Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 786 Epiphany

Chapter 786 Epiphany (Part [-])
"Lin Yexiang was originally an outstanding disciple of Qianshen Cave and the proud student of the master of Qianshen Cave. It is said that when she was born, the situation changed, and there were signs of heaven and earth. She is a genius who does not appear in a thousand years."

"However, just over ten years ago, the head of Qianshen Cave disappeared mysteriously, which led to the loss of Qianshen Cave's position as the head of the eight god caves. Because of this, Lin Yexiang also became the target of eradicating Kunshen Cave and Zhenshen Cave."

"Eight years ago, she was plotted against by someone. Not only was she seriously injured, but her body was also planted with worms, causing her to fall from a genius daughter to a useless person in an instant, and she was also tortured by worms in her body."

"Not only that, it is said that the elders of Qianshen Cave have rejected her very much these years, and she has been chased and killed by people from Kunshen Cave and Zhenshen Cave many times. Now she may have nowhere to go, and it is difficult for her to move an inch in Qianshen Cave."

Xie Fei couldn't help showing sympathy when he said that.

Immediately, he set his sights on Wentian.

But soon he raised his eyelids, because he found that Wentian's expression was as calm as a mirror, showing no trace of anger or hatred at all.

"Isn't this Lin Yexiang a friend or relative of Brother Lin?" He thought to himself.

After all, if it were any friend or relative, when they learned that Lin Yexiang was being bullied like this, they would be filled with anger uncontrollably.

Because it's a natural reaction.

But the look shown by Lin Qi in front of him was too calm and indifferent.

However, what they didn't know was that Wentian's heart was already burning with anger.

Unexpectedly, his sister-in-law Lin Yexiang was not only planted with worms, but also hunted down for many years. Thinking about it, the killing intent in his heart was overwhelming, and the hatred was strong.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to bully my sister-in-law, I, Lin Wentian, swear you will pay the price with your hard work." He roared in his heart.

"Brother Lin, are you okay!" Xie Fei and Chen Yuan said.

"It's okay! Thank you for telling me." He said calmly, with neither joy nor sorrow on his expression.

Xie Fei and the others, who were still about to ask questions, frowned, then sighed lightly, and did not say anything more.

"Brother Lin, you are going to Daoxing! Since that's the case, why don't we go on the road together, at least we have someone to take care of you." Luo Qiuqing said, his face full of hope.

"That's right! Brother Lin has saved our lives this time, why not follow us to Genshen Cave and let us be the landlords." Li Yong also said.

Wentian was silent for a moment before speaking: "If that's the case, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I hope everyone will keep my identity secret for the time being."

When everyone heard this, they were stunned for a moment, but they soon became relieved.

"From this point of view, Brother Lin didn't intend to follow the holy son Fang Yun in a hurry. I'm afraid it was because of Lin Yexiang. In this case, we will temporarily protect our identity for Brother Lin."

"That's right! Maybe I can take this opportunity to lure Brother Lin into my God Cave."

For a moment, Xie Fei and the four secretly communicated and quickly reached a consensus, especially that Luo Qiuqing, who was very excited.

That's it, not long after, the five of them set off for Daoxing.


Through conversations along the way, he also learned about the general strength of the Eight Great God Caves, and the masters of each of the major caves are all gods and powerhouses in the Six Realms.

And Kun, Zhen, and Xun, the strength of the three cave masters, have reached the peak of the gods, only half a step away, they can break through to the seven realms and become the king of gods.

In other words, these three cave masters all have amazing strengths comparable to his master Xingguan and Thunder Cloud Lord Lei Guangxuan, two giants.

"Hiss..." After hearing the news, he couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

It is rumored that the Lord of Qianshen Cave disappeared more than ten years ago. It is said that her cultivation has already reached the peak of the Sixth Realm. If she has not disappeared, she may be a strong king of the gods now.

The king of gods, the king of gods, is the king of gods, a shocking powerhouse who has created seven small worlds in his body. Existence like this, not to mention in this era, even in ancient times, is one of the few.

It is conceivable that a Ganshen Cave may be able to match some of the general trends of the human race, even if the background is not as good, the difference is not much different.

It's no wonder that Daozong can become a holy place for the human race, surpassing the five clans and seven sects.

Two days later, a huge star could be seen in the distance of Wentian. Suddenly, he was terrified and felt so small.

That's right!The huge star in front of him is one of the three holy lands of the human race, the Taoist star where the Taoist sect is located.

"Brother Lin! It's almost here!"

"Finally home!"

The four of Xie Fei looked excited and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as he stepped into Dao Xing, Wentian opened his eyes wide, because he found that the aura of heaven and earth here was several times that of Tianyunhai.

You must know that this is not a secret room, nor is it a starship, but a whole huge star.

His mind was shocked.

"Haha! Brother Lin, are you shocked!"

"The Taoist sect is not only a holy place for humans, but also a holy place for cultivation. The aura of heaven and earth is naturally rich." Li Yong laughed.

Wentian took a deep breath, trying to calm down his heart.

The five of them didn't stay long and flew directly to Genshen Cave.

Seven days later, Wentian finally saw a huge cave.

Gen Shendong!
It is more appropriate to say it is a cave or a god cave, rather than a fairy cave.

Because this cave is located in the Shiwanda Mountain, between a Tianhe waterfall, the green mountains and green water stay for thousands of years, it is like a fairyland.

"What a Genshen Cave!" He thought to himself, suddenly feeling refreshed.

Especially the towering huge stone tablet, engraved with the three big characters of Genshen Cave, is simply magnificent and magnificent, and it can't help exuding an ancient and long-lasting atmosphere.

Indistinctly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if he had an epiphany.

"Om!" Immediately, the divine light on his body was shining brightly, as if turning into a thousand-foot sun, his eyes closed, and his body rose up automatically in a strange way, floating in front of the stone tablet of the mountain gate.

In his spiritual world, he found that from the huge stone tablet engraved with Genshen Cave in front of him, countless ancient runes gushed out and began to spin around his body.

He is like the emperor of talismans, and those talismans gushing out are his thousands of people, he feels very kind.

Not only that, but the two pages of golden paper in his sea of ​​consciousness were also suddenly activated, and the fairy talisman became bright, especially the golden paper that recorded the immortal text of returning to the beginning, it grew wildly.

One hundred feet, one thousand feet... Ten thousand feet...

If anyone saw this scene, their jaws would definitely drop.

With the skyrocketing price of this golden paper, his entire sea of ​​consciousness began to boil, and there was a turbulent sound. Visible to the naked eye, his sea of ​​consciousness was also rapidly expanding.

In the blink of an eye, it was more than ten times larger than before, and it was still expanding.

"what happened?"

"Oh my god! Enlightenment, Brother Lin is enlightening!"

"It is rumored that I, the first-generation Cave Master of Genshen Cave, left a spiritual imprint on this stone tablet for future generations. Whoever can realize this will be blessed with fortune. Could it be that Brother Lin triggered that spiritual imprint?"

Xie Fei, Li Yong and others were in an uproar, dumbfounded.

"Om!" The entire stele hummed, bursting with intense light.

Boom!Boom!At the same time, the ground was violently shocked, and the entire Genshen Cave was shocked instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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