Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 799 Arrogance?

Chapter 799 Arrogance?

The fight between the two finally alarmed the upper echelons of Genshen Cave, and there were Taishang elders who made a move, but it was not one person who made the move, but two people.

With a flash of emptiness, two old figures appeared, they were the Supreme Elders of Genshen Cave.

The two looked majestic, with sharp eyes, and when they waved their hands, nothingness split, and a huge crack appeared, and it was faintly visible that it was a small world.

Buzz!Immediately, a wave of world power merged with the power of rules, blessed the Qianzhang Shuren who asked the sky, making it struggle continuously, and there was an astonishing scream.

Wentian's expression changed drastically, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

"The power of the two realms, the middle stage of the realm!"

After saying that, he suddenly waved his hand, countless ancient talismans poured out, and instantly merged into the Thousand Zhang Shuren.

The next moment, under the shocked eyes of everyone, the thousand-foot tree man shrank rapidly, and finally turned into several seeds again, and fell into his hands.

At the same time, the huge stone man continued to collapse, turning into numerous rocks again, and sneaking into the ground.

Not far away, the mountain peak that disappeared before sprang out from the ground again in a strange way, and everything returned to its original state.

Realm, this is the strength of the elder of Gen Shendong, who can easily resolve the fight between the two with a wave of his hand.

Countless disciples were shocked, and fiery lights gushed out of their pupils.

It can be said that becoming a strong man in the realm is the dream of every monk, but it is difficult for a strong man in the realm to appear among thousands of monks.

"Lin Qi, you are too presumptuous! This is my Genshen Cave!" The old man who suppressed Wentian with crushing force shouted with a cold expression.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that deep in his pupils, there is a touch of deep shock and fear.

"What a Lin Qi, this person is definitely not an ordinary person." He thought to himself.

Those disciples and elders may not have noticed it before, but as a giant in the realm, he clearly sensed that if he had slowed down a step just now, the magic of his Gen Shendong would be comprehended by the people in front of him.

It was also because of this that he was so frightened in his heart, and even faintly filled with murderous intent.

But Wentian turned a blind eye to his shouts and murderous intentions.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at a certain void.

"Hey..." A sigh came, and in the nothingness he was looking at, waves suddenly appeared, and then the light spots condensed, showing an old figure.

"Cave Master!" All the disciples and elders looked respectful.

That's right, he is the master of Genshen Cave.

"Little brother, why did you forcefully break into my Genshen Cave this time?" the Genshen Cave Master sighed, with a complex look in the depths of his pupils.

"Thank you, senior, for your fulfillment!" To everyone's surprise, Wentian cupped his hands and bowed with sincerity, which was completely different from the cold look before.

Gen God Cave Master understood in his heart, he flicked his beard and said indifferently: "This is your chance, but today you broke into my God Cave and hurt my disciple, you must give this old man an explanation."

As soon as he said this, some disciples looked overjoyed, especially Ye Lichen, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But at the next moment, their Cave Master's body trembled slightly, his eyes widened with a trace of deep shock.

"what happened?"

"Cave Master, what is he doing?" Everyone noticed it, and their expressions were full of puzzlement.

Not to mention them, even those Supreme Elders raised their eyelids, then narrowed their eyes, and focused on Wentian.

With their cultivation base, they obviously sensed a slight fluctuation, and that was because the kid in front of them was secretly transmitting voices to their cave master.

But the more this was the case, the more shocked and puzzled they were, because they didn't know what the other party said to make their cave master lose their composure.

hum!Cave Master Gen Shen waved his hand suddenly, and suddenly, nothingness twisted, including Wentian, the other Supreme Elders also disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the others stunned.

"Who the hell are you?" Ye Lichen gritted his teeth and growled unwillingly.

It can be said that it was the first time that he felt so humiliated and unwilling among his peers.


In the depths of Genshen Cave, on a large platform, Genshen Cave Master appeared, followed by four Supreme Elders, and Wentian.

"What do you mean by what you said before?" Just after showing up, Cave Master Gen Shen said, with a hint of disbelief still in his eyes.

"I can help Gen God Cave become the top of the Eight Great God Caves, but I have one condition." Wen Tian had a calm demeanor, not showing any panic because the other party was a giant in the realm.

This concentration alone is enough to make countless ancient realms feel ashamed.

"It's such a big tone. With your own strength, you want to help me, Genshendong, become the first of the eight great gods. It's a joke!"

"What a kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, I really don't know if you are arrogant or ignorant."

"Let's not say it's you, even Daoist Shangguan Chong and the holy son Fang Yun wouldn't dare to talk like that. Why do you have it?"

The four Supreme Elders sneered contemptuously, as if hearing the biggest joke in the world.

It's just that they didn't realize that their cave master's expression was extremely serious.

"Why? Just because I am an alchemist!" Wen Tian said in a deep voice, his face full of confidence.

After the words fell, his eyes flashed, and his hands suddenly swiped.

Fluffy! !Suddenly, seemingly endless flames appeared out of thin air.

Green flame, this is Dan fire.

However, he didn't stop because of this. After taking a deep breath, he spit it out.

Suddenly, clusters of strange gas instantly filled the entire space.

Pill Qi, this is the Pill Qi that an alchemist can only have, but what he spits out is not a mouthful, but a large area that can cover the sky.

"What? It's impossible!"

"You are not an earth-level alchemist, you are... a heaven-level alchemist?"

"Such terrifying alchemy fire and strong alchemy, even ordinary heaven-level alchemists, cannot possess it. Who are you?"

Whether it is the appearance of Danhuo or Danqi, these world giants are extremely shocked, and their expressions are full of incredible.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the most important thing is that I can help you Genshendong become the top of the eight great caves." Wentian waved his hand suddenly, and the pill fire and pill energy disappeared one after another.

He had learned long ago that there are very few alchemists in the Eight Great God Caves, and there are only a handful of alchemists who can reach the ground level.

It is said that there is not even a sky-level alchemist in the Eight Great God Caves, because once they break through to the sky-level, those alchemists will be called into the Taoist sect and become direct disciples.

The so-called direct disciples are the true arrogance of the Dao Sect. Anyone who appears at random has the strength to crush his peers.

This is also the main reason why Daozong can become a holy place for the human race.

"What is your purpose?" Cave Master Gen Shen frowned deeply.

Not only him, but even the other Supreme Elders wanted to know the answer.

"Senior, didn't you already know my purpose?" Wentian smiled strangely.

"Hey...that's all..." Cave Master Genshen sighed for some reason, and then relaxed all over.

(End of this chapter)

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