Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 785 What happened to her?

Chapter 785 What happened to her?

"Bastard! Who is so bold, dare to oppose my Zhenshendong, it is courting death." The disciple of Zhenshendong roared ferociously.

That's because their shoulders were all hit by the inexplicable beam of light at this moment, dripping with blood, instantly staining their skirts with blood, and a bloody smell permeated the air.

This is simply an insult to them, because they are disciples of Zhenshen Cave, and they are the second most powerful among the eight gods.

Not to mention them, even the female disciple of Gen Shendong and the other three seriously injured male disciples were dumbfounded.

"Could it be that the elder brother and the others are here? Or the master and the others?" Thinking of this, the female disciple looked overjoyed, but the next moment she burst into tears.

Obviously, her previous mentality has almost completely collapsed.

"Get out!" Wu Wu yelled angrily again.

"Boom!" Immediately, a powerful divine power erupted.

"Wow... Puff!!"

The faces of the dozen or so Zhenshen Cave disciples who were clamoring before changed drastically. When their figures were blown away, they spurted blood wildly, and their dilated pupils were full of disbelief.

"This is the might of an ancient god, and it's not an ordinary ancient god!"

"Oh my god...could it be the elders of Gen Shendong?"

"Not good! Run away!"

When they sensed that the person coming was a strong person from the ancient realm, they were uneasy, screamed, and ran away without looking back.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of people disappeared without a trace.

"Bang!" After the Zhenshen Cave disciples left, the three Gen Shen Cave disciples softened and fell down with a bang, bleeding profusely.

"Brother...!" the female disciple yelled, her complexion turned pale instantly, and she seemed panicked.

"Hey!" There was another sigh in the void.

Immediately, ripples appeared in the nothingness, and Wentian stepped out of it, but here he changed his figure again, appearing in the face of Lin Qi.

"You..." The female disciple noticed that her expression changed greatly, because she found that the person who came was extremely strange, not the same sect or elder she imagined.

"Their divine energy is consumed too much, and now they are unable to regenerate their divine bodies. Give them these pills, otherwise, their lives will be in danger." Wen Tian sighed.

When the words fell, he flicked his fingers, and three pills rushed out.

Originally, he didn't want to meddle in other people's business. After all, he didn't know the origins of both sides, but what the Zhenshen Cave disciple did before made him extremely disgusted.

That's why, in the end, he still made a move.

Half an hour later, the three fallen monks finally came to life slowly.

"Thank you brother Dao for your help, I will be grateful."

"I don't know how to call you brother? Where did you come from?" The three of them thanked each other with their hands together, and at the same time, they had deep doubts about Wentian's identity.

After all, the age of the person in front of them did not seem to be older than them, but the other party possessed the power of an ancient god, which shocked them greatly.

Especially that female disciple, she looked at Wentian with bright eyes, and she did not hide the admiration on her face at all.

Although Wentian, who changed his body shape, was extremely ordinary in appearance, his strength made this female disciple feel admiration, and besides, the man in front of him was a life-saving grace to her.

Hearing his words, in an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Wentian's mind.

His eyes flashed, and then he said: "My surname is Lin Mingqi. Not long ago, I came from Tianyunhai. I followed Elder Feng of Daozong to Taoxing. It was only because of a little accident that I met you here."

He told the ins and outs of the matter once, including meeting the blood demon clan, but concealed the fact that he killed the blood demon second prince and took his phoenix corpse.

As he spoke, everyone was dumbfounded, and their expressions became more and more shocked.

"So it's Brother Lin Seventh!"

"It's no wonder that Brother Lin just came out with an earth-level medium-grade pill. It turns out that Brother Lin is not only amazing in strength, but also an earth-level alchemist." Everyone said one after another, and their expressions became more and more respectful.

"Since Big Brother Lin can be selected by Elder Feng to become a follower of the Holy Son, his strength is naturally extraordinary." The female disciple's full face of admiration caused the other three people to look helpless.

To this, Wentian just smiled lightly.

Soon after, he also learned the names of the four people.

The female disciple is Luo Qiuqing, and the three male disciples are Xie Fei, Chen Yuan, and Li Yong. They are all from Gen God Cave, one of the Eight Great God Caves.

From the four of them, it is known that the entire Dao star is extremely vast, and Dao Zong Wuning is the supreme ruler of the star dao.

However, the entire Taoist sect is divided into two pavilions and eight great caves.

The two pavilions are Xianfeng Pavilion and Zhenfeng Pavilion.

The eight god caves are Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen and Dui.

For a long time, among the Eight Great God Caves, Qian Cave is the first, Kun Cave is the second, and Dui Cave is Wei Cave.

But just over ten years ago, the master of Qiandong Cave disappeared suddenly, which greatly reduced the strength of Qianshen Cave, and also made the second and third Shendong Caves, Kun and Zhen, start to move around.

Over the years, the two great caves, Kun and Zhen, have become even more arrogant, and began to compete for the territory of other caves, causing a battle among the eight great caves.

I thought that the Taoist sect's high-level officials would intervene in this matter soon, but I didn't expect that since the sacred son Fang Yun was appointed as the next suzerain, he not only did not stop it, but seemed to cause a fight on purpose.

It is said that the winner is king and the fittest survive. If you want to suppress monsters, demons, ghosts and other races, you must have the power to crush them.

In an instant, the battle between the eight great god caves became more and more fierce, causing the disciples of the major god caves to dare to fight openly.

Listen, listen, Wentian's expression became serious.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he asked with a touch of uneasiness: "I don't know about the Guishen Cave, but there is a female disciple named Ye Xiang?"

After asking this sentence, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Ye Xiang?"

"There is no one named Ye Xiang in my Genshen Cave." The female disciple Luo Qiuqing shook her head and said.

Regarding this, Wentian showed a look of disappointment, and couldn't help sighing softly in his heart.

But at this moment, Xie Fei said with a touch of hesitation: "There is no one named Ye Xiang in my Genshen Cave, but..."

"Huh? But what?" Wentian, who was originally disappointed, was suddenly stunned, and his eyes showed hope.

"Brother Xie, do you mean Lin Yexiang from Ganshen Cave?" Luo Qiuqing asked in surprise.

"What? There is a female disciple named Lin Yexiang in Ganshen Cave among the Eight Great God Caves?" Wentian looked ecstatic, and the heart in his body was beating vigorously.

He didn't expect that before he actually reached Dao Xing, he would already know about his sister-in-law. For him, this was simply a huge gain.

However, he soon discovered that everyone was strange, and suddenly, his heart beat wildly, and he had a bad premonition.

"What happened to her?" he asked anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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