will try to make up for it. I'm sorry... If you want to scold, you can scold... It's my fault.)
(End of this chapter)

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