Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 787 Breakthrough!The power of rules!

Chapter 787 Breakthrough!The power of rules! (two more)
"Wow! What happened? Is there an enemy invasion?"

"Not good! Tell the elders quickly."

The sudden change in Genshen Cave alarmed many disciples in an instant. They were anxious, pale and screamed.

Because this was the first time this happened in Genshendong in countless years, and the tension in the relationship between the eight great gods recently made them feel uneasy.

At the same time, in the depths of Genshen Cave, five figures suddenly opened their eyes.

Boom boom boom! !Immediately, terrifying aura erupted from them like ancient beasts.


This is definitely a realm giant above the ancient realm powerhouse.

Especially among the five people, an old man sitting cross-legged in the center, the moment he opened his eyes, six vortexes condensed around him.

No... This is not an ordinary vortex, because these six vortexes are entwined with the power of rules, these are six small worlds.

In other words, this old man is the master of Gen Shendong who possesses the power of the six realms and is a god.

"Cave Master, what happened?" an old man said.

"Someone triggered the imprint left by the master!" the master of Genshen Cave said.

"What? A disciple triggered the spiritual imprint of the master?"

"Who? Which disciple is it?" The four old men looked excited.

However, at this moment, the master of Gen God Cave shook his head lightly, and then sighed softly: "It's not me from Gen God Cave..."

"What? It's not my Gen Shendong, but a disciple of other Shendong."

"Not good! You must never give the opportunity to others in vain." Everyone's expression changed drastically, and some people's eyes flashed coldly, obviously murderous intent.

"Om!" Immediately, including the master of the Nagen cave, the five giants of the realm disappeared from their original places in an instant.


As the commotion became louder and louder, countless disciples, even elders who had reached the ancient realm, rushed out of Genshen Cave one after another.

"My God? What the hell is going on here?"

"Look, those are Xie Fei, Li Yong and others, they are back."

"No! Who is that person on the stele? Could it be that the spiritual imprint that no one has triggered for countless years was activated by this person?"

Everyone looked at the radiant light, which was a thousand zhang scorching sun, and they were all stunned, with expressions full of shock and disbelief.

What shocked them the most was that the other party was extremely strange, not their disciple of Gen Shendong.

"Not good! This person is not my disciple of Gen Shendong!"

"Damn it, this guy is probably a person from Kunshen Cave and Zhenshen Cave, and he must not be allowed to get a chance."

"Stop him now."

Everyone came back to their senses, their expressions changed drastically, not to mention fierce eyes, but also revealed a strong murderous intent.

Whoosh whoosh! !Some disciples of the Radical Faction even got sick and rushed out with murderous aura.

Obviously, they want to interrupt the epiphany of the person in front of them.

You must know the spiritual imprint left on this stone tablet, but what is unique to them in Genshen Cave, how can they be obtained by others in vain.

They are not reconciled.

"Brother, wait! This is Brother Lin, he is not a disciple of other god caves."

"That's right! Brothers and elders, the four of us can testify to this point. Not only that, Brother Lin also rescued the four of us from the disciples of Zhenshen Cave not long ago."

Seeing everyone's murderous intent, Xie Fei, Luo Qiuqing and others hurriedly spoke up.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, especially those disciples who rushed out, their murderous intent weakened somewhat.

"Even if this person is really as you said, he is not another disciple of Shendong, but this imprint belongs to my Shendong, so how can I hand it over to someone else." Among the crowd, a man in white said with a frown.

If there is no mistake in guessing, this person is the elder brother Xie Fei and others said, that is, the most outstanding disciple of Gen Shendong's generation.

Late Ancient Realm!

The energy leaked from his body has reached the late stage of the ancient realm, and he is truly the proud son of heaven.

Even if such an arrogance cannot stand shoulder to shoulder with Thunder God's Son Lei Ting, Heaven's Son Tian'e, etc., I am afraid the difference will not be much different.

"Eldest brother is right. This person's identity is unclear. To take a step back, even if he is not an enemy, he is not a friend. How can I give him the opportunity of Gen Shendong for nothing?"

"Shoot! Save his life first!" The others yelled.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately, dozens of people shot decisively.

Flames, thunder, and raging storms, although they didn't intend to take away Tian's life, but the feeling of wanting to interrupt him is very obvious.

You must know that this is the first generation of Genshen Cave Master, and the value of the opportunity left behind is difficult to estimate. Once someone gets it, it will definitely be a huge loss for Genshen Cave.

Seeing the many berserk attacks that were about to submerge Wentian, Xie Fei, Li Yong and others felt anxious, and Luo Qiuqing's face turned pale, and his tender body trembled.

They wanted to stop them, but with their strength and cultivation, they would be powerless if they had no roots.

"Hey... stop!"

"Although he is not a disciple of my Gen God Cave, since he can trigger the imprint of Master, this is his good fortune, maybe it is God's will in the dark." An old voice suddenly resounded throughout the Gen God Cave.

As soon as this voice came out, no matter it was the disciples or the elders of Gen Shendong, their expressions changed drastically.

"This is the cave master's voice!"

"Oh my god! Even the cave master was alarmed!" Everyone was in an uproar, and there was a thunderbolt in their heads.

Also in this flash, an invisible big hand condensed out, and gently shook the attack that hit Wentian.

"Puff, puff, puff!!" The attack that could easily kill a strong man in the ancient realm was instantly wiped out without leaving any traces under this invisible hand.

"Hiss..." With such an astonishing method, some disciples in the Divine Origin Realm and True Divine Realm were dumbfounded, and couldn't help but gasp.

God, this is the method of the god of the six realms.

Many disciples have been in Gen Shendong for hundreds of years, and this is the first time they see their cave master make a move, and this time, the attack is for someone who has nothing to do with Gen Shendong.

"Buzzing!!" The void twisted for a while, and five old figures appeared immediately.

The old man in the lead is the current master of Genshen Cave.

"Greetings to the Cave Master and all the Supreme Elders." All the disciples looked ecstatic and said in unison.

Even the elder brother who was dressed in white and had reached the late stage of the ancient realm paid respectful respect.

"Cave master..." The four old men looked at Wentian who was still feeling comprehension, they hesitated to speak.

But Gen God Cave Master shook his head slightly.

"Hey!" Immediately, the four old men sighed softly in their hearts, with a hint of unwillingness still showing on their faces.

"Buzz!" Wentian suddenly opened his eyes, and in an instant, a monstrous divine consciousness gushed out from his sea of ​​consciousness, and the situation changed suddenly, with thunder and lightning.

His consciousness finally broke through the boundary at this moment and reached the realm.

The most weird thing is that when his spiritual consciousness broke through, the hole in his body also underwent an astonishing transformation.

The power of rules emerges!

(End of this chapter)

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