Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 815 All the "Gods" Appear

Chapter 815 All the "Gods" Appear
"Brother, this is too overbearing!"

"Oh my god! I, Gen Shendong, actually won the group battle in the Eight Domains Competition!"

The disciples of Genshen Cave felt a thunderbolt in their hearts, and their expressions were extremely excited. This was simply a miracle for them.

Not to mention them, even Xie Fei, Li Yong, and the Great Elder outside were extremely excited and excited. They seemed to be decades younger and full of energy when they were old.

"Gen Shendong wins!" Suddenly, an old voice resounded from nothingness, and instantly resounded in everyone's minds.

"Wow! This time, the group battle of the Eight Regions Contest was won by Gen Shendong!"

"If you say it was Gen Shendong's victory! It's better to say that it was his victory alone. It was he who turned the world around with his crushing power and helped Gen Shendong win."

"Who is he?" Countless people wondered.

Although everyone knew that the man in front of him was a disciple of the Great Elder Gen Shendong, they didn't know his name.

In the personal hegemony battlefield, at this moment, everyone's expression changed drastically, even Qingba, Xianfeng Pavilion, and Zhenfeng Pavilion's eyelids twitched, and their expressions became dignified.

"Arrogant boy!"

"Hmph! Defeating some trash in the early and middle stages of the ancient realm is nothing at all. If Brother Qingba makes a move, you can kill him with just a raise of your hand."

The third son of the Zhu family and others said coldly.

"Although this guy is only in the middle stage of the ancient realm, the divine energy in his body seems to be much purer and stronger than that of ordinary people, and his black flame is extremely strange. This person should not be underestimated." Qingba said in a deep voice.

But Hong Jin, Baidu Fairy and others didn't take it seriously, their expressions were full of chill and disdain.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" As soon as the old voice fell, the Gen Shendong disciples on the battlefield were surrounded by clusters of divine light, and then disappeared from the battlefield one after another.

"Look, they're coming out!" people exclaimed.

However, at the next moment, someone opened his eyes wide, his expression full of doubts: "What's wrong with that guy?"

Even the Great Elder of Gen Shendong and the others were dumbfounded, showing stupefied expressions.

On the battlefield, Wentian's expression was cold, he suddenly waved his hand, and with a buzzing sound, Qianzhang Gen God changed for a while, and then disappeared into many runes.

But what is shocking is that even though he was surrounded by divine light, he still did not leave the battlefield, and he used his own cultivation to forcefully resist.

Also at this moment, his figure flashed, turning into a beam of light and flying.

"My God! What is he going to do?"

"Look quickly, does he want to enter the personal hegemony battlefield?" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

"Impossible... two different battlefields are like two realms, not to mention the ancient realm, even the giants of the realm can't break through it." Some people don't believe it.

Looking at the enchantment in front of him, Wentian's eyes flashed, and then the veins on his right arm bulged, and he punched angrily.

"Bang!" The punch landed on the barrier, but it trembled slightly, showing no sign of breaking it.

Immediately, the corners of many people's mouths were drawn, showing disdain.

"Haha! What a kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, does he really think that he is a giant in the realm, and he also wants to break the barrier?"

"In my opinion, this guy is humiliating himself!" Everyone laughed.

Even so, Wentian still didn't have the slightest intention to stop. He swung his fists furiously, and the first punch contained heavy power.

"Boom, boom, boom!!" Immediately, there were constant rumbles on the battlefield, and he had already punched hundreds of punches in an instant.

"What a strong physical body, what a domineering punch!" A senior monk said in shock.

Not to mention him, even the people who laughed at him before gradually showed serious expressions.

"Little bastard! Come in if you can! I will kill you with one hand!" On the black battlefield, Tian Kunzi roared.

He formed a mysterious seal with his hands, and then his eyes flashed coldly, and when the runes burst out, he pressed the nothingness hard.

"God Kun, come out for this young master."

"Bang!" A huge formation instantly appeared out of thin air, covering thousands of feet.

"The strongest magic in Kunshen Cave, Kunshen!" someone screamed from outside.

The other Shendong elders also suddenly changed their colors, and their eyes widened.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, nothingness was completely dark, looking extremely gloomy.

The wind is so cold that it seems to be able to freeze the soul. A huge monster with huge blood-red pupils condensed by black air shocked the world just like that.

"Ho Ho!" The gigantic creature roared, releasing a dark aura, as if it wanted to devour the sun and the moon in the sky.

God Kun, this is the strongest divine art in God Kun Cave.

"Tiankunzi, don't think that you are the only one who has cultivated the strongest magic technique, Zhenshen, so I don't need it."

The young master of Zhenshen Cave, who was dressed in black, seemed to be aroused in his heart. He looked crazy, and his hands suddenly clapped together.

"Boom!" Immediately, a shocking divine thunder fell from the sky, and the power of the thunder was extremely violent.

Immediately, a divine talisman appeared in the land of thunder and thunder, boom, boom, the sea of ​​thunder rolled, and a monster wrapped in lightning gradually showed its figure.

It roared to the sky, the roar was like thunder, and it was full of aura of extreme rage.

The strongest divine art "Zhenshen" in Zhenshen Cave was finally summoned.

In an instant, all the "gods" roared on the battlefield, as if they were staged a battle of ancient gods.

"Look, the "Zhenshen" was born with violent thunder power that day, and he is the incarnation of the ancient god." Someone exclaimed.

Boom boom boom! !God Gen, God Kun, and God Zhen started a fierce battle, and the entire battlefield was berserk, roaring so loudly that it was overwhelming.

The young master of Zhenshen Cave, Tian Kunzi and others finally showed their trump cards, hoping to use the strongest magic to defeat the powerful enemy with crushing power and dominate the king.

On the other side, after powerfully swinging three thousand punches, Wentian's figure flashed and he retreated a hundred feet away.

"What's wrong? Did he give up?"

"Haha! I have long said that this guy is humiliating himself!"

"It's just wishful thinking to break through the barrier in the ancient realm, it's simply wishful thinking." Many people in the crowd laughed wildly, and their expressions became arrogant.

The disciples and elders of Genshendong's faces were extremely ugly, and some even hesitated to speak.

"Great elder, you disciple..." The second elder was about to speak.

However, at this moment, Wentian moved again.

"Buzz!" A hazy light gushed out of his body, instantly surrounding his whole body, and then, he swiped his hands lightly, and countless runes appeared.

This is the Return to the Beginning Immortal Essay!

But he didn't stop there. His eyes were shining brightly, and his hands were frantically forming seals. The seal method was so mysterious that it dazzled people.

"Buzz buzz!!" When the seal method was determined, the countless fairy talismans in front of him surged rapidly, and in a moment they condensed into a pair of battle armor.

When the mind moved, the battle armor transformed from the fairy talisman flew towards him in an instant and merged with him.

Immediately, an aura that seemed real and fake, dreamlike and shadowy, leaked from all over his body, as if he was not only the beginning, but also the end.

In the shocked and unbelievable eyes of everyone, he was wearing a mysterious armor, his body turned into a beam of light, and disappeared into the white battlefield with a whoosh.

At this moment, the audience was silent, and everyone was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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