Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 792 Revenge for you!

Chapter 792 Revenge for you! (three more)

Although this thousand zhang ice palm is not his flesh and blood palm, but the huge power contained in it can easily pinch a real god strong.

"Puff puff puff!!" There were bursts of bursting sounds from nothingness, and when the thousand-foot ice palm dissipated, a strong smell of blood filled the four directions.

died!The dozens of disciples of Zhendong God before were crushed and exploded here, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Some Zhenshen Cave disciples rushing from the front, seeing this scene, their faces were pale, and a chill gushed out from the bottom of their hearts.

It is not scary that the enemy is strong, what is scary is that the opponent is ruthless and decisive in killing, because often enemies like this are the most difficult.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

"Arrogance! How dare you kill my Zhenshen Cave disciple in front of this old man, even if you chase him to the ends of the earth, this old man will tear you apart."

The two old men with violent aura and killing intent roared wildly.

That's right!These two people are the elders of Zhenshen Cave.

Moreover, the two are still in the late stage of the ancient realm, and they can be regarded as the best among the elders. After all, there are not many people who have reached the peak of the ancient realm.

Those who can reach the peak of the ancient realm will have the opportunity to condense a small world and gain the power of rules.

However, the most irritating thing was that even though the other party faced the two of them, his face remained unchanged, and he was holding a three-year-old girl in his arms.

Insult, this is absolutely a huge insult.

It was obvious that the opponents did not take them seriously, thinking that they could be suppressed with one hand.


"Whether you are a person from Gen Shendong or another person from Shendong, you must die today."

"Roar!!" The two roared angrily, their eyes turning blood red.

Boom!The next moment, their cultivation in the later stage of the ancient realm exploded completely, causing the void to buzz and the ground to tremble violently.

This is the prestige of the ancient realm, any true god cultivator is as weak as an ant in front of them.

One of them clapped his hands angrily, and immediately, a monstrous sea wave rushed out. Not only that, the sea wave also fused with the power of thunder and lightning, creating a dazzling thunder light.

The art of joint attack by sea and mine.

"Bang!" The void suddenly split open, and a huge hole appeared.

In an instant, an incomparably heavy breath came from the cave, causing countless people to change color, as if their bodies were being crushed by a giant mountain.

Obviously, this is a cave of earth attributes, because his cultivation has reached the late stage of the ancient realm, and it is much, much stronger than the cave of the true one realm.

Suddenly, a terrifying huge stone arm swung out from the cave, and with that berserk aftermath, it attacked Wentian angrily.

This is the pinnacle blow of the late Ancient God.

One punch is enough to destroy ordinary stars.

These two elders of Shocking God's Cave were a powerful blow as soon as they made a move, because they were so angry that they wanted to completely kill the young man in front of them.

"Boy! Die!"

"Killing my disciple of Zhenshen Cave, this is your price." The two roared.

However, in the face of the two men's killing, Wentian still looked as usual, he held the baby in his left hand, slowly raised his right hand, and pointed forward.

"Thunder, water, ice, wood, mountain, fire..."

"One finger to kill the god!"

With a single point, the sky and the earth changed color, the sun and the moon trembled, and that terrifying divine power instantly enveloped hundreds of miles, thousands of miles...

This is a finger that shakes heaven and earth and weeps ghosts and gods.

As he pointed out, a colored light beam rushed out with destructive power, and all the power of rules was blasted wherever it passed, as if it could not only kill gods, but also cut the sky.

The huge stone arm swung from the cave sky was instantly wiped out with a loud bang...

The turbulent, furious waves carrying the power of thunder disappeared in the long river in an instant...

At this moment, all time seemed to have come to a standstill, countless disciples of Zhenshen Cave were dumbfounded, and their minds went blank for a while.

What shocked them the most was that under the opponent's finger, the divine essence in their bodies seemed to be sealed, and the divine body trembled instinctively.

That is a kind of intention to kill gods, the so-called killing gods with thoughts.

"One Finger of Killing God, this is a move created by Li Xiaoyao, the former son of the Holy Spirit. Who are you?"

"Could it be... are you..." The two elders of Zhenshen Cave opened their eyes in fear and screamed.

Especially at this moment, a name appeared in their minds, the Dragon Son of Thunder Cloud Sect, Lin Wentian.

Because news had spread long ago that this person was inherited by Li Xiaoyao.

They were uneasy, and their whole hearts were shrouded in fear.

It is rumored that the seventh son of the Immortal Peak is infinitely close to the realm, that is to say, he can easily kill them at the late stage of the ancient realm.

"Escape!" In the blink of an eye, the idea of ​​escape flashed in their minds.


boom!At the next moment, a colored light beam hit them instantly, and its power remained undiminished, directly bombarding the Zhenshen Cave disciples behind.

Finally, it breaks through nothingness, leaving a huge void.

This astonishing blow instantly shocked all the monks within a thousand miles. In an instant, countless people suddenly raised their heads, their expressions full of shock and horror.

"What happened?"

"Could it be that senior brother made the move?" Gen Shendong's disciple exclaimed.

The disciples and even the elders of Zhenshen Cave were pale and their bodies trembled.

"Such a prestige is definitely not an ordinary ancient realm, this is the pinnacle of the ancient realm."

"Damn it, there are only two people in the entire Gen God Cave who have reached the peak of the ancient realm, and that is the First Elder and the Second Elder of Gen God Cave. Could it be that they made the move?"

The elder of Zhenshen Cave yelled loudly, his wide eyes were full of fear.

Although there is only half a step difference between the late ancient realm and the peak ancient realm, ten late ancient realm masters working together may not be able to kill one peak ancient realm. This is the difference in realm.

However, what they didn't know was that at this moment, in another direction, the two old men were stunned, and a thunderbolt struck in their minds.

"This person is not the person who shook the God Cave!"

"Who the hell is he?" The two murmured, their expressions filled with incredulity.

That's right!They are the first and second elders of Genshen Cave.

No matter how hard they thought about it, they never thought that the person who made the move was Lin Qi, the outsider who caused them to find the stone tablet in the Shendong Cave and got the chance.

After killing the two Zhenshendong elders and many disciples of the True God Realm with one finger, Wentian's expression remained icy, as if the murderous intent in his heart hadn't diminished by half.

Immediately, he put his eyes on the baby girl in his arms, and the cold face finally gradually melted, revealing a full face of kindness.

"Sleep peacefully! Father will avenge you! Make the entire Zhenshen Cave pay the price." He finally stretched out his hand and gently stroked the face of the girl in his arms.

Very soft and warm.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head, his expression turned cold again.

In fact, now he has condensed a small world, possesses the power of rules, can accommodate all creatures, and can naturally bring the baby girl in his arms into the small world.

But he didn't.

Because he wanted to hold her with his own hands and feel her presence with his heart.

This is what he owes her.

"Shenshen Cave!" His voice was extremely cold.

After the words fell, his figure twisted for a while, and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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