Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 816 Five Suns Destroy God!

Chapter 816 Five Suns Destroy God!

For countless years, the enchantment that had never been broken by anyone was actually broken, and the hearts of thousands of monks and mortals were extremely shocked.

"How is it possible? Isn't this enchantment difficult for even the giants of the realm to break through?" People's eyes widened, and turbulent waves arose in their hearts.

"Arrogance! No matter how strong this guy is, after the previous battle, his divine essence may be extremely low. Even if he enters a personal battle, he will only die."

"Master Tiankun killed him." Immediately, the disciple of Youkun Shendong roared, his expression full of viciousness.

Because if there are no accidents, the final winner of this battle of heroes will definitely be their Kunshen Cave, but now...

Thinking of not only their defeat in Kunshen Cave, but almost annihilation of their entire army, they felt extreme hatred in their hearts, and their eyes were full of cruelty when they looked at Wentian.

At this point in the battle, there are only the best players from the various god caves left on the battlefield of personal hegemony. To be precise, there are only seven people left.

They are Tian Kunzi, the young master of Zhenshen Cave, Ye Lichen, the senior brothers of Xunshen Cave, Kanshen Cave, Lishen Cave, and the senior sister of Duishen Cave.

As for the people in Ganshen Cave, they have already been eliminated.

But they were also lucky enough to save their lives, but it was the senior sister of Duishen Cave. Although she was still not eliminated, she was already bloody and seriously injured.

The moment Wentian stepped into the battlefield, she suddenly raised her head, with a strong unwillingness in her eyes, but the next moment, her face was full of bitterness: "I give up!"

"Hum!" Immediately, she was surrounded by divine light and disappeared on the battlefield in an instant.

"Duishen Cave was also defeated, and now there are only six Cave Gods left: Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, and Gen."

"No! Now there are only two people in Gen Shendong. Could it be that Gen Shendong will be the top of the Eight Great Shendongs this time?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

You must know that Gen Shendong in the past was only at the bottom of the list, even if it was not much better than Dui Shendong, but now not only won the group battle, but even this person has the upper hand in the hegemony battle.

"No! Although this kid broke through the boundary, he has reached the limit." Someone said.

Sure enough, everyone looked up, and then their expressions changed.

In the eyes of everyone, Wentian's complexion was pale, and his body shook slightly, which was obviously a sign of collapse.

From this point of view, the previous battle and breaking through the barrier did consume a lot of his strength.

Even so, his eyes were still sharp as a blade.

When he stepped into the battlefield, the person closest to him was the elder brother of Xunshen Cave.

Looking at Wentian, whose face was pale and his breath was weak, a bright light flashed in this person's eyes.

"The strength of this guy in his heyday is by no means inferior to that of Ye Lichen. Once he recovers, the two of them joining forces may be even more difficult than Kunzi that day. If so..."

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged in nothingness like this, and when he folded his hands, he was chanting words.

"Xunshen!" He suddenly opened his eyes and shouted domineeringly.

Fluffy! !Immediately, a monstrous divine flame broke out with him as the center, covering thousands of feet in an instant, turning into a sea of ​​flames.

Indistinctly, there is a talisman covered with ancient characters, floating in the sea of ​​flames strangely, it seems to be the talisman of the flame god.

"Roar!" The sea of ​​flames boiled wildly, and there was a loud noise that looked like a human being but not a beast, and was filled with an incomparably ferocious aura.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, a flaming giant of a thousand feet appeared, standing in nothingness, not to mention the red half of the sky, and exuding a monstrous warmth.

"That is?"

"It's the Sun God of the Sun God Cave!"

"Wow... Unexpectedly, the elder brother of Xunshen Cave, he has also cultivated the strongest magic!"

When everyone outside was shocked, they looked extremely excited.

"This guy hides so deeply, and he seems to be quite ambitious." In the formation of Xianfeng Pavilion, Qin Nu said in a deep voice.

Obviously, even they don't know that the elder brother of Xunshen Cave has also cultivated the strongest magic.

"That guy is probably about to perish!"

"Hmph! In the middle stage of the Ancient Realm, his death is not a pity!" In the Zhenfeng Pavilion, the four women of spring, summer, autumn and winter said that someone looked at Wentian with cold eyes.

Just because they are people from Zhenfeng Pavilion.

After all, as we all know, Fang Yun, the son of the gods, intends to make Kun Shendong the first of the eight god caves, and then unify the god caves and become a more powerful existence than the great forces of the human race.

And Fairy Zhenlian of their Xianfeng Pavilion is the recognized Taoist companion of the Holy Son. In this way, except for Tian Kunzi, everyone else is an obstacle in their eyes.

"Boy, entering this battlefield is the worst choice of your life!" said the elder brother of Xunshen Cave, sitting cross-legged above Xunshen's head, with fierce eyes.

When the words fell, the Xun God under him opened his mouth wide.

boom!Immediately, a monstrous divine flame rushed out violently, instantly transformed into a flame beast, and devoured towards Wentian.

Everything happened in an instant. The elder brother of Xunshen Cave summoned Xunshen, which was completely unexpected. Even Tian Kunzi, Ye Lichen and others failed to recover.

At this moment, the intruding Wentian was completely submerged by the flames of Sunda God.

"Haha! This guy is finally dead!"

"With this Xunshen peak strike, no matter how powerful this guy is, but in his condition, there is no chance of survival."

"Damn it, this is his own death, and he will not be wronged by others. As the saying goes, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit!" Many people outside the battlefield sneered.

Ye Lichen noticed that his eyes suddenly shrank, but after a while, his expression returned to normal.

"Roar..." Suddenly, in the monstrous sea of ​​flames, there was an astonishing roar of a beast.

As soon as the roar came out, the expressions of countless people changed drastically, and their wide eyes were filled with inconceivable light.

"How is it possible? Is this the voice of Longlin?"

In that horrific sea of ​​flames, a huge figure flashed indistinctly.

"Could it be a dragon?" Someone yelled.

Because those who can transform into dragons and phoenixes with divine power are all extremely talented people.

Except for those giants in the realm, the entire younger generation of Tianjiao, now only the son of the dragon, Lin Wentian, has the power of a real dragon.

It's just that this phantom disappeared in an instant, and the next moment, rounds of scorching suns rose, dazzling the sacred light.

The five suns rose to their arrogance, shining on the entire battlefield and causing a sensation in the audience.

"My God! How is this possible?"

"This is the Nine Suns Divine Art of the Fierce Sun Sect, the so-called power of the five suns! Who the hell is he?" Looking at the rising five rounds of the fierce sun, countless people screamed, their hearts were filled with terror.

After all, this Nine Suns Divine Art is famous and famous. It is the peerless exercise of the Nine Suns Emperor back then, and it is also the school of the entire Lieyang Sect.

"Could it be that he was a disciple of the Lieyang Sect?" Some people wondered.

In the sea of ​​flames, Wentian swiped his hands rapidly, evolving five rounds of blazing sun with the power of true and false.

His eyes flashed, and the five rounds of Lieyang spun at high speed, striking out with mighty momentum.

Wuyang Breaks God!

(End of this chapter)

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