Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 82 Serious Injury

Chapter 82 Serious Injury
This night was destined to be a sleepless night, no matter whether it was the common people in the capital or those high-ranking officials, they were all completely shocked by what happened tonight.

Yunxuan Street, the main property of the Lin Mansion, was burned to ashes overnight, and even the wreckage of some servants could not be found.

However, that's not all.

The younger brother of Marshal Lin Zhentian's mansion was sneaked into the mansion by two waves of men in black and the current fourth prince's men, and carried out a frenzied killing. As a result, the newly rebuilt Lin Mansion collapsed again. Many old servants, guards, All of them died on the spot because of the blood spatter.

As soon as this news came out, it was like a stone breaking the sky, and it made people's whole soul tremble.

But not long after, it was reported that the Fourth Prince had not returned yet, and his life and death were uncertain, which once again caused a big disturbance.

You know, the fourth prince is a child of the Ji family's royal family, and his status is extremely special. If he really falls, it may cause the wrath of the palace.

Although it was rumored that they saw Lin Wentian chasing the Fourth Prince during the Lin family battle, in fact, no one knew what happened to the two of them.

But there are also some people who think that the fourth prince, Ji Zhuoguang, may have died in Lin Wentian's hands.

It's just that many people sneered at this.

After all, the fourth prince's cultivation base has been at the peak of Hualing for many years, and he has half-stepped into the Vientiane Realm. In addition, as a child of the royal family, he has many trump cards. Although Lin Wentian is powerful, he wants to kill the fourth prince. , is still not realistic.

No matter what, during this time, Lin Wentian had become Chi Yue's most prominent figure.

However, there were some thoughtful people who sighed in secret: "The Lin family is in danger!"

Although the strength suddenly displayed by the Lin family shocked the Quartet, there were still many monks of the older generation who were not optimistic about the Lin family.

The next thing might be the pressure from the palace.

Just when everyone was guessing who the two groups of men in black who sneaked into Lin's mansion were, another news that shocked everyone came again.

That night, Shangguan's mansion was attacked by a fire-attribute Hualingjing powerhouse, causing Nuo Da's Shangguan's mansion to be set on fire, causing smoke and dust to rise everywhere.

It is said that this person is wearing a black mask. Although his cultivation is only at the Spirit Transformation Realm, the strength he unleashes far exceeds some Spirit Transformation Realm realms.

Even in the end, this man displayed a blow that was suspected to be an earth-level martial skill, and knocked down half of the Shangguan mansion, causing many guards in the Shangguan mansion to die one after another.

As soon as the news came out, people were completely blown away.

Because at the beginning, some interested people were still guessing whether there were people from the Shangguan Mansion among the two waves of men in black who attacked and killed the Lin Mansion.

But at this moment, everyone's hearts began to shake again, because that night, Shangguan's mansion also suffered the same disaster.

Zhou House.

When Zhou Wentong heard the news, his whole body kept trembling, and his expression showed extreme uneasiness.

"How did this happen? I really didn't expect that damn Lin Zhentian to hide such a group of powerful secret guards. What a mistake!"

"And the mysterious strongman who attacked the Shangguan Mansion, who is he? Is he also a member of Lin Zhentian? Then his next target, will it be...?"

Thinking of this, he suddenly became long-winded.

"Grandpa, don't panic! The Lin family is asking for their own destruction." Zhou Zilan said coldly, but her expression was much calmer.

"Lan'er, why did you say that?" Zhou Wentong was taken aback when he heard this, as if he hadn't recovered.

Zhou Zilan's eyes flashed, and she said with deep meaning: "During the day, Lin Wentian killed Nie Yun of the Fengyun Kingdom, and then fought with the princes of the two countries to destroy the power of the Ji family's royal family. There is also the suspicion that Lin Wentian killed the fourth prince, the good times of the Lin family may have come to an end."

"Also! Grandpa, don't forget that this capital city is under the emperor, and the Lin Mansion's sudden display of such strength may have made those in the palace jealous. Swat the flies."

Zhou Zilan spoke slowly, her eyes sparkled, as if everything was under her control.

"That's right! Whether it's the Lin Mansion or that Lin Wentian here, I'm afraid it's hard to protect himself. Even if the mysterious person comes from the Lin Mansion, I believe he doesn't have any thoughts on my Zhou Mansion."

When Zhou Wentong heard this, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he burst into a hearty laugh.

Before, he was just in a mess, but now he listened to his granddaughter and instantly sobered up. After all, he has been in court for many years and he is already an old fox.

"I'm just sorry, Brother Shangguan!" He sighed, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing an inexplicable smile.

Zhou Zilan raised her head suddenly, her eyes revealed complicated expressions, and she murmured: "So what if your talent is strong? A person's power is limited after all, what can you do under the emperor?"

"Don't..." Wentian exclaimed.

He woke up suddenly from the bed, his forehead was already soaked with sweat the size of soybeans.

Pain pain! !A pain that no human can bear suddenly came from every inch of his skin and bones. In an instant, his face was as pale as paper, and he gritted his teeth.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Don't scare Meng'er!" Meng'er leaned against the bed, suddenly heard a cry of surprise, and instantly woke up with a jerk.

Wentian's face was very ugly, but seeing Meng'er's worried expression, he still showed a forced smile and said: "Meng'er, don't worry, the young master will not die, by the way, Lin Fu..."

When he came back to his senses, Wentian's expression suddenly changed.


After a long time, he said with a look of sadness on his face: "Meng'er, you should leave first, and let the young master be alone for a while."

Meng'er was obedient, she nodded slightly, and left Wentian's room.

After Meng'er left, Wentian's expression suddenly became ferocious, his eyes were like bloodthirsty pupils, and his voice was full of murderous intent: "Shangguan old dog, Zhou old dog, one day, I, Lin Wentian, will make you bloody pay."

He was full of hatred.

Because through Meng'er's understanding, he had already learned that the battle in the Lin family had suffered heavy casualties, with 200 wounded and hundreds of dead.

At this moment, he seemed to feel that even though he was reborn, the miserable fate of the Lin family in his previous life still seemed unchangeable.

"I, Lin Wentian, just don't believe that destiny is irreversible!" His words were full of determination.

Immediately, after gathering his mind, he began to check his body.

However, he soon showed a bitter smile, because there were many spider web-like cracks in his physical body, as if his body would collapse if he touched it lightly.

But the next moment, he immediately sat up cross-legged, his eyes flashed suddenly, and the ancient spirit scripture was transported in his body.

After a while, strands of golden light began to emerge from his body surface, turning his body into a golden Buddha that was about to shatter.

And after his internal inspection, he found the Dragon Emperor's ancient veins in his body, and his expression shrank, as if he was not shaking, revealing the meaning of scars.

It seems that before he forcibly performed the big mudra of collapse, it caused serious damage to his physical body.

After all, martial arts that have reached the prefecture level often require the cultivation of the Vientiane Realm to be displayed.

(End of this chapter)

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