Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 784 Wentian VS Wukong

Chapter 784 Wentian VS Wukong
Boom!Boom!Under this powerful devouring force, the huge starship began to slowly enter the void formed by the Buddhist beads.

Seeing that the starship was about to disappear, waves suddenly appeared in the nothingness, followed by a twist, and a man stepped out of it.

It was Wentian who changed his figure.

"The starship does not belong to you."

"Dongtian!" He yelled up to the sky.

"Om!" In an instant, nothingness split open, and a golden cave appeared. Although it looked like a cave, it had evolved into a small world.

It is impossible for an ordinary cave to accommodate this starship, but that doesn't mean he can't.

He made seals with both hands, bang bang, from his special cave, a powerful devouring force burst out, and he also tried to collect the starship.

"Lin Qi, you bastard! This starship belongs to me." Wentian's appearance was completely unexpected by the drunkard, and he roared loudly.

You must know that the starship in front of you is an ancient treasure. Although its attack power is not strong, it is difficult for the strong under the four realms to destroy it. The most important thing is that it has amazing speed and can easily travel through the starry sky.

Seeing that Gu Bao was about to succeed but was interrupted by someone, he was furious in his heart: "Lin Qi, die to me!"

"Kuan!" A swastika appeared on his right palm, and then a sacred light burst out, and then he raised his hand and printed it out.

"Boom!" The strange thing is that just as he printed his palm, the Buddha's light shone from behind him, and a huge holy Buddha condensed out.

Sitting cross-legged in nothingness, with an extremely majestic expression, he also raised his huge Buddha palm at this moment and stamped it down hard.

This palm's power is astonishing, it seems to be able to suppress and kill all creatures in the world.

"Tathagata Palm?" Sensing the power of this palm, Wentian's expression changed.

"It really is that shameless guy!" He thought to himself.

Then his eyes became ruthless, his five fingers gathered into a fist, and the power of extinction was wrapped around the fist, and he punched forcefully with the magic of immortality.

"Destroying Fist!"

boom!A sky-shattering loud noise erupted, Tathagata God's Palm collided with Mie Sheng Fist, the aftermath was overwhelming, the expressions of both of them changed drastically, and they were blown away for dozens of miles by the remaining power.

"You are Lin Wentian!" Steady his body, the big man with wine and meat opened his eyes and shouted in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, he was able to see through Wentian's identity with just one move of Miesheng Fist.

"Wukong bald donkey, don't come here without any problems! Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for many years, and you have even grown a beard, and you have become a big man of wine and meat." Wentian sneered as he flicked his sleeves.

"You..." The expression of the wine and meat man changed drastically.

"Om!" Then his figure changed for a while, and finally turned into a bald monk. His eyes were as small as lines, giving people a sense of obscenity.

That's right!This wine-drinking tycoon was astonishingly transformed by the Wukong Sage Monk who had become famous recently. It seems that he sneaked in, and he probably had other plans.

Wentian also recovered his real body, and the two confronted each other like this, seemingly ordinary, but in fact, both of them were secretly sizing up their opponents.

It wasn't long before both of them looked serious.

"What a Lin Wentian, the rumors are indeed true. It seems that you have obtained the Immortal Art of Immortality, and you also have the first spear of the human race, the Overlord's Divine Spear, hidden in your body."

"But even so, I am not afraid of you. This starship is my prey, and no one can take it away." Monk Wukong said harshly.

After the words fell, a Buddha's light flashed in his hand, and a Zen staff several heads taller than him appeared.

"Huh?" As soon as the Zen stick was released, Wentian's heart beat violently and his breathing became short of breath.

"Could it be the weapon of the Buddha Emperor?"

"What is the origin of this guy? A mere human race, who only practiced his Dharma, actually possessed the weapon of the Buddha Emperor?" His heart was extremely solemn.

Seemingly aware of what he was thinking, Monk Wukong looked complacent.

However, at this moment, bursts of giant shadows came from a distance, and suddenly, the expressions of the two changed.

"Boy Lin, if we continue to confront each other like this, it will be of no benefit to either of us. The starship will belong to me, and the corpse of the real phoenix will belong to you." Wukong spoke with a touch of anxiety in his voice.

When Wentian heard this, his heart moved, and he knew that what the other party said was true.

"The value of the real phoenix's corpse is not comparable to this starship. The starship belongs to me, and the real phoenix's corpse belongs to you." He blinked his eyes and said.

"Fuck you! The value of this real phoenix corpse is on this starship, but this holy monk is a Buddhist cultivator, so I can't control this phoenix corpse."

"Besides, if you get the method of controlling corpses from the blood demon clan and completely refine this phoenix corpse, you will be like adding a guardian beast of the four realms. At that time, the value of this phoenix corpse will be several times that of the starship. .” Monk Wukong shouted angrily.

"The method of controlling the corpse of the blood demon clan is so easy to obtain, not to mention the ordinary method of controlling the corpse, it is impossible to control this phoenix corpse at all."

"Besides, I'm a human race, so I don't want to be forcibly accused of working with demons." Wentian shook his head, with an expression of reluctance.

Boom!The movement behind is getting bigger and bigger.

"Damn boy Lin, it's unlucky to be a Buddha today, these spirit stones belong to you." Wukong said ruthlessly, with a wave of his sleeve, a space ring came out quickly.

Wentian reached out to catch it, and then swept away his consciousness.

One hundred thousand top quality spirit stones!
"Plop!" Suddenly, his heart beat violently.

"Good guy, did he discover a spiritual vein?" Thinking of this, he became short of breath, but his face remained as usual, appearing extremely calm.

"One hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones, it's not bad at all!" He pretended to be profound and said indifferently.

"Ah..." Hearing this, Wu Kong shouted angrily, his eyes filled with astonishing hatred.

One must know that he spent a lot of time and effort to obtain these one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones, but now he is giving them away with both hands, and he is shown as if he doesn't care.

He trembled with anger.

If it wasn't for the person in front of him, he wouldn't have the confidence to defeat him in a short time, and if it wasn't for the growing commotion behind him, he would never have suffered such a disadvantage.

It can be said that this is the first time he has suffered such a big loss since his debut.

"Twice! Including the one at the trial site, it's a full two times! Finally one day, this holy monk wants you to pay back a hundred times." He roared loudly with blood dripping from his heart.

boom!As soon as the words fell, his figure flashed and he quickly formed a seal.

"Om!" Immediately, the empty hole formed by the Buddhist beads burst into a terrifying devouring power, even the Zen staff in his hand glowed with sacred Buddha light.

In an instant, the huge starship entered the empty hole at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, a golden light flashed on Wentian's body, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the back of the phoenix corpse.

"Roar!" However, the strange thing was that he was standing on the back of the phoenix, and the phoenix corpse seemed to be aroused, its eyes flashed with blood, and it roared violently.

"Blood clock! Give it to me!" Wen Tian yelled, blood flashed in his hand, and he sacrificed the little blood-colored clock.

Not only that, but at this moment, the words in his mouth were actually the secret words of the blood demon clan.

"The blood demon clan's method of controlling corpses, don't tell me you put that guy..."

"Lin Wentian, you bastard, how dare you lie to me." Monk Wukong roared, his voice full of unwillingness and hatred.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally realized that he had been fooled.

(End of this chapter)

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