Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 783 The ancestor of the blood demon?

Chapter 783 The ancestor of the blood demon?
Just when Wentian killed the second prince of the Blood Demon Clan, in another battlefield, there was a thunderous rumble, and the power of the rules of the small world kept surging.

That was a battle between the giants of the realm.

That's right!It was Elder Feng of Daozong and the old blood demon who were fighting.

Both are in the early stage of the realm, that is, the power of a realm, and the fight is indistinguishable. It seems that it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

However, at this moment, the old blood demon's expression changed suddenly, and a terrifying light shot out from his eyes.

"'s impossible!"

"Damn it, you still have other realms hidden in the dark." He roared wildly, as if he was stimulated by something, because he sensed the fall of the blood demon prince.

That was a complete fall.

You must know that the blood demon family is not an ordinary monster. Although their sea of ​​consciousness has been broken, they can be reborn once they can escape with the essence and blood of their own life.

This is also the reason why the blood demon clan can become one of the top ten monster clans.

"Boundary! The person who can kill the second prince is definitely a giant in the realm. Not good! We must not let the Demon King Saber fall into the hands of the human race."

"Kill them! Even if you use the blood-forbidden technique, you must kill them." The old blood demon looked crazy, and his whole body was full of evil spirits.


"Kill them! Avenge the Second Prince!"

Boom boom boom! ! !All the blood demon youths roared at this moment, and a frightening blood light burst from them, shining red in the entire void.

They bit their fingers one after another, and drew strange blood curses in the void. In an instant, countless blood lines intertwined together, and finally formed a blood formation.

It was faintly visible that in the center of the blood formation, a blood-colored figure was slowly forming.

"Not good! Stop them!"

"They are going to use the blood in their bodies to summon the ancestors of the blood demon clan." Elder Feng's expression changed drastically.

"What? Summon the ancestors of the blood demon clan?"

"Isn't it rumored that the ancestors of the blood demon clan were killed by Ji Zu, Chi Long and others?" Fairy Baidu and the others suddenly changed their expressions and became uproarious.

Boom boom boom! !

But after all, they are not ordinary people. They have rich combat experience, and they quickly regained their senses in an instant.

But even though their attacks were extremely violent, the blood array was still intact. Seeing that the bloody figure in the center was about to solidify, everyone felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

At the same time, a terrifying energy seems to be slowly waking up.

"Don't attack them!"

"Every formation has eyes, and this blood formation is centered on the old blood demon. As long as he is killed, this formation will naturally be shattered." A thick voice sounded.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they found that the person who was drinking was the thick and strong man with wine and meat.

"Monster! Give me death!" The big man's eyes widened angrily. He looked like a burly figure, but his speed was extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, he had already rushed above the head of the old blood demon.

"A mere cultivation in the ancient realm is looking for death!" The old blood demon noticed it, but his expression was full of disdain.

"God Extinguisher Palm!"


However, in the next moment, his expression changed suddenly, and his eyes revealed an unbelievable light.

I saw a monstrous giant palm, with a strong light, imprinted down fiercely with a suppressive force.

What frightened him the most was that facing this palm, he felt a surge of fear from the bottom of his heart. It seemed that this palm was designed to restrain their monster race.

It's just that everyone didn't notice that when the palm print fell, there was a faint swastika between the palms, which flashed past.

boom!With a palm print, the old blood demon's body shook for a while, and the blood in his body was churning, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

As a ferocious monster in the realm, and a person whose physical body was far beyond ordinary, he was injured by a strong man in the ancient realm of the human race.

"Hiss..." For a split second, everyone and all the monsters were stunned, their eyes full of unthinkable.

Not to mention them, even Elder Feng, who is an elder of the Taoist sect and possesses the supernatural power of the realm, was shocked and dumbfounded.

Although he had already seen how extraordinary this wine and meat man was, and his strength might be higher than that of Hong Jin, Baidu Fairy and others, but he never thought that the other party could actually injure the blood demon in the realm.

"This guy..." His heart skipped a beat.

However, in a blink of an eye, he quickly came back to his senses, knowing that the opportunity must not be missed, especially when the old blood demon in front of him was injured and the blood array shook violently, he was also ecstatic in his heart.

boom!He used the power of a world, his fists were entwined with the power of rules, and he punched hard.

At the same time, other people also reacted and shot wildly.

All of a sudden, countless precious techniques, supernatural powers, and secret techniques all attacked the old blood demon madly.

"Bastard!" the old blood demon roared.

He kept coughing up blood, and his breath became weaker and weaker, especially the attack of Elder Feng, which caused great damage to him, and the world in his body shook for a while.

Seeing that the blood-colored figure in the blood array was about to solidify, but at this moment, his figure changed and disappeared with a bang, turning into a bloody mist.

Just when the blood formation was broken, there was a terrifying volcano with a wisp of purple flame deep in the bottom of the volcano. This purple flame kept shaking and seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, as if it would be extinguished in the next moment.

"A little bit, a little bit..." Just under this ray of Zi Yan, there is an extremely old coffin, and there is a creepy voice coming from here.

If Wentian saw this scene, he would definitely cry out, because this ancient coffin was exactly the coffin that was faintly visible under the volcano at the Daozi trial site.

And the purple flame suppressed above it is obviously the flame of the rumored fire unicorn.

It's just that it seems to have used too much power, it is no longer as strong as before, and it seems to be extinguished at any time.


"Puff puff!!" The blood formation was destroyed, and the dozens of blood demons all spurted blood, their expressions full of shock.

"Kill, kill, kill!!" Seeing this, Hong Jin, Baidu Fairy and others looked ecstatic, and they roared and rushed out.

The old blood demon kept coughing up blood, his body was covered with cracks, blood stained his whole body, especially his pupils were extremely blood red, which made people shudder.

"Damn, almost, just a little bit, and it's all because of that bastard."

"Kill! Even if he dies, he must be buried with him." He growled.

He hated the big guys with wine and meat, otherwise, they wouldn't have ended up like this.

Not only failed to summon the ancestors, but now he is also suffering from backlash.

But soon, he was dumbfounded, and his heart was filled with strong unwillingness, because he found that the big man who hurt him with the palm before had disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, a huge phoenix corpse stayed in nothingness, as if it had lost any consciousness.

Tens of miles away from it, there is also a huge ship floating in nothingness, it is the star ship of the Dao Sect.

"Om!" The golden light flashed, revealing a burly figure.

"Haha! What an ancient treasure starship, what a real phoenix corpse, these all belong to this holy monk." The burly man laughed wildly.

He was actually the drunken man who disappeared before, but the weird thing is that he called himself a holy monk.

"Take this starship first!" His tiny pupils flashed brightly, and then he sacrificed something, which was actually a black bead chain.

"Bang!" Immediately, the string of black beads burst into a sacred light.

Buddha's light, this is actually the mysterious Buddha's light in the rumors.

The Buddhist bead grew rapidly, and instantly turned into a huge void, bursting out with a powerful devouring power.

"Give it to me!" He shouted excitedly, his bald head looked particularly dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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