Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 791 Daughter

Chapter 791 Daughter
"Big brother, who are you?" The girl's eyes were wide open, and she looked puzzled.

Because it was the first time she had met the big brother in front of her, but she felt an incomparable sense of intimacy from him.

It was the feeling of being connected by blood.

But just after she finished saying this, her body softened, and then she lost consciousness.

At only three years old, she not only personally experienced the departure of her parents, but also triggered the power in her body, resulting in extreme weakness, and it is not surprising that she fainted.

But the moment she fell down, a slender hand appeared and hugged her body instantly.

Looking at the cute girl in his arms, Wentian's eyes were flushed, his hands were trembling, trying to touch the baby's face and wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

However, his raised hand soon stopped in mid-air.

Because he was scared!

He was afraid that if he touched it with his hand, the other party would disappear like a dream, and he didn't want it to turn into a dream.

Although the blood in his body told him that this was not a dream, he still didn't dare to try it, because the baby girl in his arms was too important to him.

She is his daughter!

But who is her mother?

Thinking back to the Daozi trial site back then, and thinking that this is Dao Xing, he already had the answer in his heart.

Her mother was Qingshuang from Xianfeng Pavilion back then.

Unexpectedly, during the one-night affair that year, he actually had his own flesh and blood, which was like a dream to him.

Although it has been ten years since the Taoist trial, logically speaking, the girl in front of him should be ten years old.

He couldn't figure out the reason for this for a while, but when he thought of the baby appearing in this remote village, he also had a vague guess in his heart.

Besides, with the background of Xianfeng Pavilion, it would be easy for a baby to be born a few years later.

"A disciple of Gen Shendong?"

" are not a disciple of Gen Shendong."

"Bastard! Who the hell are you? My Zhenshen Cave disciple dares to kill me, it's just courting death."

The disciples of Zhenshendong came back to their senses, their faces were ferocious like beasts, and they roared sharply.

You must know that in these years, except for Kunshen Cave, their Zhenshen Cave has almost covered the sky with one hand, and they have long been extremely arrogant.

Even though the aura of the people in front of them was strong and they easily killed the leader among them, they were still fearless because they were disciples of Zhenshen Cave.

Besides, not far from the Tianxue Mountains, there are many disciples and elders of Zhenshen Cave, especially their young master of Zhenshen Cave, who is a figure of the younger generation who is called emperor.

"It's you who are courting death!" Wentian turned his head suddenly, his eyes roared with strong hatred.

He looked at the fallen old figure on the ground, and he vaguely guessed what happened.

If he guessed correctly, the fallen old woman in front of him was his daughter who had been taking care of him for the past few years.

In other words, this old woman is his benefactor, but now...

A monstrous anger began to burn in his body.

"Kill!" He murderously.

Holding the baby in his arms in his left hand, he disappeared from the original place in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already standing above a person's head strangely.

Without the slightest hesitation, he raised his fleshy right palm, and vigorously stamped on the disciple in Zhenshen Cave.

"Bang!" Flesh flew everywhere.

Under his palm, the disciple of Zhenshen Cave didn't have any strength to resist, so he was killed by his palm, and his whole body exploded, blood staining the void.

Everything happened in an instant, and the others hadn't reacted yet, but the bloodstain in the void was so eye-catching.


"Not good! This guy is a strong man in the ancient realm, and non-elders and young masters can't compete at all."

Everyone screamed in horror, looking at Wentian who looked like a god and demon, their faces were as pale as snow.

"Flee!" Someone screamed, bang bang... Suddenly, everyone rushed to escape.

"Water..." Wentian looked extremely cold, he raised his palm, and then waved it down.

In an instant, the void was filled with wind and clouds.

"Wow..." Immediately, heavy rain fell from the sky, instantly extinguishing the flames in the village.


The village here has long been changed beyond recognition. There used to be hundreds of villagers, but now there are less than a hundred people who can survive.

Not only that, these dozens of people were injured, and some were unconscious.

However, at this moment, Wentian closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his left eye turned green strangely.


In an instant, a green light full of vitality shot out from his left eye, shining on the entire Tianxue Mountain Range.

A magical scene appeared!

Those villagers who passed out, as well as some old people and children who were burned, their bodies glowed with green light, and their weak breath gradually became stronger.

What's even more amazing is that the injuries on their bodies can be seen with the naked eye, and they are recovering at an astonishing speed.

For mortals like them, this is simply a miracle.

"It's a manifestation of the gods! This is the blessing of the heavens." Some old people woke up and immediately knelt down, sincerely paying homage to the sky.

Also because of this instant effort, those disciples of Zhenshen Cave have already fled hundreds of miles away.

But for this, Wentian still had a cold expression on his face. He froze and flitted across the Tianxue Mountains, following behind those Zhenshen Cave disciples in a calm manner.

Because killing more than a dozen people in front of him could not completely resolve the anger in his heart.

He is going to kill!To kill more Zhenshen Cave disciples!

What the other party has done has already exceeded his bottom line.

Although he has slaughtered many people, he never kills innocent people indiscriminately.

Because a mortal is also a human being, a precious life.

After chasing and fleeing, soon, those disciples of Zhenshen Cave fled eight hundred miles away.

"Damn boy, you dare to chase me and wait thousands of miles, it's really deceiving!"

"Elder Feng is right in front. If this bastard dares to chase after him, I will definitely make his life worse than death."

They fled all the way, jumping and roaring, their faces twisted ferociously, and there was a grinning bone sound from their clenched fists.

"Look, it's Elder Feng and the others."

"Haha! It's finally here!"

"When the elders catch that guy, I will crush him to ashes, and then I will relieve my hatred."

They laughed wildly, their expressions extremely cruel.

"Want me to die? It's a pity that you don't have this chance." However, amidst their wild laughter, a cold voice that seemed to come from hell suddenly rang in their hearts.

In an instant, their expressions changed suddenly, and their hearts trembled.

" don't kill us, we are disciples of Zhenshen Cave!"

"Elder, brother, save us quickly." They yelled in horror.

"Buzz!" Void hummed, and an astonishing chill gushed out. In their terrified eyes, a thousand-foot-big ice palm condensed out, grabbing them domineeringly.

"Bastard! Stop!"

"Presumptuous! Get out of here, old man!" Not far away, there was a series of angry shouts, and even more divine light burst out.

However, Wentian's murderous intentions did not waver in the slightest.

"Death!" His thousand-foot ice palm squeezed hard.

(There are more in the evening, maybe one more, maybe two more)

(End of this chapter)

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