Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 798 Divine Art!

Chapter 798 Divine Art!

I thought that the next moment, the guy who had no one in front of him would be pierced through the sea of ​​consciousness by their senior brother, and his soul would be scattered.

But I didn't expect that the other party was not damaged at all, and their elder brother's spiritual attack disappeared even more strangely, like a stone cow sinking into the sea without causing a wave.

They didn't believe that the kid in front of him, who was only in the mid-stage of true gods, would have a divine sense that surpassed their elder brothers, so the only explanation was that the other party had ancient treasures on him.

But Ye Lichen frowned, because he always felt that something was wrong.

Tread, step, step!

Wentian's expression was as usual, he kept walking, and just like that, under the shocked eyes of everyone, he stepped into Genshen Cave step by step.

It seemed that after a long time, everyone recovered from the shock.

"Not good! Stop him!"

"Bastard! How dare a mere true god enter my Gen god cave? You are looking for death." Someone shouted angrily, their eyes full of murderous intent.

Ye Lichen's expression was hideous, and he felt deeply ashamed.

He has always been a role model for the entire Genshendong disciples and a leader of the younger generation, but now he is so scorned by an outsider, and his heart is burning with anger.

"Looking for death!" He roared like thunder.

With a bang, his cultivation base in the later stage of the ancient realm was completely exploded by him, causing the clouds to move in all directions and the wind to howl.

He quickly formed seals with both hands, and then pressed down hard on the ground.

Suddenly, the ground trembled violently, and some mountain peaks not far away sank strangely and disappeared instantly.

However, the next moment, the ground split open in front of him, and a giant of a thousand feet rushed out.

But what is shocking is that this thousand-zhang stone man seems not only to be transformed into a rock, but also to be a real living body.

The strangest thing is that there is a magic talisman on the forehead of this thousand-foot stone man, and there is a strange light on those.

"Wow... this is "Gen God", the strongest magic technique in my Gen God Cave."

"Each of the eight god caves has the strongest magic skills, and this thousand-foot stone man is the guardian Gen God of the elder brother. I really didn't expect him to successfully cultivate the magic skills."

"Haha! In this way, the strength of the elder brother may be able to crush the elder brothers and young masters of other god caves."

The disciples of Gen Shendong, and even some elders who rushed over, saw this scene with excited faces and full of energy.

After all, to succeed in cultivating such magical arts, not only requires amazing talent, but also consumes countless time and effort.

Wentian raised his eyes: "This is the so-called magical technique of Gen Shendong, Gen Shen?"

But even so, he still looked fearless.

Immediately, he stretched out his right hand, clawed forward, and spread out.

Several seeds fell to the ground.

At the same time, his left eye turned green strangely, and when the green glow on his body was shining, the seeds that fell on the ground glowed strangely.

In the next moment, these seeds grew rapidly, and in an instant, they turned into a big tree that covered the sky.

A more miraculous scene appeared.

These several big trees were entangled with each other, mysterious runes appeared all over their bodies, and in the blink of an eye, they merged into one body and turned into a thousand-foot giant.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a giant, rather than a tree man.

"Roar!" The thousand-foot tree man raised his head to the sky and roared, his eyes flashed with blood.

"Oh my god! What kind of magic is this?"

"No! This is the Zhigu clan that has been wiped out for thousands of years according to ancient books. Is this Lin Qi a demon?" An elder yelled out of fear.

"What? This is the rumored Zhigu clan?"

"Wow... so, isn't this Lin Qi..."

Boom!Everyone was shocked.

Even Xie Fei and Li Yong were shocked, and there was a thunderbolt in their minds.

"Lin Qi is to die!" Ye Lichen yelled angrily, standing on top of the thousand-foot stone man, his eyes were extremely sharp.

While waving his hands, the thousand-foot stone man roared angrily, and swung his giant fist angrily.

With one punch, a powerful airflow erupted, like an ancient beast blasting away the surrounding disciples.

This blow definitely reached the peak of the ancient realm, because it was a divine technique, the only unique and strongest divine technique in Gen Shendong.

"Hmph!" Wentian suddenly turned around and snorted coldly.

In an instant, the thousand-foot tree-man punched in anger.

This was originally a battle between two people, but in the end, it turned into a battle between two giants.

The two giants attacked furiously. This kind of scene made people's blood boil and their minds were horrified.


The whole nothingness exploded, and the earth-shattering rumbling sound rang in everyone's minds. Some disciples whose cultivation base was only in the Divine Origin Realm even coughed up blood, and were blasted hundreds of miles away by Yu Wei.

Li Yong, Xie Fei and other True God disciples also looked pale, with a hint of fear in their expressions.


"'s impossible!"

"How can a treant transformed from a plant be able to compete with the elder brother's "Gen" god? It is absolutely impossible." Someone screamed, the pupils were huge, bloodshot with fear.

The blows of the two giants canceled each other out, and they were evenly matched. They couldn't believe it.

You must know that this is the strongest magic technique in their Genshen Cave, even though it is the first time for their elder brother to practice it, it is not something that a kid of unknown origin can compete with.

What's more, their elder brother is at the late stage of the ancient realm, and the aura leaked from the kid in front of him is only at the middle stage of the true god, which is simply too unbelievable.

"You..." Ye Lichen's expression changed drastically, and a storm arose in his heart.

It can be said that apart from other young masters and elder brothers in the cave, it was the first time that he discovered that among his peers, there was someone who could compete with him.

"No, I don't believe it!"

"I'm the elder brother of Gen Shendong, and I'm absolutely right to lose to someone with unknown background." He roared wildly, his face becoming more and more ferocious.

"Buzz!" Immediately, the talisman on the forehead of the giant under him suddenly glowed with blood, visible to the naked eye, and some strange lines began to spread out.

"Plop!!" Heartbeats could be heard from the thousand-foot stone man's body, and many bloodstains gushed out from its body, just like its meridians and blood vessels.

Alive!It came alive!

At the same time, an aura that was several times stronger than before erupted from it, reappearing like an ancient giant, extremely violent.

Sensing this aura, Wentian raised his eyelids, and his expression became serious: "Is this the profound meaning of the strongest magic technique in Gen Shendong?"

Immediately, his left eye turned blue, and his right eye turned red, astonishingly, he had both yin and yang pupils.

Opening the yin and yang pupils, he kept moving his hands.

Some mysterious runes spewed out while he swiped his hands. They kept changing, blending and disintegrating at times, as if they were deducing something.

Suddenly, he seemed to have some insight, and his eyes flashed brightly.

"Stop!" However, at this moment, an angry voice came from the depths of Gen Shendong.

"Buzz!!" The nothingness split open, and countless powers of rules emerged.

Boundary giants make a move!
(End of this chapter)

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