Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 796 Can't let go!

Chapter 796 Can't let go!
"What? Gen Shendong defeated Zhenshen Cave?"

"How is it possible? With the strength of Zhenshen Cave, even if they don't come out in full force, it is impossible for them to be wiped out."

When this shocking news reached the ears of everyone in Kuangshen Cave, they were dumbfounded.

Because among the eight great god caves, their dui god cave is the weakest, and Gen god cave is not much stronger.

"Dozens of ancient peaks? Could it be that Gen Shendong has been hiding it all these years?" Some elders were puzzled.

"The situation is unclear now. It seems that the old man really wants to go to Genshen Cave." An old voice came from the depths of Duishen Cave.

"It's the cave master!" The expressions of the elders and disciples changed drastically.

Like Dui Shen Cave, countless disciples of the six Shen Caves of Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, and Li were also in an uproar.

Especially Zhenshen Cave, it was really roaring and roaring, and a murderous intent gushed out from the entire Shenshen Cave.

"What a Genshen Cave, if I don't avenge this revenge, I will pretend to be the Cave Master!" From the main hall, came the vicious voice of the Zhenshen Cave Master.

Over the years, they have been domineering in Zhenshen Cave, intending to replace Qianshen Cave and become the master of the Eight Great God Caves.

I thought that among the eight great caves, only Kun Shendong could compete with them, but Gen Shendong's counterattack made him not afraid to speak out as the cave master, and his killing intent and hatred were extremely strong in his heart.

In an instant, the entire Dao Xing was surging, even the Xianfeng Pavilion and Zhenfeng Pavilion of the two major divine pavilions were alarmed.

"Hey! I don't know how many mortals will die in this battle of the Eight Great God Caves."

"It's said to be a holy land of the human race, but in my opinion it looks like hell on earth."

"Senior sister, don't say a few words, be careful that the walls have ears." In Xianfeng Pavilion, in a beautifully furnished room, there were several women's voices discussing.

If Wentian was here, he would definitely be shocked, because these women were actually the four women who played piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in Chiyue Xianfeng Pavilion back then.

Here they are completely different from before.

Ancient Land!

The cultivation of the four of them has actually reached the ancient realm, and they are still in the middle of the ancient realm.

"Hmph... this is my Fairy Phoenix Pavilion, even the masters of the Eight Great God Caves would not dare to act presumptuously here, what are we afraid of!" the scholar snorted.

"At the bottom line, all these incidents were caused by that Fang Yun. If it weren't for him, how could the Eight Great God Caves fight!"

"Hey! This Fang Yun is eager to win, and he wants to unify the entire human race. If he is allowed to sit on the throne of the master of the Taoist sect, he will have to sacrifice many people in the future."

"It can't be helped. No one can suppress him in Dao Xing now, unless Dao Zi Shangguan is willing to take action." Qin Nu and others also spoke one after another.

"Senior sister, you are too naive! That Daoist Shangguan Chong is not a good guy, if Junior Sister Qinglian really marries him, she will definitely fall into the mouth of a sheep." Hua Nu frowned, showing a look of boredom.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone became silent.

"Hey! Maybe this is fate! It's my fate in Xianfeng Pavilion." After a long time, Qin Nu shook her head slightly, her expression full of helplessness.

Xianfeng Pavilion has always been a rule that every generation of fairies will become Taoist companions.

And the fairies of Zhenfeng Pavilion will become the sons of the gods, that is, the Taoist companions of the future master of Taoism. This is a law that has not changed for thousands of years, and no one can change it.

In other words, from the moment Shangguan Chong overwhelmed the other five quasi-Taoists and became a veritable Daoist, Fairy Qinglian's fate was sealed.


On a certain mountain peak where Xianfeng Pavilion is located, there are several wooden houses built on the edge of the cliff, but these are not ordinary wooden houses, but are made of thousand-year-old sacred wood, which are much stronger than ordinary magical weapons.

"Om!" Suddenly, the void twisted, and a figure stepped out.

This is a woman.

She is Qinglian's master, the Venerable Xu Yun who once came to Tianyuan Continent.

"Master, please leave!" She had just appeared when a female voice came from one of the cabins.

"Hey! Shuang'er, why are you doing this!" Venerable Xu Yun sighed softly, with a bitter look on his face.

"Master, you are being unfilial as a disciple." A voice came from the wooden house again.

She is Qinglian's senior sister, that is, Jianxiu Qingshuang.

Back then, she concealed her teacher and sneaked into the Daozi's trial site alone. She wanted to obtain the inheritance of swordsmanship, but she missed her body by accident and her innocence was polluted.

What made her hate the most was that she was pregnant!

Not only that, she didn't even know the other person's name, which was simply a nightmare for her.

She had lost even the desire for revenge.

She felt ashamed of her master, and would never see her master again.

It is also because of this that she has been hidden in the wooden house for several years, and has never stepped out of the door.

"Shuang'er, I came here today as a teacher to tell you something."

"An accident happened in the Tianxue Mountain Range." Venerable Xu Yun said.

"Boom!" But as soon as she finished speaking, a gust of wind rushed out of the room and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"Hey... silly boy, I can't let it go." Venerable Xu Yun murmured.

But for a moment, she didn't know what she thought of, and her brows were tightly frowned.

In a flash in her hand, a piece of jade appeared.

"Strange? The girl's soul jade is still intact, which proves that she is still alive. Why can't I deduce her whereabouts?" She looked puzzled.

Immediately there was a flash of divine light on her body, and she disappeared.


"Nianyun, Nianyun..." Qingshuang kept chanting silently in her heart, and her expression became more and more anxious.

Also at this moment, she finally understood that it was always her flesh and blood, born of her pregnancy for several years, even though she was abandoned, she still couldn't let it go.

All along, she's been deceiving herself.

"Nianyun, you must have nothing to do, mother will come to you right away..." She shouted in her heart, her eyes turned red and tears appeared.

Ten years later, she, who was still young back then, has grown into a mature woman now.

Although she had given birth to a daughter, she still showed her alluring figure while dancing wildly in black.


In a rock, asked Tianpan sitting.

He held the baby girl in his arms, with a smile on his face.

This is the love of the father.

Suddenly, the eyelashes of the baby girl in her arms moved, as if she was waking up.

Immediately, he was overjoyed.

However, at the next moment, his mood was extremely complicated, and he felt panic.

That's right!He panicked!I was a little overwhelmed!
A pair of innocent eyes opened, and in an instant, the four eyes met, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

"Big brother, who are you?" The girl showed curious eyes.

"Baby, you finally woke up!"

"He is your father." Just as Wentian was flustered, two old voices sounded beside him.

"Seventh Grandpa and Eighth Grandma, it's you." The girl turned her head and said happily.

It was the two old people who spoke, they were the survivors in the Tianxue Mountains, and there were several children beside them.


Shockingly, at this moment, the girl stepped hard, broke free from Wentian's arms, and jumped to the ground.

"Grandma and grandpa once said that babies also have fathers and mothers, and that one day they will come to look for them too." The girl stared at Wentian intently.

(Recommend a friend's book, (Emperor Danwu), I haven't recommended it for a long time, so I can only recommend it with a friend.)
(End of this chapter)

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