Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 818 What is he!

Chapter 818 What is he!
(two more)
At this moment, the world was so quiet that a needle could be heard falling, and countless people were stunned.

Because the flying flesh and blood that everyone imagined did not appear, on the battlefield, the knife of flesh and blood collided with the Thunder God Knife, sparking dazzling sparks.

It seemed that after a long time, everyone came back to their senses, and they couldn't help but gasped.

"Oh my god! With a body of flesh and blood, he actually received a blow from the Thunder God Sword, the pinnacle weapon of the true god. How is this possible?"

"What? His flesh and blood palm didn't hurt at all. Could it be that his physical body has reached the peak of Xiaocheng?"

"No... this is absolutely impossible!"

"Not to mention the disciples of the Eight Great God Caves, even the entire human race, there are not many people in the younger generation who can reach it. Even the Immortal Peak, which focuses on the body, is rumored to be only the sixth son Wukong and the seventh son Lin Wen. God got to this point."

Everyone screamed, completely shocked.

On the battlefield, I saw Wentian's saber collided head-on with the Thunder God Knife, not to mention that there was no blood spattering, which made the Thunder God Knife tremble violently.

"No... I don't believe it." The young master of Zhenshen Cave roared.

With a buzzing sound, a divine light flashed in his left hand, and a dagger appeared in an instant. It was indeed a real artifact, and its quality was extremely high.

The dagger stabbed out like a poisonous snake, piercing his chest, as if it wanted to pierce his heart.

After all, the heart is the weakest point of the human race.

However, Wentian noticed that he didn't dodge at all, instead a sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.

Because through many times of force, it can be said that his heart is stronger than the physical body, and he has a Taoist heart that neither the Son of Dao nor the Son of God has.

Sure enough, although the dagger was sharp, it still failed to cut through his flesh, leaving only a white mark on his skin.

The young master of Zhenshen Cave looked stunned, his whole mind went blank, and he seemed to forget even the exclamation.

"You can't hurt me even with this big knife, and you want to kill me with just this dagger?" Wen Tian said coldly, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to see those Tianxue mountains, the tragic deaths of ordinary people, and Nianyun's crying and helpless appearance.

In an instant, his eyes turned red.

Immediately, the five fingers of his left hand gathered together, the blood in his body boiled completely, and an invincible aura as fierce as a beast exploded.

"Death!" He raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, raised his Flesh God Fist, and swung it fiercely.

With a punch, it seemed to smash the sun, the moon and the stars, the fist roared like a beast, and the nothingness exploded with a bang, and a huge void appeared.

Boom boom boom! !The battlefield continued to shatter, and the terrifying aftermath swept the sky. Even Tian Kunzi, Ye Lichen and others who were fighting were blown away by the aftermath.

"Not good!" In the formation of Dao Palace, Qing Ba's face changed drastically.

The four girls of spring, summer, autumn and winter, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, their eyelids twitched, and there was a shock in their eyes.

"Little Lord!"

"Bastard! Boy, I will never die with you in Zhenshendong!" Outside the battlefield, the elders and disciples of Zhenshendong yelled heart-rendingly, their blood-red pupils full of viciousness and viciousness.

died!Because the young master of their Shocking God Cave is dead!
In a strange space, dozens of figures stood tall, but at this moment, a terrifying murderous intent emanated from one of them.

Boom boom boom! !Immediately, many old figures looked pale, their eyes full of fear and deep fear.

Because this person exuding killing intent is none other than Zhenshen Cave Master, a god who has reached the peak of the power of the six realms.

"What a Gen God Cave!"

"If you dare to kill my son, there is no place for you to hide." His eyes were vicious, and his voice was extremely cold.

He hates it!Hate myself for not being able to make a move!
Cave Master Gen Shen and the four Supreme Elders had their eyelids twitching, and their expressions changed.

Because Dabi seems to be gradually beyond their grasp.

After all, although they want to win, they don't want to completely offend all the cave masters, otherwise, they will become public enemies in Shenshen Cave.

"Hey!" Cave Master Gen Shen sighed softly in his heart, remembering something, his eyes revealed extremely complex expressions.

"Is he your pawn?" He suddenly raised his head and looked at the nothingness in the distance.


The battlefield was filled with a thick mist of blood. Wentian here, although his complexion was pale, but standing in the air, he formed an invincible aura.



When the young master of Zhenshen Cave died, the Zhenshen summoned by him also collapsed and turned into a berserk thunder.

"Suck..." There was a deep sucking sound suddenly.

The next moment, there was a shocking scene.

I don't know when, Qingba from the Taoist Palace has appeared on the battlefield, he opened his mouth and sucked lightly, and the violent thunder turned into gentle water and was sucked into his body.

Boom boom boom! !Immediately, there was a sound of thunder in his body, bursts of thunder burst out, his long silver hair fluttered, and a mysterious rune appeared between his eyebrows.

It looks like a mark of thunder!
His expression was domineering, and the aura on his body violently exploded. In a split second, the entire battlefield was shrouded in a terrifying divine power.

Sensing this coercion, everyone's expressions changed drastically, even the elders of the outside gods' cave were shocked, and their breathing became short of breath.

"Half-step boundary?"

"This Qingba's cultivation has reached the half-step realm. No wonder there are rumors that this person is the fierce general next to Fang Yun, the holy son, and his strength is not even weak. He is the son of Thunder God of Thunder Cloud Sect." Shoot out a terrifying awn.

Not only Qingba, but Baidu Fairy, Hong Jin and others also entered the battlefield. They looked proud and looked down at the pale-faced Wentian.

"You are very strong! On behalf of the Son of Sacredness, I invite you to enter my Dao Palace!" Qing's domineering momentum was overwhelming, standing in mid-air, as if the ancient god had reappeared.

Wentian sneered: "Holy Son, what kind of thing is he?"


"Bastard! The mere ants are looking for death!" Before Qingba could say anything, Hong Jin roared ferociously, and with a bang, his spirit exploded.

"Wow! He actually rejected the invitation from the Dao Palace. Doesn't he know that those who can enter the Dao Palace, as long as they don't fall in the future, it will be inevitable to become a giant in the realm?" Someone outside the venue exclaimed.

"What an arrogant boy! Do you really think that by defeating Tianjiao of the Eight Great God Caves, you can be so defiant and ignore the Son of God?"

"Hmph... I really don't know how to live or die, let alone the Holy Son, Qingba alone can easily suppress and kill him." Someone said coldly, with extremely vicious eyes.

Qingba's face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were flickering with murderous intent.

He didn't expect that the kid in front of him would be so ignorant.

"If you are not used by the Son of God, there is only one end, and that is death!" His voice was extremely cold, and the roar of thunder on his body was faint, and there seemed to be a pair of thunderbolts condensed behind him.

When the words fell, he raised a hand, and then swung it down suddenly.

"Crack!" Immediately, a divine thunder like a dragon descended from the sky, with unstoppable power, it hit the huge monster directly.

This behemoth is exactly the God Gen summoned by Ye Lichen.

"Boom!" The loud noise was earth-shattering.

"No..." Amidst the violent roar, came an unwilling roar.

The divine thunder landed, blasting Ye Lichen's "Gen God" instantly, and he spurted blood wildly with a bang, staining nothingness red.

"Bang!" He fell outside, half of his body was destroyed, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He lost!And it was defeated by one move!
At this moment, not only him, but everyone felt a thunderbolt in their hearts. Looking at Qing Ba, who was like an ancient god reappearing, his eyes were full of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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