Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 795 Baptizing the People

Chapter 795 Baptizing the People
In his shocked eyes, he saw countless light spots gushing out from the blood-stained ground below and the emptiness in all directions.

Soon, these points of light gathered together, faintly forming bodies.

"This is?" He opened his eyes wide, with a storm in his heart.

Because he discovered that these figures were those innocent people who died in this fight, and he even saw a familiar figure.

His left eye is blue, his right eye is red, and his yin and yang pupils appear.

Under his yin and yang eyes, the appearance of this familiar figure became more and more clear, just like a lifelike person.

"It's her!" He was horrified, and his breath became short of breath.

Immediately, he took a deep breath, and then bowed his hands to the person in front of him with a sincere expression.

"Junior Lin Wentian met the old lady, thank you for taking care of my daughter all these years."

That's right!The person condensed by the light spots was the old woman who died in the Tianxue Mountains.

She is the girl's grandmother.

It's just that she here is not a body of flesh and blood, but appears in a strange posture.

The kindness on the old woman's face made people feel warm. She smiled and said, "You are finally here!"

"Her name is Nianyun!" An old voice sounded from beside the old woman, and the light spots condensed and quickly turned into an old figure with a hunchback.

He is the grandpa of the baby.

It's just that when he rushed out of the wooden house while protecting the baby, he had already been burned to death.

Wentian's thoughts are so meticulous that he realized it in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he bowed again to the old man in front of him.

You must know that the two old people in front of you not only raised his daughter, but also sacrificed their lives to save his daughter in the fire, so kind and virtuous, even if he was asked to kneel, he would not frown.

"Good! Good! Good!" The two old people laughed.

"Buzzing!!" However, at the next moment, their bodies were resplendent and turned into countless light spots again, pouring into his body in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

"This is?"

"This is the power of merit!"

His heart skipped a beat, and his eyes shot out with horror.

"Buzz buzz!!!" Also at this moment, the countless figures suspended in the void nodded to him lightly, then turned into countless light spots, and rushed into his body.

In an instant, his body was like a bottomless pit, crazily devouring the power of merit.

With the engulfment, his body radiated thousands of feet, like a holy sun, leaking a sacred aura.

Not only that, but his long hair instantly turned golden, and the golden hair fluttered around, making him look majestic and inviolable.

Especially the dragon mark on his forehead seemed to have changed.

It has become more mysterious and complicated. It seems that it is not only the mark of dragon pattern, but also the mark of man and god, a god worshiped by mortals.


Bursts of black gas spewed out from his left face strangely, and disappeared in an instant, and a faint roar of unwillingness could be heard indistinctly.

When he refined the blood pill and broke through to the spiritual realm, the evil thoughts and evil spirits left behind were finally completely eliminated now.

During this time, he felt extremely relaxed all over his body, as if returning to nature, returning to his mother's arms.

Before he knew it, his cultivation had reached the peak of the middle stage of the ancient realm, and he could reach the late stage of the ancient realm in just half a step.

He soon discovered that he was not the only one who had undergone transformation, and the baby girl in his arms also glowed with divine light, and a mysterious mark appeared on her forehead.

She breathed steadily, her face was extremely rosy, and she slept peacefully and sweetly, as if in a dream, she saw her grandpa, grandma, and even her father and mother.

"Nianyun, is this the name she gave you?" Wentian murmured, with an indescribable emotion welling up in his heart.

A day later, he returned to the Tianxue Mountains again.

"Could it be that they're back again?" Some people were startled, and they were terrified. After all, people who can fly in the air are gods in their eyes.

"Look, isn't it a baby in his arms?" a sharp-eyed villager exclaimed.

To their surprise, the young man who suddenly descended from the sky paid them sincere respect.

This worship made them feel so inconceivable, because in the past, those gods were high above them, trampling on their lives at will.

After one obeisance, Wentian didn't pay any attention to it, he walked straight to the remote place at the end of the village with Nianyun in his arms.

"Is he the baby's relative?"

"Follow and see!" Someone came to his senses and followed behind Wentian cautiously.


Coming to this burned cabin again, Wentian felt a sense of sadness in his heart, and he always felt that he owed the two old people.

If he'd been there sooner, maybe...

He sighed inwardly.

He spread his consciousness to sense it, and suddenly, his eyes flashed, and then he raised his hand lightly.

"Bang!" The scorched wooden house broke open, and a wreckage slowly flew out of it, but the wreckage was badly burned, and it had already changed beyond recognition.

"That's the third grandfather's body." The villagers behind exclaimed.

"Where's that old lady?" Wentian said sadly.

"We buried her on the snow mountain." A villager said.

hum!Wentian's figure flashed, and the scorched remains disappeared.

"Go! Go up the mountain and have a look!"

A few bold villagers also walked towards the snow mountain with a flash of their eyes.

When they came to the top of Tianxue Mountain, they found a huge stone tablet standing upright, with big characters such as the tomb of the third grandpa and the third grandma engraved on it.

There is also a line of small writing beside it, but no matter how they look at it, they can't read the words clearly.

The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and the wind was getting colder and colder, but even so, Wentian's heart was even colder, which was the coldness towards the entire Zhenshen Cave.

He thought that the battle of the Eight Great God Caves had nothing to do with him, he came here only to look for his sister-in-law, but... it seems that from the first moment he stepped into this star, he had a karma with these Eight Great God Caves.

"Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, Dui, the eight great caves, your cause and effect, I, Lin Wentian, have been involved." His eyes flashed.

"Plop! Plop!" Suddenly, three big men, five teenagers, and two girls suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to him.

"God, please give us the method of practice, we are willing to follow you."

"Big brother, please accept us as apprentices, we want to avenge grandpa and mother."

This accident let them know that if they don't become gods for a day, they will be ants. They don't want to be mortals anymore, they want to become gods.

They want to become strong enough to protect those around them.

Wentian suddenly turned around, and he saw a hint of persistence in the pupils of these people.

"Are you willing to leave this world?" He took a deep breath, then stared at these people.

The kneeling big man, boy, girl, and the villagers standing behind were stunned and seemed unable to react.

"We would love to leave!"

"This house has been destroyed, it's useless to keep it, and we are willing." Other villagers also knelt down.

Wentian looked at the girl in his arms, and he smiled.

"In this case, you are my people from today on!"

When the words fell, he flew up into the air.

With a wave of his hand, the void split open, and a huge void appeared, which was the entrance to the world in his body.

In an instant, the entire Tianxue Mountains trembled.

In the shocked and unbelievable eyes of everyone, the entire mountain range broke away from the ground and flew into the huge void in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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