Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 81: The Power of the Palm

Chapter 81 Power of One Palm

Boom!Boom!The entire sky seemed to fall down, making a monstrous momentum.

Immediately, a huge palm print, entwined with bright golden light and bearing a heavy pressure like a star, suddenly descended from the sky.

The huge palm prints pressed down, causing the entire sky to collapse like crazy, causing the crazy roaring storm to sweep away in all directions.

This is like a palm that destroys the world!
"What? This is impossible!" Seeing this astonishing scene, the people below were shocked, and boundless fear surged in their hearts.

"Run away! This is an earth-level martial art!" Someone exclaimed.

Boom boom boom! !In an instant, everyone showed their extreme cultivation and began to flee quickly, wishing they could have an extra leg.

Before the golden palm print arrived, some eaves began to collapse, and the monstrous coercion made some people's complexions change suddenly and their breathing became short of breath.

boom! !Suddenly, the whole world shook violently, causing the mountains to tremble.

The golden palm print fell, with the power to destroy the dead, and instantly collapsed the disciples below, shattering every inch, and some people had no time to dodge, and they were already blown into powder by the palm print.

In the blink of an eye, one-third of Nuo Da's Shangguan Mansion was destroyed by the palm prints. Unexpectedly, the power of a single palm is as terrifying as a hand.

When some monks who escaped from death looked at the dilapidated Shangguan Mansion, they looked horrified, and couldn't help but gasped.

"Earth-level martial arts, this is definitely an earth-level martial art!" Thinking of this, these people couldn't help feeling a little greedy in their hearts.

But when they thought of the power of that palm before, their whole bodies instantly trembled, their greed disappeared, leaving only the boundless fear in their hearts.

"Ahem!!" Wentian was cracked all over, as if his physical body would be torn apart in the next moment, and when he saw the collapsed Shangguan Mansion below, his eyes flashed with madness.

"If you want to destroy my Lin Mansion, I will destroy your lair first!"

Although his whole body was in pain and his consciousness became blurred, Wentian was still full of pleasure during this time.

But what he was unwilling to do was that he no longer had the extra strength to attack again.

"Presumptuous! Who is so daring to attack the younger brother of a high-ranking official at night!"

However, at this moment, a domineering voice suddenly came from afar.

Boom! !I saw a large group of soldiers in armor, holding sharp weapons, and began to rush towards this side rapidly. The sound of the orderly footsteps was very mighty, as if a giant beast was galloping.

boom!There was a gust of wind in the air, and a powerful aura rushed towards him even more quickly.

Sensing this aura, Wentian's expression suddenly changed, his eyes showed strong unwillingness, and he gritted his teeth immediately, his body froze, and he rushed to the ground below in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, he escaped into the ground.

The storm in the air dispersed, revealing a man wearing heavy armor and carrying a big knife, who looked very mighty. His eyes were like blades, and his brows were erect. His body naturally exuded a sense of domineering and killing spirit. .

He is the general of the Imperial Forest Army, Fen Fangying.

Seeing the collapse below and the burning Shangguan Mansion in flames, his eyes burst out with astonishing murderous intent.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed suddenly, looking at the place where Wentian escaped, his expression suddenly showed seriousness: "Is this person in the Spirit Transformation Realm or the Myriad Phrases Realm?"

Before, in his perception, the aura of the other party was obviously only at the Spirit Transformation Realm, but the moment he saw the other party fleeing, doubts arose in his heart...

"Goddamn you bastard! How dare you destroy my younger brother and kill the person who went to the government, no matter who you are? Even if you find the ends of the earth, there will be a day when this old man will catch you, peel your skin and bruise your bones, and make you You will never be reborn."

Suddenly, an old man in a state of embarrassment rushed out from the broken mansion below. He roared in pain, with deep resentment and strong anger in his words.

He is Shangguan Muhua.

Unexpectedly, despite the collapse of most of the upper mansion and the raging fire in the mansion, Shangguan Muhua was still lucky enough to survive...

Lin Fuzhong.

"Kill! Kill all these bastards and avenge our dead." Under the strength of the hidden guards of the Lin Mansion, many guards of the Lin Mansion began to carry out crazy revenge killings.

"Not good! Everyone retreat first!"

"Let's go!" The people who entered the Lin Mansion from three directions shouted in shock.

Immediately, in an instant, they rushed to flee, their expressions full of fear.

Because after the previous battles, they found that the hidden guards of the Lin family were very powerful, and they were far superior to them in terms of combat experience and ferocity.

Fluffy! !In the blink of an eye, many masked people quickly escaped from the Lin residence.

As for the people in the Lin family, they had a ferocious expression, and shouted angrily with their red pupils: "Kill, kill, kill!!"

After a long time, when the whole sky returned to calm again, under the blood-red land of the Lin Mansion, severed limbs and wreckage could be seen everywhere, as if it had turned into a purgatory.

"Brother, wake up, you can't die, you can't leave me alone, you said that we will become the spirit-transforming monks who can soar into the sky together." A blood-stained guard of the Lin Mansion held a Wreckage, crying with grief.

However, in an instant, some old servants of the Lin Mansion rushed out from the basement, screaming and crying, desperately looking for their relatives among the unrecognizable corpses.

"My son, you died so miserable! Why are you so cruel and leave mother alone, you unfilial son, you stand up for mother."

An old lady, wrapped in a dead body, kept hammering her chest, making a cry of distress.

But not long after, perhaps because of being too emotional, the old lady rolled her eyes and passed out.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Lin Mansion was crying and resentful, making the eyes of the guards of the Lin Mansion who had just pushed back the powerful enemy also turn red.

"Damn! If we had come in time, perhaps, so many people wouldn't have died, and it's all our fault."

Someone clenched his hands into fists, his nails pierced deep into the flesh and blood, and the bright red blood flowed out, but this person still didn't seem to notice, his face was full of remorse and unwillingness.

They are the hidden guards of the Lin family, and their name is to help them escape when the Lin family is in crisis, but now, although they force back the powerful enemy, the price they get is really too high.

Most of them are orphans. Marshal Lin was kind enough to take them in, give them food and clothing, and guide them in cultivation, so they have achieved what they are today.

It can be said that Lin Zhentian is their adoptive father.

And the people in the Lin family were their relatives and friends. Seeing the tragic death of many relatives and friends, their hearts were full of hatred, and they radiated an astonishing killing intent.

"Where is the young master? Where is the young master?" Suddenly, an anxious exclamation came from behind, and Meng'er's face was pale, and her expression was full of extreme panic.

"Ask Master Tian?" At this moment, everyone reacted instantly, and their expressions changed suddenly.

Everyone was only focused on fighting just now, and few people noticed Wentian's departure at all. Now that they think about it, their minds are blank for a moment, and they have a bad premonition.

"Cough cough!"

"Bang!" But at this moment, there was a weak coughing sound in front of the broken gate of the Lin Mansion.

Immediately, a slender figure covered in cracks and bloodstains suddenly fell to the ground with a bang.


Before fainting, Wentian still faintly heard Menger's call.

(End of this chapter)

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