Chapter 794

On a battlefield, under the leadership of the elders of Zhenshen Cave and Gen Shen Cave, the two major factions were fighting like a raging fire, the sound of fighting was overwhelming, and nothingness was stained with blood.

Although Zhenshen Cave's overall strength is higher than Genshen Cave's, Genshen Cave is the overlord in this area. Therefore, the two are fighting fiercely, and it seems that it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

"Kill, kill!" Countless disciples roared angrily, like an angry beast.

Boom boom boom! !The void thunder flashed, and when the wind was raging, the whole area trembled violently, and the river began to overturn the sea, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

"Death!" Just as everyone was fighting fiercely, a voice as cold as ice suddenly rang through the entire world.

"Who?" Everyone was shocked.

However, before they could see who was coming, the extremely violent thunderbolt suddenly descended from the sky, like the thunder of punishment from heaven, and its momentum was extremely powerful.


In an instant, the entire battlefield turned into a large cloud of thunder, and countless disciples from Shocking God Cave were drowned, screaming heart-piercingly.

When the sky and the earth calmed down, all the disciples of Genshendong were dumbfounded and could not help but gasp.


Including the elders of Zhenshen Cave, all the offenders are dead!

There was a thunderbolt in their hearts, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

"The power at the peak of the ancient realm, who the hell is he?" an elder from Genshendong yelled out loud, his pupils shot out shocking lights.

It's just that he is destined to not be able to get the answer, because the person who made the shot has long since disappeared without a trace, and not even a trace of breath remains.


"In the name of the Flame God, I give you death!" On another battlefield, a hazy figure appeared, then raised his hands, and pressed down hard.

Following this press, the monstrous purple flame surged out, instantly turning into a hell of flames, and an astonishing roar of beasts was faintly heard.

"Not good! This is the flame of mutation."

"The peak of the ancient gods, this is definitely the peak powerhouse."

"Run away..."

There were bursts of roaring and screaming in the sea of ​​fire, and countless people struggled desperately, trying to break through the sea of ​​fire and escape from the sky.

However, it didn't take long for these voices to stop abruptly.

The disciples of Zhenshen Cave, who were extremely arrogant before and wantonly slaughtered mortals, were burned to burn their god bodies, and ended up with no bones left.

When the sea of ​​fire disappeared, only the disciples of Gen Shendong were left stunned, their eyes full of unimaginability.

"Could it be that the Great Elder made a move?" Someone said in shock.

Just when the disciples of Zhenshen Cave were being killed one after another, here was Zhenshen Cave, one of the eight great caves.

"Crack! Kick!"

I saw that in an attic, there were continuous bursts of broken sounds.

"It's not good! It's not good!" Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the attic.

Then someone came out in a hurry. This person's complexion was as pale as snow, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

He didn't pause at all, and rushed into a hall with a fright.

"It's not good! Elders and senior brothers, they..." Before rushing into the hall, he shouted loudly, even his voice trembled.

"What's wrong with them?" A majestic voice came from the hall.

As soon as this voice came out, Nuo Da's main hall was shocked even more.

Because this is the voice of a giant, and he is also the strongest in Zhenshen Cave, the cave master who has reached the peak of the Six Realms.

With a "thump", the disciple turned pale and prostrated himself on the ground, terrified: "Dead! Eighty percent of the people are dead!"


boom!Immediately, a terrifying energy rushed out of the hall like a volcanic eruption.

With a sound of "poof", under this powerful coercion, the expression of the prostrate disciple on the ground changed suddenly, and he spurted blood wildly with a bang, his whole soul trembled.

The rage of the Lord of Shocking God Cave is absolutely like the wrath of the sky. Anyone who touches his reverse scale will be instantly wiped out.

This is the prestige of being a god-king in the six realms, and he is still at the peak of the six realms, only half a step away from becoming the king of gods and unifying the gods.

A burly figure could be faintly seen in the hall, his expression was extremely cold, especially those pupils, revealing extreme cold-bloodedness, ruthlessness, and cruelty.

In a flash in his hand, a jade appeared.

"Lead people to retreat immediately!" He said with sharp eyes.

With a buzzing sound, the jade glowed for a while, and then disappeared.

At the same time, on the battlefield in the Gen Shendong area, a man in black paused, and then took out a piece of jade from his arms.

After a while, he frowned, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Boom boom boom!!" But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

"How is it possible? These auras? Could it be that there are more than a dozen ancient peaks hidden in Gen Shendong?"

"Damn it..." He gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

He quickly dispersed his consciousness and roared: "Retreat! Everyone retreat immediately!"

boom!After the words fell, he didn't pause at all. He turned into a long rainbow and quickly fled to the distance, disappearing into the sky in an instant.

"Young master, what's wrong with him?" Some disciples of Zhenshen Cave heard this, they were stunned and stopped at a loss.

Just the next breath, their expressions suddenly changed, and their wide eyes were filled with boundless fear.

Boom boom boom!A powerful aura is coming at an astonishing speed.

Before the other party arrived, the powerful divine power had already made them feel suffocated and their hearts trembled.

"Not good! This is a strong man at the peak of the ancient realm."

"Run away!"

There was a thunderbolt in their minds, and when they came back to their senses, they were terrified, screaming crazily, and fled like scrambling to be the first.

"Stay here! I want to use your blood to pay homage to the mortals who died on this battlefield." A cold voice suddenly rang in their hearts.

"Buzz buzz!!" The whole void trembled, especially the cracked ground below, bursts of green light suddenly gushed out.

A strange scene has appeared!

I saw a bunch of green shoots bursting out, they grow against the wind, and they have turned into that vine with claws and claws in just a few breaths.

It seems to be rattan, it is better to say that it is more appropriate to say that it is a spike.

"Swish, swish, swish..." When they danced wildly, they turned into indestructible swords and rushed out, densely packed, like thousands of arrows shot out, making people's scalp numb and their hearts chill.

"don't want……"

"Hurry up!"

Those Zhenshen Cave disciples who wanted to escape were utterly terrified and screamed in astonishing pain.

"Puff puff puff!!" But those vines, which were as sharp as blades, still pierced through their bodies mercilessly, blood splashed on the spot in an instant, and they died with regret.


Except for the young master of Zhenshen Cave who escaped, all the attackers were dead!

When this news spread, the entire Dao Xing was destined to cause a huge disturbance.

One must know about Gen God Cave, but among the Eight Great God Caves, apart from Kuang God Cave, it is the weakest God Cave, but now it has defeated Zhen Shen Cave.

This is a miracle!
Buzz!A burst of green light emerged, and then ten figures stood in the void, which were Wentian's ten clones of soul thoughts.

"Did you escape?" They murmured, their eyes flickering coldly.

At the same time, in a place of nothingness, Wentian's body was standing there, holding a baby girl in his arms.

"This is?" Suddenly, he opened his eyes, his expression full of extreme shock.

(End of this chapter)

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