Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 817 Ascension in September

Chapter 817
The five rounds of Lieyang rotated at high speed and turned into a god ring, which was struck out with crushing force, as if to destroy the "Sun God".

"The power of the five yangs of the Nine Suns Divine Art?"

"So what? Don't try to break my Xunshen." The senior brother of Xunshen Cave roared, his hands frantically formed seals, and in an instant, the fireworks Xunshen under him opened its mouth and roared, and the divine flame rushed out.

Boom boom boom!Suddenly, the entire battlefield trembled violently, and the ground seemed unable to bear the force because of cracks.

At this moment, everyone who was fighting fiercely was stunned.

Obviously, this is due to the appearance of the five yangs.

"Nine Suns God Emperor's Nine Suns Divine Art, against Xunshen Cave's strongest magic, who will win?"

"Although the divine arts of the Eight Great Divine Caves are mentioned, in terms of level, they are still no match for the Nine Suns Divine Art, unless someone combines the Eight Great Divine Arts." Someone said solemnly.

The flames were raging, and that astonishing power could easily burn out the true god realm. However, despite this, a god ring transformed from five shapes, it still descended from the sky, overwhelmingly suppressing the sun god.

"Kill!" Eldest brother Xunshendong, with a ferocious face like a beast, roared crazily in his heart.

Originally, by exposing the strongest magic technique, he could catch the person in front of him by surprise and easily kill him, but he couldn't kill him, and wanted to kill him instead, which made him feel extremely angry!
This is a great shame!

Because the other party has long since come to an end, but his spirit is still strong!

"Puffy!" During the roar, the sun god on his body raised his head to the sky and roared, and then his body exploded, turning into a terrifying flame.

"Roar!" In an instant, it turned into a thousand-foot flame beast. This beast was seventy percent similar to a unicorn, and its flames were so mighty.

Boom boom boom!The next moment, it roared wildly, and with the blood in its eyes, it rushed out violently, wanting to burn the sky and the earth, and the god ring.

boom! !A terrifying roar exploded in everyone's minds, and countless people's expressions changed drastically at this moment.

"" Out of the blazing emptiness, a discomfited body sprang out, and then the person's complexion turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

It is the elder brother of Xunshen Cave!
It's just that he here still had a look of deep fear, but not long after, he suddenly laughed wildly: "Haha! The Nine Suns Divine Art is nothing more than that!"

It was only here that he discovered that the rumored Nine Suns Divine Art was nothing special, hadn't it been broken by him with the strongest magical technique?
He believed that when the news got out, he would cause a sensation in the human race, and his reputation would rise from then on, even chasing after the Son of Thunder God, Gu Jian, Wukong Saint Monk and others.

Thinking of this, he became more and more proud, and his expression was full of arrogance.

"You were too happy!" Suddenly, just as he was in ecstasy, a cold voice suddenly came from above his head.

In an instant, his expression changed suddenly: "You are not dead yet?"

His eyes were wide open, full of deep disbelief, he still couldn't figure out why the other party was already exhausted, but he still didn't die.

"You want me to die? You are not qualified!" Wen Tian's long hair danced wildly, his expression filled with endless coldness.

He was not at all surprised that the Five Suns Divine Ring was broken. After all, his Nine Suns Divine Art was not the real Nine Suns Divine Art, but it was evolved by him with true and false powers.

His eyes flashed coldly, then he raised his head slightly.

"Buzz buzz!!"

In an instant, nothingness is dazzling with silver light, and rounds of silver moons rise.

September rises!Shock the audience!
"Ho Ho Ho!!" As soon as the nine rounds of silver moon came out, illusory beast shadows condensed out one after another, and they roared to the sky, exuding an ancient aura.

"This is a pure-blood beast, Silver Moon Sirius!"

"Oh my God! How pure and strong is the spirit in his body? He can sacrifice ten rounds of silver moons at the same time?" Countless people were stunned and screamed.

You must know that ordinary people have already consumed most of their divine energy for casting a single pure-blood beast treasure technique, yet the person in front of them sacrificed ten rounds of silver moons at the same time, which is simply too inconceivable.

This is definitely Zhen Gu Shuo Gu!

"September is all here, and the silver moon is screaming!" Wentian looked domineering, said domineeringly, and let out a deep shout.

After the words fell, he suddenly waved.

Buzz buzz! !Immediately, nine rounds of silver moons were sacrificed by him, with overwhelming power, rushing out with such might as a broken bamboo, making the whole nothingness humming, as if the barrier was about to be broken.

"No..." Feeling this monstrous power, the elder brother of Xunshen Cave turned pale, and his heart was enveloped by a breath of death.

He roared heart-piercingly, with unprecedented fear.

"Boom!" September came out together, shaking the heavens and the earth, an astonishing force swept across the sky, nothingness continued to explode violently, and the earth continued to collapse.

Fortunately, there seems to be a strange force in this battlefield, which is constantly repairing automatically.

"Om!" With a flash of divine light, a figure in embarrassment fell outside the arena, and with a bang, he spurted three mouthfuls of blood, his face pale as snow.

This embarrassed figure was none other than the elder brother from Xunshen Cave, his whole body was covered in blood, and his pupils were filled with deep fear.

almost!Just a little short!

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now and abstained at the critical moment, his fear would have been blasted out of his body here, and he would have fallen out of his wits.

And at this moment, everyone came back to their senses.

Looking at the man standing in the middle of the storm, with long hair dancing wildly, his face turning pale, but his eyes still sharp, they felt a thunderbolt in their hearts, and felt a buzzing in their brains.

"How is it possible? With his situation, he can still defeat the elder brother of Xunshen Cave?"

"Nine silver moons screamed out of the sky, and the sky was destroyed. This person is definitely a shocking talent."

One after another exclamation came from the mouths of the crowd, especially some monks in the mortal realm, their eyes showed fanaticism.

Especially the Great Elder and other people in Gen Shendong, they were dumbfounded, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, the Great Elder's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed loudly.

At the same time, there was a flash of thunder on the battlefield, and a huge monster instantly appeared behind Wentian.

The thunder was extremely violent, and this huge figure swung a huge divine fist, which contained astonishing thunder power and wrath.

It is the strongest magic technique of Zhenshen Cave, Zhenshen.

"Death!" The young master of Zhenshen Cave had a ferocious face, and the thunder element in both arms violently poured into Zhenshen's body.

In an instant, Wentian's expression changed slightly!

He didn't have time to dodge, he was hit hard by this punch, and his whole body fell on the barrier, with a bang, traces of blood ooze from the corner of his mouth.

The power of this "Shocking God" thunder is not only violent, but also the speed is astonishing. In addition, the attack of the young master of the Shocking God Cave seems to have been premeditated for a long time, which led to him being attacked.

But even so, the ruthless light in Wentian's eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Boy! This time I see you are still running away!" After a flash, the young master of Zhenshen Cave, dressed in black, rushed forward, holding a magic knife, and slashed fiercely.

This slash was his decisive blow. He believed that no one would be able to survive under the realm, let alone a mid-stage Ancient Realm who was seriously injured.

"That is the true god's peak weapon, the Thunder Slayer Sword. It is said that this sword was the divine weapon of Zhenshen Cave Master in those days. It once killed a realm evil spirit with the power of a single sword. It is the pinnacle of true divine weapons."

"This kid is about to perish!" Immediately, there was an uproar from the outside world, and the elders and disciples of Gen Shendong's complexions were even paler.

Faced with this knife, Wentian seemed to have no means. In the blink of an eye, he swung his fleshy palm and slashed out with five fingers like a knife.

"What? This guy actually used his flesh and blood to touch the Thunder God Knife head-on?"


"Haha! It's so ridiculous. It seems that this guy is at the end of his rope. This is hitting a stone with a pebble." Countless people laughed wildly, their expressions full of disdain.

"Clang!" The next moment, a metal-like collision sound transmitted through the entire Eight Regions Martial Arts Field.

(End of this chapter)

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