Chapter 797
In the blink of an eye, seven days have passed. During these seven days, the girl seemed to walk out of her sadness, showing a strong side.

Not only that, she didn't show any resistance to Wentian at all, and the two rolled together instantly, often catching fish in the river and digging chicken coops from trees.

In the past few days, Wentian is like returning to his childhood, these are the days he feels the happiest.

As for those villagers, they gradually adapted to this world, after all, the entire Tianxue Mountain Range was still there.

They worshiped Wentian extremely in their hearts, because they knew that this world was opened up by the young people in front of them.

For them mortals, this is a great miracle, the god who opened the world, the father who opened the world.

Gradually, they also came into contact with the method of cultivating gods, and began to cultivate in this world.

"Daddy, are you leaving? Are you going out to find your mother?" the girl said inexplicably.

For a moment, Wentian looked stunned.

He did plan to go out, but he didn't expect that the three-year-old daughter in front of him would have such a keen sense, much stronger than him when he was young.

Of course, he also knew that this had something to do with his cultivation, after all, the girl in front of him was bleeding from his body.

In the eyes of mortals, they are the descendants of the ancient gods.

"Nianyun is good, daddy is going to look for your mother and your aunt right now." He showed a kind smile and touched Nianyun's head lightly.

This Nianyun is also well-behaved, nodding seriously.

Not long after, under her reluctant eyes, his figure gradually faded until he disappeared completely.

This is his small world, he can say that he has no worries at all, unless he falls, no one here can hurt his daughter.


During these seven days, the battle in the Eight Great God Caves became more and more fierce, and many monks and mortals fell one after another.

Some god caves even joined forces, such as Kanshen cave and Lishen cave. In order to deal with the annexation of Kunshen cave and Zhenshen cave, the two temporarily formed an alliance to the outside world.

Compared to the uproar and shock of the people in other Shendong, the disciples and elders of Gen Shendong were completely puzzled.

Because those ancient peak powerhouses who helped them kill the enemy back then were not from their Gen Shendong.

Just yesterday, the owner of Duishen Cave came to visit in person, intending to form an alliance with them, Gen Shen Cave.

When everyone heard the news, they were both excited and worried.

Obviously, the other party came for those mysterious ancient realm powerhouses, but in fact, they knew nothing about the origin of this group of people.

Perhaps the master of Duishen Cave would cancel his alliance with Gen Shen Cave after learning about it, which was what they were worried about.

After all, Gen Shendong and Zhenshendong are completely torn apart now. Once the other party comes out in full force, their Gen Shendong is by no means an opponent.

"It would be great if all those experts in the ancient realm were from my Gen Shendong!" A disciple sighed with hope in his expression.

"Om!" At this moment, a divine light flashed in front of the door of Genshen Cave, revealing a figure.

It was Wentian who changed his figure.

"It's that guy!"

"Hurry up and report to Senior Brother, this is an extraordinary period. This person's origin is unknown, and he may be a fraud." Some disciples guarding the gate noticed it and frowned.

No matter how hard they thought about it, they never thought that the mysterious strong man they were looking for and helping them kill the powerful enemy was the soul clone of the person in front of them.

If they knew, they might open the door wide and welcome each other with a high profile.

It's a pity they don't know!

"Stand, this is my Genshen Cave, not where you should come."

"Hmph... Do you still want to take advantage of the chance to get my Gen God Cave? Get the hell out of here, you are not welcome here."

When Wen Tiancai approached the mountain gate, some disciples shouted loudly.

Although at the beginning they swallowed their anger because of the kindness of the cave master, they did not cause trouble for the person in front of them.

But I didn't expect that the other party would make an inch of it. They really thought that Genshen Cave was a place where they could come and go whenever they wanted?

What's more, with a flash of divine light in his hand, he showed his weapon.

They had planned in their hearts that if the other party dared to take another step forward, they would make a decisive move, making the person in front of them unable to eat and walk around.

However, regarding this, Wentian's demeanor was calm, and there was no trace of fear on his face.

"Step!" He raised his legs and stepped forward amidst the angry eyes of everyone.


"Shoot and teach him a lesson!"

Boom boom boom! Several disciples roared with fierce eyes.

Wentian's eyes flashed, followed by a slight shock in his body, and an invisible force exploded centered on him.

"Bang bang bang!!" Under this coercion, the disciples of Genshendong changed their complexions, and their entire bodies flew upside down as if hit by a meteorite, and fell to the ground.

"Wow!" Some people's blood was tumbling, and they spurted a mouthful of blood.

"What? How is this possible?"

"The cultivation base of the middle stage of the true god actually possesses such divine power?" They were dumbfounded, their wide-open pupils filled with disbelief.

You must know that in their perception, the cultivation level of the person in front of them is only in the middle stage of the true god.

In the eyes of mortals, this may be an omnipotent god, but in the eyes of the disciples of Gen Shendong, it is ordinary.

"Opportunity! This is definitely the reason why he got the opportunity of my Gen Shendong."

"Damn it, this is an opportunity left by the first generation of cave masters. I didn't expect this guy to be cheap for nothing."

"It's really disgusting! This guy is clearly here to laugh at me."

Everyone's eyes showed unwillingness, and they gritted their teeth fiercely.

As soon as Wentian flicked his sleeves, he stepped straight into the mountain gate without stopping at all.

"Get out!" However, he didn't walk for long before a domineering and cold roar came out of Gen Shendong.

The sound rolled, and it turned into countless blades and shot out, attacking his eyebrows.

Obviously, this is an attack transformed by divine consciousness.

The person who came was none other than Gen Shendong's elder brother, Ye Lichen who had a late-stage cultivation in the Ancient Realm.

Facing the blade transformed by divine consciousness, Wentian acted as if he didn't see it, his expression remained the same, and he just walked into Gen Shendong without avoiding it.

But he was so calm, but he completely angered those Genshendong disciples, and even the senior brother Ye Lichen had an extremely gloomy face.


"What a Lin Qi, really thinks he is the holy son Fang Yun, or the Daoist Shangguan Chong? How dare you underestimate the attack of the elder brother so much." Someone sneered.

"Brother Lin, run away!"

"Brother, please be merciful!" Behind, Xie Fei, Luo Qingqiu and others rushed over, and when they saw this scene, their faces were pale, and they exclaimed loudly.

It's just that Ye Lichen didn't seem to have the slightest intention of showing mercy, the densely packed blades shot between the eyebrows.

"Puff puff puff puff!" The blade attacked, and there were bursts of piercing sounds. At this moment, Luo Qingqiu's delicate body trembled.

But soon she was stunned, because there were exclamations beside her.

"My God! How is this possible?"

"Disappeared! Senior brother's divine sense attack disappeared automatically!"

"No! He has an ancient treasure on his body, and it is also an ancient treasure that restrains the attack of spiritual consciousness."

Everyone was dumbfounded and screamed in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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